이름 |
설명 |
AgentDropGroupMessage |
An EventQueue message sent from the simulator to an agent when the agent leaves a group |
AgentDropGroupMessage.AgentData |
An object containing the Agents UUID, and the Groups UUID |
AgentGroupDataUpdateMessage |
A message sent from the simulator to an agent which contains the groups the agent is in |
AgentGroupDataUpdateMessage.GroupData |
AgentGroupDataUpdateMessage.NewGroupData |
An optional block containing additional agent specific information |
AssetUploaderBlock |
Base class for Asset uploads/results via Capabilities |
AttachmentResourcesMessage |
Agent resource usage |
BaseResourcesInfo |
Resource usage base class, both agent and parcel resource usage contains summary information |
ChatSessionAcceptInvitation |
A message sent from the agent to the simulator which tells the simulator we've accepted a conference invitation |
ChatSessionRequestBlock |
ChatSessionRequestMessage |
ChatSessionRequestMuteUpdate |
A moderation request sent from a conference moderator Contains an agent and an optional action to take |
ChatSessionRequestStartConference |
A request sent from an agent to the Simulator to begin a new conference. Contains a list of Agents to be in the conference |
ChatterBoxInvitationMessage |
ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdatesMessage |
Sent from the simulator to the viewer. When an agent initially joins a session the AgentUpdatesBlock object will contain a list of session members including a boolean indicating they can use voice chat in this session, a boolean indicating they are allowed to moderate this session, and lastly a string which indicates another agent is entering the session with the Transition set to "ENTER" During the session lifetime updates on individuals are sent. During the update the booleans sent during the initial join are excluded with the exception of the Transition field. This indicates a new user entering or exiting the session with the string "ENTER" or "LEAVE" respectively. |
ChatterBoxSessionAgentListUpdatesMessage.AgentUpdatesBlock |
ChatterBoxSessionStartReplyMessage |
ChatterboxSessionEventReplyMessage |
CopyInventoryFromNotecardMessage |
CrossedRegionMessage |
DirLandReplyMessage |
DirLandReplyMessage.QueryReply |
EnableSimulatorMessage |
EnableSimulatorMessage.SimulatorInfoBlock |
EstablishAgentCommunicationMessage |
Sent to the viewer when a neighboring simulator is requesting the agent make a connection to it. |
EventMessageBlock |
EventQueueAck |
EventQueueEvent |
EventQueueEvent.QueueEvent |
EventQueueGetMessage |
ForceCloseChatterBoxSessionMessage |
An EventQueue message sent when the agent is forcibly removed from a chatterbox session |
LandResourcesInfo |
Parcel resource usage |
LandResourcesMessage |
Response message for parcel resource usage |
LandResourcesRequest |
Request message for parcel resource usage |
LandStatReplyMessage |
LandStatReplyMessage.ReportDataBlock |
MapLayerMessage |
MapLayerMessageBase |
Base class for Map Layers via Capabilities |
MapLayerReplyVariant |
A message sent from the simulator to the viewer which contains an array of map images and their grid coordinates |
MapLayerReplyVariant.LayerData |
An object containing map location details |
MapLayerRequestVariant |
Sent by an agent to the capabilities server to request map layers |
NewFileAgentInventoryMessage |
NewFileAgentInventoryReplyMessage |
NewFileAgentInventoryUploadReplyMessage |
NewFileAgentInventoryVariablePriceMessage |
NewFileAgentInventoryVariablePriceReplyMessage |
ObjectMediaBlock |
ObjectMediaMessage |
ObjectMediaNavigateMessage |
A message sent from the viewer to the simulator which specifies that the user has changed current URL of the specific media on a prim face |
ObjectMediaRequest |
Message used to retrive prim media data |
ObjectMediaResponse |
Message used to update prim media data |
ObjectMediaUpdate |
Message used to update prim media data |
ObjectResourcesDetail |
Details about object resource usage |
ParcelObjectOwnersReplyMessage |
Contains a list of prim owner information for a specific parcel in a simulator |
ParcelObjectOwnersReplyMessage.PrimOwner |
Prim ownership information for a specified owner on a single parcel |
ParcelPropertiesMessage |
ParcelPropertiesUpdateMessage |
A message sent from the viewer to the simulator to updated a specific parcels settings |
ParcelResourcesDetail |
Details about parcel resource usage |
ParcelVoiceInfoRequestMessage |
A message sent from the simulator to the viewer containing the voice server URI |
PlacesReplyMessage |
PlacesReplyMessage.QueryData |
ProductInfoRequestMessage |
New as of 1.23 RC1, no details yet. |
ProvisionVoiceAccountRequestMessage |
RegionInfoMessage |
RemoteParcelRequestBlock |
RemoteParcelRequestMessage |
RemoteParcelRequestReply |
RemoteParcelRequestRequest |
A message sent from the viewer to the simulator to request information on a remote parcel |
RequiredVoiceVersionMessage |
ScriptRunningReplyMessage |
SearchStatRequestBlock |
SearchStatRequestMessage |
SearchStatRequestReply |
SearchStatRequestRequest |
SendPostcardMessage |
TeleportFailedMessage |
A message sent to the client which indicates a teleport request has failed and contains some information on why it failed |
TeleportFinishMessage |
Sent to the client to indicate a teleport request has completed |
UpdateAgentInformationMessage |
UpdateAgentInventoryRequestMessage |
A reusable class containing a message sent from the viewer to the simulator to request a temporary uploader capability which is used to update an asset in an agents inventory |
UpdateAgentLanguageMessage |
A message sent from the viewer to the simulator which specifies the language and permissions for others to detect the language specified |
UpdateGestureAgentInventoryMessage |
A message containing the request/response used for updating a gesture contained with an agents inventory |
UpdateNotecardAgentInventoryMessage |
UpdateNotecardTaskInventoryMessage |
A message request/response which is used to update a notecard contained within a tasks inventory |
UpdateScriptAgentMessage |
UpdateScriptAgentRequestMessage |
A message sent from a viewer to the simulator requesting a temporary uploader capability used to update a script contained in an agents inventory |
UpdateScriptTaskMessage |
Request sent by client to update a script inside a tasks inventory |
UpdateScriptTaskUpdateMessage |
A message sent from the viewer to the simulator requesting the update of an existing script contained within a tasks inventory |
UploadBakedTextureMessage |
A message sent from the viewer to the simulator to request a temporary capability URI which is used to upload an agents baked appearance textures |
UploadObjectAssetMessage |
UploadObjectAssetMessage.Object |
UploadObjectAssetMessage.Object.ExtraParam |
UploadObjectAssetMessage.Object.Face |
UploadScriptTaskMessage |
UploaderRequestComplete |
A message sent from the simulator that will inform the agent the upload is complete, and the UUID of the uploaded asset |
UploaderRequestScriptComplete |
Response from the simulator to notify the viewer the upload is completed, and the UUID of the script asset and its compiled status |
UploaderRequestUpload |
A message sent from the viewer to the simulator to request a temporary upload capability which allows an asset to be uploaded |
UploaderScriptRequestError |
A message sent from the simulator to the viewer which indicates an error occurred while attempting to update a script in an agents or tasks inventory |
ViewerStatsMessage |
WebFetchInventoryDescendentsMessage |