C# Class LeopotamGroup.Gui.Tweeners.GuiTweenSpriteName

Inheritance: TweeningBase
显示文件 Open project: Leopotam/LeopotamGroupLibraryUnity

Public Properties

Property Type Description
NameMask string
ResetSize bool
Target LeopotamGroup.Gui.Widgets.GuiSprite

Public Methods

Method Description
Begin ( GameObject go, string nameMask, bool resetSize, float time ) : GuiTweenSpriteName

Begin tweening at specified GameObject.

Begin ( string nameMask, bool resetSize, float time ) : GuiTweenSpriteName

Begin tweening.

ResetNames ( ) : void

Reset cached names from atlas.

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnInit ( ) : void
OnUpdateValue ( ) : void

Method Details

Begin() public static method

Begin tweening at specified GameObject.
public static Begin ( GameObject go, string nameMask, bool resetSize, float time ) : GuiTweenSpriteName
go UnityEngine.GameObject Holder of tweener.
nameMask string Sprite names mask.
resetSize bool Reset sprite size on each frame.
time float Time for tweening.
return GuiTweenSpriteName

Begin() public method

Begin tweening.
public Begin ( string nameMask, bool resetSize, float time ) : GuiTweenSpriteName
nameMask string Sprite names mask.
resetSize bool Reset sprite size on each frame.
time float Time for tweening.
return GuiTweenSpriteName

OnInit() protected method

protected OnInit ( ) : void
return void

OnUpdateValue() protected method

protected OnUpdateValue ( ) : void
return void

ResetNames() public method

Reset cached names from atlas.
public ResetNames ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

NameMask public_oe property

Name mask. Regular expression.
public string NameMask
return string

ResetSize public_oe property

Reset sprite size on each frame.
public bool ResetSize
return bool

Target public_oe property

Target GuiSprite. If null on start - GuiSprite on current gameobject will be used.
public GuiSprite,LeopotamGroup.Gui.Widgets Target
return LeopotamGroup.Gui.Widgets.GuiSprite