이름 |
설명 |
Body |
BodyDef |
A body definition holds all the data needed to construct a rigid body. You can safely re-use body definitions. |
BoundaryListener |
CircleContact |
CircleDef |
This structure is used to build a fixture with a circle shape. |
Color |
Color for debug drawing. Each value has the range [0,1]. |
Contact |
ContactConstraint |
ContactConstraintPoint |
ContactConstraintPoint.ContactConstraint |
ContactConstraintPoint.ContactConstraintPoint |
ContactConstraintPoint.ContactSolver |
ContactConstraintPoint.ContactSolver.PositionSolverManifold |
ContactEdge |
A contact edge is used to connect bodies and contacts together in a contact graph where each body is a node and each contact is an edge. A contact edge belongs to a doubly linked list maintained in each attached body. Each contact has two contact nodes, one for each attached body. |
ContactFilter |
ContactListener |
ContactManager |
ContactPoint |
ContactRegister |
ContactResult |
ContactSolver |
DebugDraw |
Implement and register this class with a b2World to provide debug drawing of physics entities in your game. |
DestructionListener |
DistanceJoint |
A distance joint constrains two points on two bodies to remain at a fixed distance from each other. You can view this as a massless, rigid rod. |
DistanceJointDef |
Distance joint definition. This requires defining an anchor point on both bodies and the non-zero length of the distance joint. The definition uses local anchor points so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. This helps when saving and loading a game. @warning Do not use a zero or short length. |
EdgeDef |
This structure is used to build a chain of edges. |
FilterData |
This holds contact filtering data. |
Fixture |
A fixture is used to attach a shape to a body for collision detection. A fixture inherits its Transform from its parent. Fixtures hold additional non-geometric data such as friction, collision filters, etc. Fixtures are created via Body.CreateFixture. @warning you cannot reuse fixtures. |
FixtureDef |
A fixture definition is used to create a fixture. This class defines an abstract fixture definition. You can reuse fixture definitions safely. |
GearJoint |
A gear joint is used to connect two joints together. Either joint can be a revolute or prismatic joint. You specify a gear ratio to bind the motions together: coordinate1 + ratio * coordinate2 = constant The ratio can be negative or positive. If one joint is a revolute joint and the other joint is a prismatic joint, then the ratio will have units of length or units of 1/length. @warning The revolute and prismatic joints must be attached to fixed bodies (which must be body1 on those joints). |
GearJointDef |
Gear joint definition. This definition requires two existing revolute or prismatic joints (any combination will work). The provided joints must attach a dynamic body to a static body. |
Island |
Jacobian |
Joint |
JointDef |
Joint definitions are used to construct joints. |
JointEdge |
A joint edge is used to connect bodies and joints together in a joint graph where each body is a node and each joint is an edge. A joint edge belongs to a doubly linked list maintained in each attached body. Each joint has two joint nodes, one for each attached body. |
LineJoint |
LineJointDef |
Line joint definition. This requires defining a line of motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game. |
MouseJoint |
A mouse joint is used to make a point on a body track a specified world point. This a soft constraint with a maximum force. This allows the constraint to stretch and without applying huge forces. |
MouseJointDef |
Mouse joint definition. This requires a world target point, tuning parameters, and the time step. |
NullContact |
PolyAndCircleContact |
PolyAndEdgeContact |
PolygonContact |
PolygonDef |
Convex polygon. The vertices must be ordered so that the outside of the polygon is on the right side of the edges (looking along the edge from start to end). |
Position |
PrismaticJoint |
A prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in body1. Relative rotation is prevented. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to drive the motion or to model joint friction. |
PrismaticJointDef |
Prismatic joint definition. This requires defining a line of motion using an axis and an anchor point. The definition uses local anchor points and a local axis so that the initial configuration can violate the constraint slightly. The joint translation is zero when the local anchor points coincide in world space. Using local anchors and a local axis helps when saving and loading a game. |
PulleyJoint |
PulleyJointDef |
Pulley joint definition. This requires two ground anchors, two dynamic body anchor points, max lengths for each side, and a pulley ratio. |
RevoluteJoint |
RevoluteJointDef |
TimeStep |
Velocity |
World |
The world class manages all physics entities, dynamic simulation, and asynchronous queries. |
WorldCallback |