Имя |
Описание |
Abs |
And |
BlockCommands |
BlockDB |
Database of block changes. Each BlockDB object is associated with a world. Provides controls for storage/retention, and methods to look up data. |
BlockDB.ExcludingReturnOldestProcessor |
BlockDB.ReturnAllProcessor |
BlockDB.ReturnNewestProcessor |
BlockDB.ReturnOldestProcessor |
BlockDBEntry |
BlockFloat |
BlockSink |
BlockUpdate |
Structure representing a pending update to the map's block array. Contains information about the block coordinates, type, and change's origin. |
BoolKeyAttribute |
Bot |
BotHelper |
BoundingBox |
Defines a 3D bounding box, in integer cartesian coordinates |
BufferUtil |
Provides utility methods for working with byte arrays and pointers. |
BuildingCommands |
Commands for placing specific blocks (solid, water, grass), and switching block placement modes (paint, bind). |
BuildingCommands.BlockDBUndoArgs |
BuildingCommands.CopyInformation |
BuildingCommands.Draw2DData |
BuildingCommands.HollowShapeArgs |
BuildingCommands.PasteArgs |
BuildingCommands.ReplaceArgs |
BuildingCommands.UndoAreaCountArgs |
BuildingCommands.UndoAreaTimeArgs |
BulletBehavior |
Chat |
Helper class for handling player-generated chat. |
ChatColor |
Static class with definitions of Minecraft color codes, parsers, converters, and utilities. |
ChatCommands |
ChatTimer |
Provides a way to create and manage publicly-announced countdowns. Long timers announce once an hour (e.g. "7h left"). During the last hour, timer announces more often: every 10 minutes, then every minute, then every 10 seconds, and finally every second - until the timer is up. |
ChatTimerEventArgs |
Provides data for ChatTimer.Started and ChatTimer.Stopped events. Immutable. |
ClassList |
Color |
Static class with definitions of Minecraft color codes, parsers/converters, and utilities. |
ColorKeyAttribute |
Command |
CommandDescriptor |
Describes a chat command. Defines properties, permission requirements, and usage information. Specifies a handler method. |
CommandManager |
Static class that allows registration and parsing of all text commands. |
CommandReader |
A text scanner that aids parsing chat commands and their arguments. Breaks up a message into tokens at spaces. Treats quoted strings as whole tokens. |
CommandRegistrationException |
Commands |
Config |
ConfigKeyAttribute |
ConsoleUtil |
Provides methods for working with command-line input, common to MapRenderer and MapConverter. |
Cos |
Cosh |
DateTimeUtil |
Provides utility functions for working with DateTime and TimeSpan. |
DevCommands |
DirectionFinder |
Div |
DrawCommands |
DrawCommands.BlockDBUndoArgs |
E |
EmptyMapGen |
Basic empty map generator. Basically a fancy wrapper for Map constructor. This is a singleton class -- use EmptyMapGen.Instance. |
EmptyMapGenParams |
EmptyMapGenState |
EnumKeyAttribute |
Equal |
EqualityDrawOperation |
EqualityEqual |
Exp |
ExplosionParticleBehavior |
Expression |
FLogDummy |
FilteredNoise |
Firework |
FireworkParticle |
FlatMapGen |
MapGenerator that creates a flat, featureless, layered map. This is a singleton class -- use FlatMapGen.Instance. |
FlatMapGenParameters |
FlatMapGenState |
FlatfilePlayerDBProvider |
FloatingIslandMapGen |
FloatingIslandMapGenParameters |
FloatingIslandMapGenState |
FloatingIslandMapGenState.Island |
FloatingIslandMapGenState.Sphere |
FontHandler |
FontHandler.PixelData |
Football |
FootballBehavior |
Forester |
Vegetation generator for MapGenerator. |
Forester.BambooTree |
Forester.ConeTree |
Forester.ForesterArgs |
Forester.MangroveTree |
Forester.NormalTree |
Forester.PalmTree |
Forester.ProceduralTree |
Forester.ProceduralTree.RootBase |
Forester.RainforestTree |
Forester.RoundTree |
Forester.StickTree |
Forester.Tree |
ForesterArgs |
FormatUtil |
FunCommands |
FuncDrawOperation |
FuncDrawOperationFill |
