Имя | Описание |
ArcadeRigidbody | Note that this is not a full, multi-iteration physics system! This can be used for simple, arcade style physics. Based on http://elancev.name/oliver/2D%20polygon.htm#tut5 |
Assert | |
Batcher | |
Batcher.VertexPositionColorTexture4 | |
BatcherBitmapFontExt | provides the full SpriteFont assortment of drawString methods |
BatcherDrawingExt | an assortment of helper methods to assist with drawing |
BatcherIFontExt | provides the full SpriteFont assortment of drawString methods |
BatcherSpriteFontExt | helper methods for drawing text with NezSpriteFonts |
BitSet | This class can be thought of in two ways. You can see it as a vector of bits or as a set of non-negative integers. The name BitSet is a bit misleading. It is implemented by a bit vector, but its equally possible to see it as set of non-negative integer; each integer in the set is represented by a set bit at the corresponding index. The size of this structure is determined by the highest integer in the set. You can union, intersect and build (symmetric) remainders, by invoking the logical operations and, or, andNot, resp. xor. This implementation is NOT synchronized against concurrent access from multiple threads. Specifically, if one thread is reading from a bitset while another thread is simultaneously modifying it, the results are undefined. author Jochen Hoenicke author Tom Tromey ([email protected]) author Eric Blake ([email protected]) status updated to 1.4 |
BitmapFontExtensions | provides the full SpriteFont assortment of DrawString methods |
BloomPostProcessor | |
BloomSettings | Class holds all the settings used to tweak the bloom effect. |
BoolInspector | |
BoxCollider | |
Camera | |
CameraShake | |
CinematicLetterboxPostProcessor | |
CircleCollider | |
Clipboard | prep for a proper multi-platform clipboard system. For now it just mocks the clipboard and will only work in-app |
Collider | |
ColliderTriggerHelper | helper class used by the Movers to manage trigger colliders interactions and calling ITriggerListeners. |
CollisionResult | |
Collisions | |
ColorCycler | |
ColorExt | |
ColorInspector | |
CompiledImageElement | |
CompiledTextElement | |
ComponentTypeManager | |
Coroutine | |
CrossFadeTransition | fades from the current Scene to the new Scene |
CrosshatchEffect | |
Cube3D | |
CustomInspectorAttribute | |
Debug | |
Debug.Colors | we store all the default colors for various systems here such as collider debug rendering, Debug.drawText and others. The naming convention is CLASS-THING where possible to make it clear where it is used. |
Debug.Size | |
DebugDrawItem | |
DefaultRenderer | |
DissolveEffect | |
DotsEffect | |
EdgeExt | |
EffectInspector | |
EffectResource | |
EntityExt | |
EntityProcessingSystem | Basic entity processing system. Use this as the base for processing many entities with specific components |
EntitySystem | |
EnumInspector | |
FadeTransition | fades to fadeToColor then fades to the new Scene |
Flags | utility class to assist with dealing with bitmasks. All methods except isFlagSet expect the flag parameter to be a non-shifted flag. This lets you use plain old ints (0, 1, 2, 3, etc) to set/unset your flags. |
FloatExt | |
FloatInspector | |
FollowCamera | basic follow camera. LockOn mode uses no deadzone and just centers the camera on the target. CameraWindow mode wraps a deadzone around the target allowing it to move within the deadzone without moving the camera. |
FontCharacterSource | helper that wraps either a string or StringBuilder and provides a common API to read them for measuring/drawing |
FormatInstruction | |
FramesPerSecondCounter | |
GamePadData | |
GaussianBlurEffect | |
GeometricPrimitive3D | |
GooCursor | cursor with trails. Note that this should be rendered in screen space (ScreenSpaceRenderer) so it isnt transformed by the camera matrix Adapted from: http://www.catalinzima.com/xna/samples/world-of-goo-cursor/ |
GooCursor.TrailNode | |
Graphics | wrapper class that holds in instance of a Batcher and helpers so that it can be passed around and draw anything. |
GraphicsDeviceExt | |
GraphicsResource | this class exists only so that we can sneak the Batcher through and have it work just like SpriteBatch with regard to resource handling. |
GrayscaleEffect | |
