C# (CSharp) HoloToolkit.Unity Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ActiveEvent Currently active AudioEvents along with their AudioSource components for instance limiting events
ApplicationViewManager ApplicationViewManager ( For XAML UWP project) can switch app to Plan View, populate an Application View (New Window of UAP), then navigate the Window root frame to a page. After the page's logic called 'CallbackReturnValue' method, the newly created Application View will be closed, and the system will switch back to your Full3D view. The coroutine which was waiting the callback will get the return value.
AudioOccluder Class that implements IAudioInfluencer to provide an occlusion effect.
AudioSourcePlayClipExtension A shortcut to assign a clip to an AudioSource component and play the source
AudioSourcesReference The AudioSourcesReference class encapsulates a cache of references to audio source components on a given local audio emitter game object. Used primarily by UAudioManager, it improves performance by bypassing having to requery for list of attached components on each use.
AutoConfigureMenu Configuration options derived from here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/holographic/unity_development_overview#Configuring_a_Unity_project_for_HoloLens
BasicCursor 1. Decides when to show the cursor. 2. Positions the cursor at the gazed location. 3. Rotates the cursor to match hologram normals.
Billboard The Billboard class implements the behaviors needed to keep a GameObject oriented towards the user.
BuildDeployPortal Function used to communicate with the device through the REST API
BuildDeployTools Contains utility functions for building for the device
BuildDeployWindow Build window - supports SLN creation, APPX from SLN, Deploy on device, and misc helper utilities associated with the build/deploy/test iteration loop Requires the device to be set in developer mode & to have secure connections disabled (in the security tab in the device portal)
CursorFeedback CursorFeedback class takes GameObjects to give cursor feedback to users based on different states.
DirectionIndicator DirectionIndicator creates an indicator around the cursor showing what direction to turn to find this GameObject.
EditorGUILayoutExtensions Extensions for the UnityEnditor.EditorGUILayout class.
FixedAngularSize Causes a Hologram to maintain a fixed angular size, which is to say it occupies the same pixels in the view regardless of its distance from the camera.
GameControllerManipulator Allows the user to place and rotate GameObjects using a game controller.
GazeStabilizer GazeStabilizer iterates over samples of Raycast data and helps stabilize the user's gaze for precision targeting.
GestureManipulator A component for moving an object via the GestureManager manipulation gesture.
Interpolator A MonoBehaviour that interpolates a transform's position, rotation or scale.
KeywordManager KeywordManager allows you to specify keywords and methods in the Unity Inspector, instead of registering them explicitly in code. This also includes a setting to either automatically start the keyword recognizer or allow your code to start it. IMPORTANT: Please make sure to add the microphone capability in your app, in Unity under Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Settings for Windows Store -> Publishing Settings -> Capabilities or in your Visual Studio Package.appxmanifest capabilities.
LayerMaskExtensions Extensions for the UnityEngine.LayerMask class.
LocDisplay Simple Behaviour which calculates the frames per seconds and shows the FPS in a referenced Text control.
MeshSaver MeshSaver is a static class containing methods used for saving and loading meshes.
PlaneFinding.DLLImports Raw PlaneFinding.dll imports
PlaneFinding.MeshData PlaneFinding is an expensive task that should not be run from Unity's main thread as it will stall the thread and cause a frame rate dip. Instead, the PlaneFinding APIs should be exclusively called from background threads. Unfortunately, Unity's built-in data types (such as MeshFilter) are not thread safe and cannot be accessed from background threads. The MeshData struct exists to work-around this limitation. When you want to find planes in a collection of MeshFilter objects, start by constructing a list of MeshData structs from those MeshFilters. You can then take the resulting list of MeshData structs, and safely pass it to the FindPlanes() API from a background thread.
RemoteMeshTarget RemoteMeshTarget will listen for meshes being sent from a remote system (HoloLens). It is intended to run in the Unity Editor with exactly one HoloLens device sending data.
SimpleMeshSerializer SimpleMeshSerializer converts a UnityEngine.Mesh object to and from an array of bytes. This class saves minimal mesh data (vertices and triangle indices) in the following format: File header: vertex count (32 bit integer), triangle count (32 bit integer) Vertex list: vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z (all 32 bit float) Triangle index list: 32 bit integers
SpatialMappingObserver The SpatialMappingObserver class encapsulates the SurfaceObserver into an easy to use object that handles managing the observed surfaces and the rendering of surface geometry.
SpatialMappingSource.SurfaceObject Surface object
SpatialSoundSettings The SpatialSoundSettings class provides a set of methods that simplify making modifications to Microsoft Spatial Sound Spatializer parameters.
SpatialUnderstandingCustomMesh Handles the custom meshes generated by the understanding DLL. The meshes are generated during the scanning phase and once more on scan finalization. The meshes can be used to visualize the scanning progress.
SpatialUnderstandingCustomMesh.MeshData A data structure to manage collecting triangles as we subdivide the spatial understanding mesh into smaller sub meshes.
SpatialUnderstandingDllObjectPlacement Encapsulates the object placement queries of the understanding dll. These queries will not be valid until after scanning is finalized.
SpatialUnderstandingDllShapes Encapsulates the shape detection queries of the understanding dll. Shapes are defined by the user with AddShape and the analysis is initiated with ActivateShapeAnalysis. These queries will not be valid until after scanning is finalized. Shape definitions are composed of a list of components and a list of shape constraints which defining requirements between the components. Each component is defined by a list of its own shape component constraints.
SpatialUnderstandingDllTopology Encapsulates the topology queries of the understanding dll. These queries will not be valid until after scanning is finalized.
SpatialUnderstandingSourceMesh Provides the input meshes to the spatial understanding dll. The component relies on the spatial mapping module. It maintains a mesh list in the required dll format which is updated from the spatial mapping's SurfaceObject list.
SphereBasedTagalong A Tagalong that stays at a fixed distance from the camera and always seeks to stay on the edge or inside a sphere that is straight in front of the camera.
SurfacePlane The SurfacePlane class is used by SurfaceMeshesToPlanes to create different types of planes (walls, floors, tables, etc.) based on the Spatial Mapping data returned by the SpatialMappingManager's source. This script should be a component on the SufacePlane prefab, which is used by SurfaceMeshesToPlanes.
Tagalong A Tagalong that extends SimpleTagalong that allows for specifying the minimum and target percentage of the object to keep in the view frustum of the camera and that keeps the Tagalong object in front of other holograms including the Spatial Mapping Mesh.
TapToPlace The TapToPlace class is a basic way to enable users to move objects and place them on real world surfaces. Put this script on the object you want to be able to move. Users will be able to tap objects, gaze elsewhere, and perform the tap gesture again to place. This script is used in conjunction with GazeManager, GestureManager, and SpatialMappingManager. TapToPlace also adds a WorldAnchor component to enable persistence.
TextToSpeechManager Enables text to speech using the Windows 10 SpeechSynthesizer class.
ToggleDebugWindow Toggles if the debug window is visible or not.
UsabilityScaler A MonoBehaviour which automatically scales an object for better usability across different devices.
VectorExtensions A collection of useful extension methods for Unity's Vector structs