C# (CSharp) PantheonPrototype 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BoogerGun The base weapon
Bullet A bullet object meant to hurt people, porcupines, or pinapple. Bullets inherit from projectile and add the capacity to deal damage. In this initial implementation, they will be a leaf class with its own image etc...
BunnyNPC Super important bunny rabbit for testing porpoises.
BunnyTrigger Trigger for incessantly spawning bunnies.
Camera The class that contains all of the information for the camera's rotation, position, zoom, and related.
CharacterEntity The character entity provides the properties and methods used for a character in the game. It inherits the basic traits of an Entity and adds things such as velocity and healing.
ControlActions Describes the possible actions that the player may accomplish through some input.
ControlManager This is the class that handles the input. It will keep track of all possible input devices and will return whether or not the button for a particular action (whatever button that is) is pushed.
CutsceneManager This class contains methods to run basic cutscenes (such as level loading).
DialogueManager This class will handle the basics of dialogue and what all that entails. This includes drawing the appropriate bubbles and text, as well as possibly handling some basic dialogue pathing and such.
Entity The Entity defines an object within the game. It has physical presence in the game as a Sprite and can collide with other Entities.
Event A basic event. Consists of a type and a list of strings. The type allows the event manager to know where to send the event. The list of strings gives more specific information about the event. Essentially, the type is an identifier of what type of event this is, and thus an identification of the receivers. The list of strings is essentially a payload for the event.
EventManager Distributes events to the correct locations in Pantheon. Classes should register functions with the EventManager to handle specific types of events. When an event occurs, the type is identified, and all registered functions are called. They are passed the event, whose payload gives any other relevant information to the recipient.
GamePadControls This struct is for the gamepad's controls, which will be set to a default button pattern. If we need to check buttons pressed, then it will be easier to access these than to type the full path If the user wishes to edit the controls, then we update the struct's Button assignment
HUD This is the wrapper class for all information that will go into the HUD. It will have HUDItems in it, thad can be added at will and drawn all at once.
HUDItem This is the class that will contain all of the information for drawing and maintaining a component of the HUD.
Inventory This class keeps track of inventory stuff.
Item An Item is an object that may be equipped and stored in an Inventory. The Item will have an action that may be called without knowledge of the actual function of the Item. This provides encapsulation and abstraction for the inventory.
Item.Type Defines the types of items
KillObjective The purpose of this objective is to give you a reason to kill all the thingies... not that players need a reason given that that's what most people will do anyways. After all, rogue butterflies remind them of rogues... which are related to Dungeons and Dragons... which breath fire... which can start a fire with wood over which marshmallows can be cooked... which generally leads to camping (not the other way around)... and everyone knows that you only go camping if you're hunting... and if you're hunting, you'll want to kill things... so people are just going to want to kill things in this game. Yeah. So this gives the people who are tree huggers a reason to let go of that sapling and go hug that evil butterfly with a gun. That should explain everything that you need to know about this class.
Level This is the preliminary level class. The level class handles rendering the map and handling all entities that happen to populate said map. These entities will be used to build the world and create event triggering, enemies, NPCs, etc. This should be where the majority of the game logic goes, via the interaction between entities. Level content will be loaded dynamically through some sort of WAD-type file.
Menu This is the class for drawing our pause menu.
MenuItem This is the class that contains a component of the menu screen.
Objective Contains the individual logic for deciding if a condition has been met based on game events.
Pantheon This is the main type for your game
PlayerCharacter This is the visual element of the player. It extends the Character Entity.
Projectile Contains all that is necessary to create a projectile in the game. May be used for bullets, fireballs, and maybe even eggs. When given an initial location and velocity, the projectile shall continue onwards unless told otherwise.
Quest Contains all the objectives relevant to a given Quest. Basically goes from objective to objective, updating itself according to the current objective and the incoming event.
QuestManager Handles quests as the player accepts, progresses through, and completes them.
QuestTrigger Target for an objective for that one quest that's used for testing but eventually for other quests too.
Scar The base weapon
Shield A basic implementation of the shield.
Sniper An upgrade, A sniper rifle.
SpeakObjective Requires the player to speak... in Ruusan... because Star Wars.
Sprite Provides a basic class for managing a sprite on screen. This class contains a loading method, a potential state system, and a drawing method.
Sprite.FrameRange A structure to store the frames for a given state in the sprite.
Trigger An entity designed to trigger and event when another entity collides with it.
TriggerObjective An objective tailored for tracking a trigger. Once activated, the objective waits until the player has entered the target trigger. The objective is then complete.
Weapon A basic implementation of a weapon inheriting from Item. As more weapons are added, the specific logic of the weapon should be moved to a subclass and this should be a parent of all weapons.