이름 | 설명 |
ADBannerView | |
ADError | |
ADInterstitialAd | |
AccelerationEvent | |
AddComponentMenu | |
AddComponentMenuAttribute | |
AnchoredJoint2D | Parent class for all joints that have anchor points. |
AndroidInput | AndroidInput provides support for off-screen touch input, such as a touchpad. |
AndroidJNI | |
AndroidJNIHelper | |
AndroidJNISafe | |
AndroidJavaClass | |
AndroidJavaException | |
AndroidJavaObject | |
AndroidJavaProxy | This class can be used to implement any java interface. Any java vm method invocation matching the interface on the proxy object will automatically be passed to the c# implementation. |
AndroidJavaRunnableProxy | |
AndroidReflection | |
Animation | |
Animation.Enumerator | |
AnimationClip | |
AnimationClipPair | |
AnimationCurve | |
AnimationEvent | |
AnimationInfo | |
AnimationState | |
Animator | |
AnimatorClipInfo | |
AnimatorControllerParameter | |
AnimatorOverrideController | Interface to control AnimatorOverrideController. |
AnimatorStateInfo | |
AnimatorTransitionInfo | |
AnimatorUtility | Various utilities for animator manipulation. |
Application | |
AreaEffector2D | |
AssetBundle | |
AssetBundleCreateRequest | |
AssetBundleManifest | Manifest for all the AssetBundles in the build. |
AssetBundleRequest | |
AsyncOperation | |
AudioChorusFilter | The Audio Chorus Filter takes an Audio Clip and processes it creating a chorus effect. |
AudioClip | A container for audio data. |
AudioConfiguration | |
AudioDistortionFilter | The Audio Distortion Filter distorts the sound from an AudioSource or sounds reaching the AudioListener. |
AudioEchoFilter | The Audio Echo Filter repeats a sound after a given Delay, attenuating the repetitions based on the Decay Ratio. |
AudioHighPassFilter | |
AudioListener | |
AudioLowPassFilter | |
AudioReverbFilter | |
AudioReverbZone | |
AudioSettings | |
AudioSource | |
Avatar | |
AvatarBuilder | |
Behaviour | Behaviour 是一种可以控制 激活/失效 的 Component。 参见:MonoBehaviour 和 Component. |
BillboardAsset | |
BillboardRenderer | Renders a billboard. |
BitStream | |
BoneWeight | |
BoundingSphere | |
Bounds | |
BoxCollider | |
BoxCollider2D | |
BuoyancyEffector2D | Applies forces to simulate buoyancy, fluid-flow and fluid drag. |
CacheIndex | |
Caching | |
Camera | |
Canvas | Element that can be used for screen rendering. |
CanvasGroup | A Canvas placable element that can be used to modify children Alpha, Raycasting, Enabled state. |
CanvasRenderer | |
CapsuleCollider | |
CapsuleCollider2D | A capsule-shaped primitive collider. |
CharacterController | |
CharacterInfo | |
CharacterJoint | |
CircleCollider2D | Collider for 2D physics representing an circle. |
CircleEquations_Tests | |
ClassLibraryInitializer | |
Cloth | |
ClothRenderer | |
ClothSkinningCoefficient | |
ClothSphereColliderPair | |
ClusterInput | Interface for reading and writing inputs in a Unity Cluster. |
ClusterNetwork | A helper class that contains static method to inquire status of Unity Cluster. |
Collider | |
Collider2D | |
Collision | |
Collision2D | |
Color | |
Color32 | |
ColorExtensions | |
ColorExtensions_Tests | |
ColorUsageAttribute | |
ColorUtility | A collection of common color functions. |
CombineInstance | |
Compass | |
Component | |
ComputeBuffer | |
ComputeShader | |
ConfigurableJoint | The configurable joint is an extremely flexible joint giving you complete control over rotation and linear motion. |
ConstantForce | |
ConstantForce2D | Applies both linear and angular (torque) forces continuously to the rigidbody each physics update. |
ConstructorSafeAttribute | |
ContactPoint | |
ContactPoint2D | |
ContextMenu | |
ContextMenuItemAttribute | |
ControllerColliderHit | |
Coroutine | |
CppBodyAttribute | |
CppIncludeAttribute | |
CppPropertyAttribute | |
CppPropertyBodyAttribute | |
