C# Класс PrinceGame.MessageBoxScreen

Наследование: GameScreen
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Activate ( bool instancePreserved ) : void

Loads graphics content for this screen. This uses the shared ContentManager provided by the Game class, so the content will remain loaded forever. Whenever a subsequent MessageBoxScreen tries to load this same content, it will just get back another reference to the already loaded data.

Draw ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Draws the message box.

HandleInput ( GameTime gameTime, InputState input ) : void

Responds to user input, accepting or cancelling the message box.

MessageBoxScreen ( string message ) : System

Constructor automatically includes the standard "A=ok, B=cancel" usage text prompt.

MessageBoxScreen ( string message, bool includeUsageText ) : System

Constructor lets the caller specify whether to include the standard "A=ok, B=cancel" usage text prompt.

Описание методов

Activate() публичный Метод

Loads graphics content for this screen. This uses the shared ContentManager provided by the Game class, so the content will remain loaded forever. Whenever a subsequent MessageBoxScreen tries to load this same content, it will just get back another reference to the already loaded data.
public Activate ( bool instancePreserved ) : void
instancePreserved bool
Результат void

Draw() публичный Метод

Draws the message box.
public Draw ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
Результат void

HandleInput() публичный Метод

Responds to user input, accepting or cancelling the message box.
public HandleInput ( GameTime gameTime, InputState input ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
input InputState
Результат void

MessageBoxScreen() публичный Метод

Constructor automatically includes the standard "A=ok, B=cancel" usage text prompt.
public MessageBoxScreen ( string message ) : System
message string
Результат System

MessageBoxScreen() публичный Метод

Constructor lets the caller specify whether to include the standard "A=ok, B=cancel" usage text prompt.
public MessageBoxScreen ( string message, bool includeUsageText ) : System
message string
includeUsageText bool
Результат System