C# Класс OpenMetaverse.NetworkManager.OutgoingPacket

Holds a simulator reference and an encoded packet, these structs are put in the packet outbox for sending
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
Packet OpenMetaverse.Packets.Packet
ResendCount int
SetSequence bool
Simulator Simulator
TickCount int

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
OutgoingPacket ( Simulator simulator, Packet packet, bool setSequence ) : System

Описание методов

OutgoingPacket() публичный метод

public OutgoingPacket ( Simulator simulator, Packet packet, bool setSequence ) : System
simulator Simulator
packet OpenMetaverse.Packets.Packet
setSequence bool
Результат System

Описание свойств

Packet публичное свойство

Packet that needs to be processed
public Packet,OpenMetaverse.Packets Packet
Результат OpenMetaverse.Packets.Packet

ResendCount публичное свойство

Number of times this packet has been resent
public int ResendCount
Результат int

SetSequence публичное свойство

True if the sequence number needs to be set, otherwise false
public bool SetSequence
Результат bool

Simulator публичное свойство

Reference to the simulator this packet is destined for
public Simulator,OpenMetaverse Simulator
Результат Simulator

TickCount публичное свойство

Environment.TickCount when this packet was last sent over the wire
public int TickCount
Результат int