CrashReport | Holds data for a single application crash event and provides access to all gathered crash reports. |
CreateAssetMenuAttribute | |
Cubemap | Class for handling cube maps, Use this to create or modify existing. |
CubemapArray | Class for handling Cubemap arrays. |
CullingGroupEvent | |
Cursor | |
CustomYieldInstruction | Base class for custom yield instructions to suspend coroutines. |
Debug | |
DebugLogHandler | |
DetailPrototype | |
Display | |
DisplayAttribute | |
DistanceJoint2D | Joint that keeps two Rigidbody2D objects a fixed distance apart. |
DrivenRectTransformTracker | A component can be designed drive a RectTransform. The DrivenRectTransformTracker struct is used to specify which RectTransforms it is driving. |
DynamicGI | Allows to control the dynamic Global Illumination. |
EdgeCollider2D | Collider for 2D physics representing an arbitrary set of connected edges (lines) defined by its vertices. |
Effector2D | A base class for all 2D effectors. |
EllipsoidParticleEmitter | Class used to allow GameObject.AddComponent / GameObject.GetComponent to be used. |
EnumInfo | |
Event | |
ExecuteInEditMode | |
ExitGUIException | |
FixedJoint | |
FixedJoint2D | Connects two Rigidbody2D together at their anchor points using a configurable spring. |
Flare | |
FlareEditor | |
FlareLayer | |
Font | Script interface for. |
FrictionJoint2D | Applies both force and torque to reduce both the linear and angular velocities to zero. |
GL | |
GUI | |
GUIAspectSizer | |
GUIClip | |
GUIContent | |
GUIDebugger | |
GUIElement | |
GUIGridSizer | |
GUILayer | |
GUILayout | |
GUILayout.AreaScope | Disposable helper class for managing BeginArea / EndArea. |
GUILayout.HorizontalScope | Disposable helper class for managing BeginHorizontal / EndHorizontal. |
GUILayout.LayoutedWindow | |
GUILayout.ScrollViewScope | |
GUILayout.VerticalScope | |
GUILayoutEntry | |
GUILayoutGroup | |
GUILayoutOption | |
GUILayoutUtility | |
GUILayoutUtility.LayoutCache | |
GUIScrollGroup | |
GUISettings | |
GUISkin | |
GUIStateObjects | |
GUIStyle | |
GUIStyleState | |
GUITargetAttribute | |
GUIText | |
GUITexture | |
GUIUtility | |
GUIWordWrapSizer | |
GameObject | |
Geometry | |
GeometryUtility | Utility class for common geometric functions. |
Gizmos | Gizmos are used to give visual debugging or setup aids in the scene view. |
Gradient | |
GradientAlphaKey | |
GradientColorKey | |
Graphics | |
Gyroscope | Interface into the Gyroscope. |
Handheld | Interface into functionality unique to handheld devices. |
Hash128 | Represent the hash value. |
HeaderAttribute | |
HelpURLAttribute | |
HideInInspector | |
HingeJoint | |
HingeJoint2D | Joint that allows a Rigidbody2D object to rotate around a point in space or a point on another object. |
HostData | |
HumanBone | |
HumanDescription | |
HumanLimit | |
HumanPose | |
HumanPoseHandler | A handler that lets you read or write a HumanPose from or to a humanoid avatar skeleton hierarchy. |
HumanTrait | Details of all the human bone and muscle types defined by Mecanim. |
IL2CPPStructAlignmentAttribute | |
ImageEffectOpaque | |
ImageEffectTransformsToLDR | |
ImplementedInActionScriptAttribute | |
Input | |
InteractiveCloth | |
InternalDrawTextureArguments | |
InternalEmitParticleArguments | |
InternalStaticBatchingUtility | |
Internal_DrawArguments | |
Internal_DrawMeshMatrixArguments | |
Internal_DrawMeshTRArguments | |
Internal_DrawWithTextSelectionArguments | |
Joint | Joint is the base class for all joints. |
Joint2D | Parent class for joints to connect Rigidbody2D objects. |
JointAngleLimits2D | |
JointDrive | |
JointLimits | |
JointMotor | |
JointMotor2D | |
JointSpring | |
JointSuspension2D | |
JointTranslationLimits2D | |
Keyframe | |
LOD | |
LODGroup | |
LayerMask | |
LensFlare | |
LensFlareEditor | |
Light | |
LightProbeGroup | Light Probe Group. |
