C# Class Spine.Unity.SkeletonUtilityBone

Inheritance: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
Exibir arquivo Open project: EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
boneName string
mode Mode
parentReference UnityEngine.Transform
position bool

Public Methods

Method Description
AddBoundingBox ( string skinName, string slotName, string attachmentName ) : void
BoneTransformModeIncompatible ( Bone bone ) : bool
DoUpdate ( ) : void
HandleOnReset ( ) : void
OnDisable ( ) : void
OnDrawGizmos ( ) : void
OnEnable ( ) : void
Reset ( ) : void

Method Details

AddBoundingBox() public method

public AddBoundingBox ( string skinName, string slotName, string attachmentName ) : void
skinName string
slotName string
attachmentName string
return void

BoneTransformModeIncompatible() public static method

public static BoneTransformModeIncompatible ( Bone bone ) : bool
bone Spine.Bone
return bool

DoUpdate() public method

public DoUpdate ( ) : void
return void

HandleOnReset() public method

public HandleOnReset ( ) : void
return void

OnDisable() public method

public OnDisable ( ) : void
return void

OnDrawGizmos() public method

public OnDrawGizmos ( ) : void
return void

OnEnable() public method

public OnEnable ( ) : void
return void

Reset() public method

public Reset ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

boneName public_oe property

If a bone isn't set, boneName is used to find the bone.
public string boneName
return string

mode public_oe property

public Mode mode
return Mode

parentReference public_oe property

public Transform,UnityEngine parentReference
return UnityEngine.Transform

position public_oe property

public bool position
return bool