C# (CSharp) BEPUphysics.Vehicle 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CylinderCastWheelShape Uses a cylinder cast as the shape of a wheel.
RaycastWheelShape Uses a raycast as the shape of a wheel.
Vehicle Simulates wheeled vehicles using a variety of constraints and shape casts.
Wheel Supports a Vehicle.
WheelBrake Attempts to resist rolling motion of a vehicle.
WheelDrivingMotor Handles a wheel's driving force for a vehicle.
WheelShape Superclass for the shape of the tires of a vehicle. Responsible for figuring out where the wheel touches the ground and managing graphical properties.
WheelSlidingFriction Attempts to resist sliding motion of a vehicle.
WheelSuspension Allows the connected wheel and vehicle to smoothly absorb bumps.