LightProbeProxyVolume | The Light Probe Proxy Volume component offers the possibility to use higher resolution lighting for large non-static GameObjects. |
LightProbes | |
LightmapData | |
LightmapSettings | |
LineRenderer | |
LocalNotification | |
LocationInfo | |
LocationService | |
Logger | Initializes a new instance of the Logger. |
MasterServer | |
MatchTargetWeightMask | |
Material | The material class. |
MaterialPropertyBlock | A block of material values to apply. |
Mathf | |
Matrix4x4 | |
Mesh | |
MeshCollider | |
MeshFilter | |
MeshParticleEmitter | |
MeshRenderer | |
MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshContainer | |
MeshSubsetCombineUtility.MeshInstance | |
MeshSubsetCombineUtility.SubMeshInstance | |
Microphone | |
MissingComponentException | |
MissingReferenceException | |
MonoBehaviour | |
Motion | |
MovieTexture | |
MultilineAttribute | |
NScreenBridge | |
NavMesh | |
NavMeshAgent | |
NavMeshHit | |
NavMeshObstacle | |
NavMeshPath | |
NavMeshTriangulation | |
Network | The network class is at the heart of the network implementation and provides the core functions. |
NetworkMessageInfo | |
NetworkPlayer | |
NetworkView | |
NetworkViewID | |
NotConvertedAttribute | |
NotFlashValidatedAttribute | |
NotRenamedAttribute | |
Notification | |
NotificationServices | |
Object | |
OcclusionArea | |
OcclusionPortal | |
OffMeshLink | |
OffMeshLinkData | |
Particle | |
ParticleAnimator | |
ParticleCollisionEvent | |
ParticleEmitter | |
ParticlePhysicsExtensions | |
ParticleRenderer | |
ParticleSystem | |
ParticleSystem.CollisionEvent | |
ParticleSystem.Particle | |
ParticleSystemExtensionsImpl | |
ParticleSystemRenderer | |
PhysicMaterial | |
Physics | Global physics properties and helper methods. |
Physics2D | Global settings and helpers for 2D physics. |
PhysicsMaterial2D | Asset type that defines the surface properties of a Collider2D. |
Ping | |
Plane | |
PlatformEffector2D | Applies "platform" behaviour such as one-way collisions etc. |
PlayerPrefs | |
PlayerPrefsException | |
PointEffector2D | Applies forces to attract/repulse against a point. |
PolygonCollider2D | Collider for 2D physics representing an arbitrary polygon defined by its vertices. |
ProceduralMaterial | |
ProceduralPropertyDescription | |
ProceduralTexture | Class for ProceduralTexture handling. |
Profiler | |
Projector | |
PropertyAttribute | |
QualitySettings | Script interface for. |
Quaternion | |
RPC | |
Random | 用于产生随机数据的类。 |
Random.State | |
RangeAttribute | |
Ray | |
Ray2D | A ray in 2D space. |
RaycastCollider | |
RaycastHit | |
RaycastHit2D | |
Rect | |
RectOffset | |
RectTransform | Position, size, anchor and pivot information for a rectangle. |
RectTransformUtility | Utility class containing helper methods for working with RectTransform. |
ReferenceData | |
ReflectionProbe | The reflection probe is used to capture the surroundings into a texture which is passed to the shaders and used for reflections. |
RelativeJoint2D | Keeps two Rigidbody2D at their relative orientations. |
RemoteNotification | |
RenderBuffer | |
RenderBufferHelper | |
RenderSettings | |
RenderTargetSetup | |
RenderTexture | |
Renderer | |
RequireComponent | |
Resolution | |
ResourceRequest | |
Resources | |
Rigidbody | |
Rigidbody2D | |
RuntimeAnimatorController | Runtime representation of the AnimatorController. It can be used to change the Animator's controller during runtime. |
RuntimeInitializeClassInfo | |
RuntimeInitializeMethodInfo | |
RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManager | |
RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute | |
RuntimeUndo | |
SamsungTV | Interface into SamsungTV specific functionality. |
SamsungTV.OpenAPI | Access to TV specific information. |
Screen | |
ScriptableObject | |
