C# (CSharp) System.Windows.Media.Glitz 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AnimationEffect Represents an animation that can be associated with an element.
ColorAnimation An animation that interpolates a Color-typed property from one value to another.
DoubleAnimation An animation that interpolates a double-typed property from one value to another.
EasingInterpolation An interpolation implementation that eases the linear interpolation at the start, end or both start and end of the animation.
ProceduralAnimation The base class for procedural animations.
ProceduralAnimationController This class manages the set of active animations and is responsible for scheduling them, and executing them from start to finish.
ProceduralAnimationSequence An animation that composes a set of multiple animations into a sequence with one animation following the other.
ProceduralAnimationSet An animation that composes a set of multiple animations playing simulataneously.
TweenAnimation The base class for animations that involve tweening over a specific time duration.
TweenInterpolation Provides the functionality for interpolating an animation from start to finish.