HeatDistortionPostProcessor | |
ImageMaskTransition | uses an image to mask out part of the scene scaling it from max-to-min then from min-to-max with rotation. Note that the Texture should be loaded in the main Core.contentManager, not a Scene contentManager. The transition will unload it for you. The Texture should be transparent where it should be masked out and white where it should be masked in. |
InputUtils | |
InspectorList | container for a Component/PostProcessor/Transform and all of its inspectable properties |
IntInspector | |
KeysExt | |
LineRenderer | Renders a trail behind a moving object Adapted from http://www.paradeofrain.com/2010/01/28/update-on-continuous-2d-trails-in-xna/ |
LineRenderer.Segment | helper class used to store some data when calculating verts |
LineRenderer.SegmentPoint | |
ListPool | simple static class that can be used to pool Lists |
MarkupText | MarkupText lets you set fonts, textures and conditionals and provide some XML text to render that uses them. You must first set the fonts, textures and conditionals before you can use them in your markup. Lorem Ipsum Some more text Images are inlined too conditions can be negated as well |
Matcher | |
Mathf | |
Mesh | basic class that can be used to create simple meshes. For more advanced usage subclass and override what is needed. The general gist of usage is the following: - call setVertPositions - call setTriangles to set the triangle indices - call recalculateBounds to prepare the Mesh for rendering and culling |
MethodInspector | |
MonoGameCompat | implements some methods available in MonoGame that do not exist in FNA/XNA to make transitioning a codebase from MG/XNA to FNA a little bit easier. |
Mover | helper class illustrating one way to handle movement taking into account all Collisions including triggers. The ITriggerListener interface is used to manage callbacks to any triggers that are breached while moving. An object must move only via the Mover.move method for triggers to be properly reported. Note that multiple Movers interacting with each other will end up calling ITriggerListener multiple times. |
NezSpriteFont | |
NineSliceSprite | |
NoiseEffect | |
ObjectExt | |
PaletteCyclerEffect | retro palette swap/cycle effect. If cycleSpeed is 0 (the default) this works as a plain old palette swap. It should be used with a grayscale texture and a paletteTexture that has a 1 pixel height. |
ParticleCollisionConfig | |
PassiveSystem | |
Physics | |
PixelBloomPostProcessor | this PostProcessor expects that the layerRenderTarget is the top-most layer and that it contains |
PixelGlitchPostProcessor | glitch effect where the screen is divided into rows verticalSize high. Each row is shifted horizonalAmount left or right. It is best used by changing horizontalOffset every few frames for a second then going back to normal. |
PixelMosaicRenderDelegate | overlays a mosaic on top of the final render. Useful only for pixel perfect pixel art. |
PolygonCollider | Polygons should be defined in clockwise fashion. |
PolygonMesh | renders a basic, CCW, convex polygon |
PrimitiveBatch | batcher that draws vertex colored triangles |
ProcessingSystem | A basic processing system that doesn't rely on entities. It's got no entities associated but it's still being called each frame. Use this as a base class for generic systems that need to coordinate other systems |
ProjectileMover | moves taking collision into account only for reporting to any ITriggerListeners. The object will always move the full amount so it is up to the caller to destroy it on impact if desired. |
PrototypeSprite | skewable rectangle sprite for prototyping |
RangeAttribute | |
Ray2D | while technically not a ray (rays are just start and direction) it does double duty as both a line and a ray. |
RaycastHit | |
RectangleExt | |
ReflectionEffect | |
ReflectionRenderer | assists in creating a mirror effect. To use the ReflectionRenderer do the following: - call createAndSetupScene being sure to pass in a renderOrder BEFORE the renderer that contains your reflective surface. - reflectableObjectRenderLayers should contain all the renderLayers that contain objects that you want reflected - create a ReflectionMaterial which you will use to render your reflective surfaces. Note that your reflective surfaces should NOT be rendered by the ReflectionRenderer! It needs to create a RenderTexture with just the objects to reflect. - you can optionally set a normal map on the ReflectionEffect for a refraction effect - move the ReflectionRenderer.camera around to get the desired offset for your reflections. You can also change the zoom of the Camera. |
