Name |
Description |
ApplicationLocationSettings |
AutowireApplication |
BadNuGetPackageException |
BalancesOfMonth |
BaseUnit |
CalculatorTest |
CementTrackException |
ClientLogicServiceDelegate |
ClientLogicServiceDelegate.MethodId |
ClientLoginServiceDelegate |
ClientLoginServiceDelegate.MethodId |
ClientMethodDispatcher |
CommonRebusConfigurationExtensions |
ConfigFileFinder |
ConnectStatus |
Some of the functions of our applications may require a run-time test of internet connectivity. Once internet connectivity is detected, the functions that require internet access may temporarily be disabled and/or the user can be notified via an alert message. Otherwise, the application may result in error during operation or it may cause annoying problems for the user. |
Console |
Console.Log |
Constants |
ContentSites |
DT |
DbSyncNotifyDelegate |
DbSyncNotifyDelegate.MethodId |
DoNotDestroy |
Event |
EventSource |
ExceptionHelper |
GameEntity |
GameEntityFactory |
GameEntityFactory.GameEntityPrefab |
GameEntityInput |
GameEntityManager |
GameEntityManager.CharacterData |
GamePlayer |
GitCheckoutException |
GitCloneException |
GitCommitException |
GitLocalChangesException |
GitRemoteException |
GmUtil |
HMACMD5Helper |
HashHelper |
HelloClass |
Image |
InputState |
JsonContent |
JsonEmailConverter |
JsonPasswordConverter |
LoadLevel |
LogicClientServiceDelegate |
LogicClientServiceDelegate.MethodId |
LoginClientServiceDelegate |
LoginClientServiceDelegate.MethodId |
LoginNotifyDelegate |
LoginNotifyDelegate.MethodId |
MathParser |
Md5Helper |
md5生成辅助类 |
MessageBuffer |
MethodDispatcher |
MethodSerializer |
MinimapStuffs |
NetworkSettings |
NoSuchConfigurationException |
NpcEntityController |
PInvoke |
PInvoke.DisposableHandle |
PInvoke.GetResourceNamesParameter |
PInvoke.LastInputInfo |
PInvoke.Rectangle |
Password |
PeriodTypes |
Person |
PlayerEntityController |
PostRenderer |
Program |
RecentFileList |
RecentFileList.ApplicationAttributes |
RecentFileList.MenuClickEventArgs |
RecentFileList.RecentFile |
RecentFileList.RegistryPersister |
RecentFileList.XmlPersister |
RecentFileList.XmlPersister.SmartStream |
ResponseModel |
Esta clase ha sido creada con la finalidad de crear una comunicación con el modelo, ya sea retornando una respuesta o un objeto. Ejm: Cuando hacemos un INSERT, posiblemente no se haya realizado el INSERT porque hay un paso previo que debemos hacer, con esta clase podemos especificar cual es el paso previo que falta. |
RpgCamera |
Serializador |
ServerComponentFileProvider |
ServiceIdGen |
ServiceMeta |
ServiceUriBuilder |
SessionHelper |
Settings |
SpawnPoint |
SpawnRange |
StartupArgs |
StartupArgsHandler |
Statistics |
StatsUI |
SyncDialog |
SyncHelper |
Implements various methods involved in communication with an ftp server. |
SyncInfo |
Contains information about a synchronisation request with a remote server. |
SyncJobs |
Contains methods for syncronising remote and local directories with the aid of a progress-reporting background worker. |
SyncPresenter |
Class that controls the presentation of the Sync Dialog, linking it to the model. |
TestUidGenerator |
TimeoutException |
TokenGenerator |
Transaction |
Triangle |
TriangulationDebugContext |
UIAssistant |
UserInfo |
Utility |
YamlHelper |