ScrollWaitDefinitions | |
Security | Webplayer security related class. |
SendMouseEvents | |
SendMouseEvents.HitInfo | |
SerializeField | |
SerializePrivateVariables | |
SetupCoroutine | |
Shader | |
ShaderVariantCollection | ShaderVariantCollection records which shader variants are actually used in each shader. |
ShaderVariantCollection.ShaderVariant | Identifies a specific variant of a shader. |
SkeletonBone | |
SkinnedCloth | |
SkinnedMeshRenderer | The Skinned Mesh filter. |
Skybox | |
SleepTimeout | Constants for special values of Screen.sleepTimeout. |
SliderHandler | |
SliderJoint2D | Joint that restricts the motion of a Rigidbody2D object to a single line. |
SliderState | |
Social | |
SoftJointLimit | |
SoftJointLimitSpring | |
SortingLayer | |
SpaceAttribute | |
SparseTexture | Class for handling Sparse Textures. |
SphereCollider | A sphere-shaped primitive collider. |
SplatPrototype | |
SpringJoint | |
SpringJoint2D | |
Sprite | Represents a Sprite object for use in 2D gameplay. |
SpriteRenderer | |
StackTraceUtility | |
StateMachineBehaviour | |
StaticBatchingUtility | |
SurfaceEffector2D | |
SystemClock | |
SystemInfo | |
TargetJoint2D | The joint attempts to move a Rigidbody2D to a specific target position. |
Terrain | |
TerrainCollider | |
TerrainData | |
TextAreaAttribute | |
TextAsset | Text file assets. |
TextEditor | |
TextGenerationSettings | |
TextGenerator | |
TextMesh | |
Texture | |
Texture2D | |
Texture2DArray | Class for handling 2D texture arrays. |
Texture3D | Class for handling 3D Textures, Use this to create. |
TextureExtensions | |
ThreadSafeAttribute | |
Time | |
TooltipAttribute | |
Touch | |
TouchScreenKeyboard | Interface into the native iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps on-screen keyboards - it is not available on other platforms. |
TouchScreenKeyboard_InternalConstructorHelperArguments | |
TrackedReference | |
TrailRenderer | |
Transform | |
Transform.Enumerator | |
TransformExtensions | Extansioon methods for Vector3 modification and easy transform vector3 modifications. Each method has optional parameters so you can call them in your preferred order and/or omit parameters you don't want to use. For example, vector3.SetValues(z:10) will set only the z value on the returned Vector3. |
Tree | Tree Component for the tree creator. |
TreeInstance | |
TreePrototype | |
Types | |
UICharInfo | |
UILineInfo | |
UIVertex | |
UnassignedReferenceException | |
UnhandledExceptionHandler | |
UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute | |
UnityEventQueueSystem | |
UnityException | |
UnityLogWriter | |
UnityString | |
UserAuthorizationDialog | |
Vector2 | |
Vector3 | |
Vector4 | struct for hold four floats |
VerticalScope | Disposable helper class for managing BeginVertical / EndVertical. |
WWW | |
WWWForm | Helper class to generate form data to post to web servers using the WWW class. |
WWWTranscoder | |
WaitForEndOfFrame | |
WaitForFixedUpdate | |
WaitForSeconds | |
WaitForSecondsRealtime | Suspends the coroutine execution for the given amount of seconds using unscaled time. |
WaitUntil | Suspends the coroutine execution until the supplied delegate evaluates to true. |
WaitWhile | Suspends the coroutine execution until the supplied delegate evaluates to false. |
WeakListenerBindings | |
WebCamDevice | |
WebCamTexture | |
WheelCollider | |
WheelFrictionCurve | |
WheelHit | |
WheelJoint2D | The wheel joint allows the simulation of wheels by providing a constraining suspension motion with an optional motor. |
WindZone | Wind Zones add realism to the trees you create by making them wave their branches and leaves as if blown by the wind. |
YieldInstruction | |
iPhone | |
iPhoneAccelerationEvent | |
iPhoneInput | |
iPhoneKeyboard | |
iPhoneSettings | |
iPhoneTouch | |
iPhoneUtils | |
jvalue |