RenderLayerExcludeRenderer | Renderer that only renders all but one renderLayer. Useful to keep UI rendering separate from the rest of the game when used in conjunction with a RenderLayerRenderer. Note that UI would most likely want to be rendered in screen space so the camera matrix shouldn't be passed to Batcher.Begin. |
RenderLayerRenderer | Renderer that only renders the specified renderLayers. Useful to keep UI rendering separate from the rest of the game when used in conjunction with other RenderLayerRenderers rendering different renderLayers. |
Renderable3D | convenience base class for 3D objects. It reuses and wraps the Transform in Vector3s for easy access and provides a world transform for rendering. |
RenderableComponentList | |
RuntimeInspector | |
ScanlinesEffect | |
SceneTransition | SceneTransition is used to transition from one Scene to another or within a scene with an effect. If sceneLoadAction is null Nez will perform an in-Scene transition as opposed to loading a new Scene mid transition. The general gist of a transition is the following: - onBeginTransition will be called allowing you to yield for multipart transitions - for two part transitions with Effects you can yield on a call to tickEffectProgressProperty for part one to obscure the screen - next, yield a call to loadNextScene to load up the new Scene - finally, yield again on tickEffectProgressProperty to un-obscure the screen and show the new Scene |
ScissorStack | A stack of Rectangle objects to be used for clipping via GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle. When a new Rectangle is pushed onto the stack, it will be merged with the current top of stack.The minimum area of overlap is then set as the real top of the stack. |
Screen | |
ScreenSpaceCamera | |
ScreenSpaceRenderer | Renderer that renders using its own Camera which doesnt move. |
SepiaEffect | |
SoundEffectInstanceExt | |
Sphere3D | |
SpringGrid | grid of springs based on the tutorial: http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/tutorials/make-a-neon-vector-shooter-for-ios-the-warping-grid--gamedev-14637 |
SpringGrid.PointMass | |
SpringGrid.Spring | |
SpriteAlphaTestEffect | |
SpriteBatchExt | |
SpriteBlinkEffect | |
SpriteEffect | |
SpriteLightPostProcessor | post processor to assist with making blended sprite lights. Usage is as follows: - render all sprite lights with a separate Renderer to a RenderTarget. The clear color of the Renderer is your ambient light color. - render all normal objects in standard fashion - add this PostProcessor with the RenderTarget from your lights Renderer |
SpriteLinesEffect | draws the sprite with just vertical or horizonal lines of the specified color. The effect works in screen space. |
SpriteOutlineRenderer | renders a sprite with an outline in a very inefficient (but simple) way. The sprite is rendered multiple times offset/colored then it is rendered normally on top of that. |
SquaresTransition | builds up a cover of squares then removes them |
StringInspector | |
StructInspector | |
SubpixelFloat | simple helper class that manages a float value. It stores the value until the total accumulated is greater than 1. Once it exceeds 1 the value will be added on to amount when update is called. General usage would be something like the following. - calculate your objects velocity however you normally would - multiply by deltaTime to keep it framerate independent - pass the calculated delta movement for this frame to the SubpixelFloat.update method for both x and y. This will result in deltaMove being rounded to an int and the SubpixelFloat will deal with accumulating the excess value. var deltaMove = velocity * Time.deltaTime; _x.update( ref deltaMove.X ); _y.update( ref deltaMove.Y ); |
Text | |
TextRun | provides a cached run of text for super fast text drawing. Note that this is only appropriate for text that doesnt change often and doesnt move. |
TextRun.CharDetails | |