FuncDrawOperationPoints |
FuncDrawOperationSurface |
GrassTask |
GrassTask.Coords |
Greater |
HeartBeat |
Heartbeat |
Static class responsible for sending heartbeats. |
Heartbeat.HeartbeatRequestState |
HeartbeatData |
Contains data that's sent to heartbeat servers. |
IPAddressUtil |
Provides utility methods for working with IP addresses and ranges. |
IPBanInfo |
IP ban record. |
IPBanList |
IPKeyAttribute |
IRC control class. |
IRC.IRCThread |
Class represents an IRC connection/thread. There is an undocumented option (IRCThreads) to "load balance" the outgoing messages between multiple bots. If that's the case, several IRCThread objects are created. The bots grab messages from IRC.outputQueue whenever they are not on cooldown (a bit of an intentional race condition). |
IRC.IrcThread |
Class represents an IRC connection/thread. There is an undocumented option (IRCThreads) to "load balance" the outgoing messages between multiple bots. If that's the case, several IrcThread objects are created. The bots grab messages from IRC.outputQueue whenever they are not on cooldown (a bit of an intentional race condition). |
IRCCommands |
IRCMessage |
ImprovedNoise |
InequalityDrawOperation |
InfoCommands |
Contains commands that don't do anything besides displaying some information or text. Includes several chat commands. |
IntKeyAttribute |
IsoCat |
Isometric map renderer, tightly integrated with BackgroundWorker. Creates a bitmap of the map. Every IsoCat instance is single-use. |
Less |
Level |
Lg |
Life2d |
LifeHandler |
LifeHandler.LifeCommand |
LifeHandler.Param |
Ln |
Log |
LogRecorder |
A simple way to temporarily hook into fCraft's Logger. Make sure to dispose this class when you are done recording. The easiest way to ensure that is with a using(){...} block. |
Logger |
Central logging class. Logs to file, relays messages to the frontend, submits crash reports. |
MaintenanceCommands |
Several yet-undocumented commands, mostly related to AutoRank. |
MaintenanceCommands.RankStats |
Map |
MapCommands |
MapGenUtil |
MapGenUtil.UnknownMapGeneratorException |
Exception thrown when an attempt is made to parse parameters for an unknown/unrecognized map generator type. |
MapGenerator |
Represents a type of map generator. Provides general information about this generator, and ways to create IMapGeneratorParameters objects. |
MapGeneratorArgs |
MapGeneratorOld |
MapGeneratorParameters |
Represents a set of map generator parameters. Provides a way to serialize these parameters to string, and a way to create single-use MapGeneratorState objects. Must be mutable, should implement parameter range validation in property setters, and implement ICloneable, and pass a COPY to MapGeneratorState. |
MapLoaderDAT |
MapSender |
MapSenderParams |
MathCommands |
MessageBlock |
MessageBlock.SerializedData |
MessageBlockHandler |
MessageBlockRange |
Class used for rapid check if user is in range of MessageBlock |
MineField |
MisconfigurationException |
Exception thrown if an error is caused by incorrect server configuration. |
Mod |
ModerationCommands |
Most commands for server moderation - kick, ban, rank change, etc - are here. |
MonoCompat |
Class dedicated to solving Mono compatibility issues |
Mul |
Negate |
Noise |
Class for generating and filtering 2D and 3D noise, extensively used by RealisticMapGenState and Cloudy brush. |
Not |
Or |
Packet |
PacketReader |
PacketWriter |
Particle |
Paths |
Contains fCraft path settings, and some filesystem-related utilities. |
PerlinNoise |
PerlinNoise3D |
Implementation of 3D Perlin Noise after Ken Perlin's reference implementation. |
PermissionCheckException |
PermissionController |
PermissionLimits |
PermissionNode |
PhysScheduler |
Physics |
