프로퍼티 | 타입 | 설명 | |
detector | Box | ||
localGraphicTransform | Matrix | ||
spinAngle | float | ||
spinVelocity | float | ||
wheel | Wheel | ||
worldTransform | Matrix |
메소드 | 설명 | |
UpdateWorldTransform ( ) : void |
Updates the wheel's world transform for graphics. Called automatically by the owning wheel at the end of each frame. If the engine is updating asynchronously, you can call this inside of a space read buffer lock and update the wheel transforms safely.
메소드 | 설명 | |
FindSupport ( Vector3 &location, Vector3 &normal, float &suspensionLength, Collidable &supportCollidable, Entity &entity, BEPUphysics.Materials.Material &material ) : bool |
Finds a supporting entity, the contact location, and the contact normal.
Initialize ( ) : void |
Initializes the detector entity and any other necessary logic.
UpdateDetectorPosition ( ) : void |
Updates the position of the detector before each step.
메소드 | 설명 | |
OnAdditionToSpace ( ISpace space ) : void | ||
OnRemovalFromSpace ( ISpace space ) : void | ||
UpdateSpin ( float dt ) : void |
Updates the spin velocity and spin angle for the shape.
protected abstract FindSupport ( Vector3 &location, Vector3 &normal, float &suspensionLength, Collidable &supportCollidable, Entity &entity, BEPUphysics.Materials.Material &material ) : bool | ||
location | Vector3 | Contact point between the wheel and the support. |
normal | Vector3 | Contact normal between the wheel and the support. |
suspensionLength | float | Length of the suspension at the contact. |
supportCollidable | Collidable | Collidable supporting the wheel, if any. |
entity | Entity | Entity supporting the wheel, if any. |
material | BEPUphysics.Materials.Material | Material of the support. |
리턴 | bool |