C# (CSharp) UnityPlatformer 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
AICannon Static cannon Artificial inteligence. This just fire projectiles enabling 'Attack' in the input every fireDelay To configure Projectile(s) you must add CharacterActionProjectile to your Enemy Character
AIGoomba Patrol Artificial inteligence. Does not require Actions but it's recommended\n If no CharacterActionAirMovement it will froze while on air\n If no CharacterActionGroundMovement it will froze while on ground\n
AIInput Fake input for AI. Allow to manually (by code) control input/actions.\n This way a AI is exactly like a playable character and no code duplication :)
AIJumper Jump until obstacle. NOTE if you want the Jumper to move on ground add: CharacterActionGroundMovement\n TODO follow player (turn always)\n TODO jump delay\n TODO can turn during jump\n
BoundsExtension UnityEngine.Bounds
Box Box Tile A box is a combination of a Character and MovingPlatform.
BoxTrigger2D Shortcut to create a Trigger2D, configure: BoxCollider2D and Rigidbody2D. *NOTE* BoxCollider2D and Rigidbody2D will be hidden.
CameraFollow Camera follow Character
CharacterActionAirMovement Movement while airbone, despite beeing falling, jumping...
CharacterActionCrounch Crounch
CharacterActionCrounchMovement Movement while on ground and not slipping
CharacterActionFence Move in a fence. The character must be completely inside the fence to enter
CharacterActionGrab Grab 'something' and freeze.
CharacterActionGroundMovement Movement while on ground and not slipping
CharacterActionHorizontalMovement Movement while on ground and not slipping
CharacterActionJump Jump while on ground. The rest jumps, are managed here, but using jump properties/type elsewhere, just by calling Jump() / ForceJump()\n NOTE unity-platformer support multiple types of jumps. We just ship one type here, be free to extend!\n NOTE executionOrder should be -20\n TODO force one jump per press, force to release before another jump\n
CharacterActionLadder Climb a ladder
CharacterActionLiquidMovement Movement while below water surface (buoyancy) TODO slopeAccelerationFactor/slopeDeccelerationFactor
CharacterActionMelee Melee attack NOTE Can't be interrupted atm
CharacterActionMovingPlatforms Fall through platforms while pressing down
CharacterActionProjectile Fire projectiles (All or one by one), handles orientation based on the character collisions.faceDir
CharacterActionPull Push objects (Box) NOTE require CharacterActionGroundMovement
CharacterActionPush Push objects (Box) NOTE require CharacterActionGroundMovement
CharacterActionSlipping Force character to slip down slope, when slopeAngle > maxClimbAngle NOTE do not apply gravity. Handle the velocity manually so the character is always colliding below
CharacterActionTimed Manage actions that has the loop: cast -> duration -> cooldown . Timeline explanation:\n Character hit the cast action: time = 0 (Play animation if we start casting) action has a castTime. During 0 to castTime we don't deal damage\n action has a durationTime. During castTime to castTime + durationTime we deal damage\n We have to wail from 0 to cooldownTime to cast again
CharacterActionUseItem TODO We need some kind of debounce / Use delay
CharacterActionWallStick Stick at walls. Also perform wall-jumps
CharacterAnimator Animator class Use all data available at Character & cia to know what to play
CharacterAnimatorSpriter Animator using SpriterDotNet TODO queue animation, support start-loop animation
CharacterAnimatorUnity Animator class using UnityEngine.Animator
CharacterHealth Tracks character health and lives. Triggers character damage/death
CommentAttribute Comment Attribute
Cooldown Cooldown helper
Damage Damage info
DefaultInput Keyboard, Touch and Wii Touch use CnControls [https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/15233] to enable touch you need to uncomment '\//#define UP_USE_CN_INPUT_MANAGER' at the top of this file\n Wii controls use WiimoteApi [https://github.com/Flafla2/Unity-Wiimote] to enable wiimote support you need to uncomment '\//#define UP_USE_WII_INPUT_MANAGER' at the top of this file
Easing http://theinstructionlimit.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Easing.cs
Enemy Base class for Enemies
Grab Grab tile Character grab onto something and stop, like rings grabbing
InputMonitor Display a line in the character position with the input (Axis)
InstancePrefab Instance a prefab on start
Jump Abstract class for Jumping logic.
JumpConstant Math behind the Jump
JumpConstantSpring Math behind the Jump
JumpVariableHeight Variable Jump. Use to create a Min/Max jump depending on how much time the key is pressed
LayerMaskExtension UnityEngine.LayerMask
Line It's a 3D Line. Include a WYSIWYG Editor: LineInspector.\n NOTE Line is used by MovingPlatform
Log Log to file
MathHelper Math helper
Monitor Extend this class to print debug-info at screen
MovingPlatform Moving Platform Tile
MovingPlatform.PassengerMovement Struct to store information about passenger movement
PlatformerCollider2D Handle collisions with the world
PlayerStart Create a player at given position
PolygonCollider2DExtension UnityEngine.PolygonCollider2D
Rope Rope tile
Rotate Rotate current object
TestInputDown Input for automated tests
TestInputLeft Go left input for automated tests
TestInputPatrol Patrol (left-right) input for automated tests
TestInputPatrolJumping Unit test input to move a character * Move right until wall, then move left * always jumping
TestInputPatrolLadder Input for automated tests * Move right until wall, then move left * If found a ladder climb
TestInputRight Go right input for automated tests
Track Track tile
TransformExtension UnityEngine.Transform
Triangulator http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=Triangulator This script can be used to split a 2D polygon into triangles. The algorithm supports concave polygons, but not polygons with holes, or multiple polygons at once. Note: This is a naive triangulation implementation. For more well-distributed triangles, consider using Delaunay triangulation, such as with the script here [1]
Trigger2D Abstract class that contains a ITriggerAble
Vector3Extension UnityEngine.Vector