░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄ ░░░░█░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░░▀▀▄ ░░░█░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░█ ░░█░░░░░░▄██▀▄▄░░░░░▄▄▄░░░█ ░▀▒▄▄▄▒░█▀▀▀▀▄▄█░░░██▄▄█░░░█ █▒█▒▄░▀▄▄▄▀░░░░░░░░█░░░▒▒▒▒▒█ █▒█░█▀▄▄░░░░░█▀░░░░▀▄░░▄▀▀▀▄▒█ ░█▀▄░█▄░█▀▄▄░▀░▀▀░▄▄▀░░░░█░░█ ░░█░░▀▄▀█▄▄░█▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▀▀█▀██░█ ░░░█░░██░░▀█▄▄▄█▄▄█▄████░█ ░░░░█░░░▀▀▄░█░░░█░███████░█ ░░░░░▀▄░░░▀▀▄▄▄█▄█▄█▄█▄▀░░█ ░░░░░░░▀▄▄░▒▒▒▒░░░░░░░░░░█ ░░░░░░░░░░▀▀▄▄░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒░█ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▀▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░█ Trollphysics, incoming? Admit it, you just laughed. |
Pi |
PlantPhysics |
PlantTask |
Player |
Player.VisibleEntity |
PlayerClass |
PlayerDB |
PlayerDB.ReadLockHelper |
PlayerDB.UpgradeableReadLockHelper |
PlayerDB.WriteLockHelper |
PlayerEnumerable |
Contains a set of utilities that simplify working with sets of players. All the utilities are implemented as extension methods, and it is recommended that you invoke them as extension methods. |
PlayerExceptions |
List of included and excluded players. |
PlayerInfo |
PlayerOpException |
Exception that is thrown when a player's action or command could not be completed. |
PlayerProximityTracker |
Not thread safe. |
PlayersAtDistanceArgs |
PluginConfig |
PluginConfigSerializer |
PluginDescriptor |
Class that describes a plugin. |
PluginManager |
Manages all Plugin loaders and Plugin objects. |
Position |
Pow |
PrepareParametrizedManifold |
Program |
RWLSExtension |
RWLSExtension.ReadLockHelper |
RWLSExtension.UpgradeableReadLockHelper |
RWLSExtension.WriteLockHelper |
RankKeyAttribute |
RankManager |
Manages all the ranks on a server. Controls what ranks are available and in what order they exist in. |
RealisticMapGen |
Map generator that creates realistic-looking landscapes. |
RealisticMapGenParameters |
Contains parameters for advanced map generation. |
ReleaseInfo |
Used to describe a particular release version of fCraft. Includes date released, version |
RwlsExtension |
RwlsExtension.ReadLockHelper |
RwlsExtension.UpgradeableReadLockHelper |
RwlsExtension.WriteLockHelper |
SandTask |
Scaler |
Scheduler |
A general-purpose task scheduler. |
SchedulerTask |
A task to be executed by the Scheduler. Stores timing information and state. |
SchedulerTaskEventArgs |
SecurityController |
Controller for setting and checking per-rank permissions and per-player exceptions. Used by World.AccessSecurity, World.BuildSecurity, and Zone. |
SecurityController.PlayerListCollection |
Server |
Core of an fCraft server. Manages startup/shutdown, online player sessions, and global events and scheduled tasks. |
Session |
Session.VisibleEntity |
ShapesLib |
ShapesLib.PixelData |
ShutdownParams |
Describes the circumstances of server shutdown. |
Sign |
SimpleParser |
SimpleParser.FuncData |
Sin |
Sinh |
SpellStartBehavior |
Sq |
Sqrt |
StandardCommands |
StringKeyAttribute |
StringNode |
StringTree |
Sub |
Sum |
TNTTask |
TNTTask.BData |
Tan |
Tanh |
Tasks |
TntBulletBehavior |
TrackerUsageExample |
TreeGeneration |
UI |
Updater |
Checks for updates, and keeps track of current version/revision. |
UpdaterResult |
Result of an update attempt. |
VanillaMapGen |
Map generator that creates landscapes identical to Notch's original ("vanilla") implementation of Minecraft. |
VanillaMapGenParameters |
VanillaMapGenState |
Variable |
Vector3f |
Vector3i |
VoteHandler |
WaterPhysics |
World |
World instance |
World.UpdateTask |
WorldCommands |
Contains commands related to world management. |
WorldCommands.BlockInfoLookupArgs |
WorldCommands.GenTaskParams |
WorldManager |
Manages the world list. Handles loading/unloading, renaming, map changes, and more. |
WorldOpException |
Zone |
ZoneCommands |
Contains commands related to zone management. |
ZoneConverterExtension |