C# Class Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeEntities.Ship

Stores information about the entire world!!! It controls EVERYTHING and determines when to enter/exit rooms and handles their objects' transitions into and out of the physicsworld
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
PhysicalWorld Project290.Physics.Dynamics.World
Player Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Player
bombCount int
bossFight bool
c int
contents List
lastEnemyDied System.DateTime
r int
random System.Random
roomStatus ].int[
screen SolitudeScreen
term Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Items.Terminal

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateObjects ( List items ) : void

take the list of objects in the room and actually create them

Destroy ( SolitudeObject o ) : void

lets ship know to destroy an object (such as bomb or power up)

Draw ( ) : void
EnterRoom ( Direction d ) : void

Reset ( ) : void
ResetRoom ( ) : void

reloads the current room when the player dies.

Ship ( SolitudeScreen s ) : System
Update ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
ItemIsDoor ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsFighter ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsMauler ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsSentinel ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsTerminal ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsTy ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsWall ( ObjectListItem o ) : void

Creates a wall based on information from an ObjectListItem o

Method Details

CreateObjects() public method

take the list of objects in the room and actually create them
public CreateObjects ( List items ) : void
items List
return void

Destroy() public method

lets ship know to destroy an object (such as bomb or power up)
public Destroy ( SolitudeObject o ) : void
o Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.SolitudeObject
return void

Draw() public method

public Draw ( ) : void
return void

EnterRoom() public method

public EnterRoom ( Direction d ) : void
d Direction
return void

Reset() public method

public Reset ( ) : void
return void

ResetRoom() public method

reloads the current room when the player dies.
public ResetRoom ( ) : void
return void

Ship() public method

public Ship ( SolitudeScreen s ) : System
s SolitudeScreen
return System

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

PhysicalWorld public_oe property

The world for all physical objects to interact
public World,Project290.Physics.Dynamics PhysicalWorld
return Project290.Physics.Dynamics.World

Player public_oe property

the player object.
public Player,Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects Player
return Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Player

bombCount public_oe property

number of bombs currently active
public int bombCount
return int

bossFight public_oe property

public bool bossFight
return bool

c public_oe static_oe property

the column index of the active room
public static int c
return int

contents public_oe property

A list of objects in the room
public List contents
return List

lastEnemyDied public_oe property

time of last enemy's death to boost score multiplier.
public DateTime,System lastEnemyDied
return System.DateTime

r public_oe static_oe property

the row index of the active room
public static int r
return int

random public_oe property

public Random,System random
return System.Random

roomStatus public_oe property

distinguishes between normal rooms, rooms with terminals, unfound terminals, and boss fights, etc.
public int[,] roomStatus
return ].int[

screen public_oe property

public SolitudeScreen screen
return SolitudeScreen

term public_oe property

public Terminal,Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Items term
return Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Items.Terminal