TextRunComponent | very basic wrapper around TextRun. Note that the TextRunComponent.compile method should be used not TextRun.compile so that the Component data can be passed off to the TextRun. |
TextureWipeTransition | uses a texture (transitionTexture) to control a wipe animation. the blue channel of the texture determines if color is shown or the previous scenes render. Sample textures are based on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnAoD7hgDxw |
TiledMapComponent | |
TiledSprite | Tiled sprite. Note that TiledSprite overrides the Material so that it can wrap the UVs. This class requires the texture to not be part of an atlas so that wrapping can work. |
Time | provides frame timing information |
TooltipAttribute | |
Torus3D | |
TouchInput | to enable touch input you must first call enableTouchSupport() |
TrailRibbon | Renders a trail behind a moving object Adapted from http://www.paradeofrain.com/2010/01/28/update-on-continuous-2d-trails-in-xna/ |
TrailRibbon.RibbonSegment | |
Transform | |
TransformTransition | |
Triangulator | simple ear clipping triangulator. the final triangles will be present in the triangleIndices list |
TweenExt | |
TwistEffect | |
UICanvas | simple component that houses a Stage and delegates update/render/debugRender calls |
Vector2Ext | |
Vector2Inspector | |
Vector3Ext | |
VertexPositionColorNormal | |
VignettePostProcessor | |
VirtualAxis | A virtual input represented as a float between -1 and 1 |
VirtualAxis.GamePadDpadLeftRight | |
VirtualAxis.GamePadDpadUpDown | |
VirtualAxis.GamePadLeftStickX | |
VirtualAxis.GamePadLeftStickY | |
VirtualAxis.GamePadRightStickX | |
VirtualAxis.GamePadRightStickY | |
VirtualAxis.KeyboardKeys | |
VirtualAxis.Node | |
VirtualButton | A virtual input that is represented as a boolean. As well as simply checking the current button state, you can ask whether it was just pressed or released this frame. You can also keep the button press stored in a buffer for a limited time, or until it is consumed by calling consumeBuffer() |
VirtualButton.GamePadButton | |
VirtualButton.GamePadDPadDown | |
VirtualButton.GamePadDPadLeft | |
VirtualButton.GamePadDPadRight | |
VirtualButton.GamePadDPadUp | |
VirtualButton.GamePadLeftTrigger | |
VirtualButton.GamePadRightTrigger | |
VirtualButton.KeyboardKey | |
VirtualButton.KeyboardModifiedKey | works like KeyboardKey except the modifier key must also be down for isDown/isPressed to be true. isReleased checks only key. |
VirtualButton.MouseLeftButton | |
VirtualButton.MouseRightButton | |
VirtualButton.Node | |
VirtualInput | Represents a virtual button, axis or joystick whose state is determined by the state of its VirtualInputNodes |
VirtualInputNode | Add these to your VirtualInput to define how it determines its current input state. For example, if you want to check whether a keyboard key is pressed, create a VirtualButton and add to it a VirtualButton.KeyboardKey |
VirtualIntegerAxis | A virtual input that is represented as a int that is either -1, 0, or 1. It corresponds to input that can range from on to nuetral to off such as GamePad DPad left/right. Can also use two keyboard Keys as the positive/negative checks. |
VirtualJoystick | A virtual input that is represented as a Vector2, with both X and Y as values between -1 and 1 |
VirtualJoystick.GamePadDpad | |
VirtualJoystick.GamePadLeftStick | |
VirtualJoystick.GamePadRightStick | |
VirtualJoystick.KeyboardKeys | |
VirtualJoystick.Node | |
WaitForSeconds | helper class for when a coroutine wants to pause for some duration. Returning Coroutine.waitForSeconds returns one of these to avoid having to return an int/float and paying the boxing penalty. |
WaterReflectionEffect | |
WaterReflectionPlane | adds a water reflection effect designed to be placed on the bottom of the screen. Note that transform.position is the top-left point in the water plane. Usage is as follows: - create a Renderer that renders after all of your other renderers and renders only renderLayer WATER_LAYER (you choose the int value) - put the WaterReflectionPlane on renderLayer WATER_LAYER and ensure no other Renderers are rendering WATER_LAYER - configure the material (you can fetch it via component.getMaterial |
WindTransition | sweeps wind accross the screen revealing the new Scene |