C# Class Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeEntities.Ship

Stores information about the entire world!!! It controls EVERYTHING and determines when to enter/exit rooms and handles their objects' transitions into and out of the physicsworld
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
PhysicalWorld Project290.Physics.Dynamics.World
Player Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Player
bombCount int
bossFight bool
c int
contents List
lastEnemyDied System.DateTime
r int
random System.Random
roomStatus ].int[
screen SolitudeScreen
term Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Items.Terminal

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateObjects ( List items ) : void

take the list of objects in the room and actually create them

Destroy ( SolitudeObject o ) : void

lets ship know to destroy an object (such as bomb or power up)

Draw ( ) : void
EnterRoom ( Direction d ) : void

Reset ( ) : void
ResetRoom ( ) : void

reloads the current room when the player dies.

Ship ( SolitudeScreen s ) : System
Update ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
ItemIsDoor ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsFighter ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsMauler ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsSentinel ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsTerminal ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsTy ( ObjectListItem o ) : void
ItemIsWall ( ObjectListItem o ) : void

Creates a wall based on information from an ObjectListItem o

Method Details

CreateObjects() public method

take the list of objects in the room and actually create them
public CreateObjects ( List items ) : void
items List
return void

Destroy() public method

lets ship know to destroy an object (such as bomb or power up)
public Destroy ( SolitudeObject o ) : void
o Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.SolitudeObject
return void

Draw() public method

public Draw ( ) : void
return void

EnterRoom() public method

public EnterRoom ( Direction d ) : void
d Direction
return void

Reset() public method

public Reset ( ) : void
return void

ResetRoom() public method

reloads the current room when the player dies.
public ResetRoom ( ) : void
return void

Ship() public method

public Ship ( SolitudeScreen s ) : System
s SolitudeScreen
return System

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

PhysicalWorld public property

The world for all physical objects to interact
public World,Project290.Physics.Dynamics PhysicalWorld
return Project290.Physics.Dynamics.World

Player public property

the player object.
public Player,Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects Player
return Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Player

bombCount public property

number of bombs currently active
public int bombCount
return int

bossFight public property

public bool bossFight
return bool

c public static property

the column index of the active room
public static int c
return int

contents public property

A list of objects in the room
public List contents
return List

lastEnemyDied public property

time of last enemy's death to boost score multiplier.
public DateTime,System lastEnemyDied
return System.DateTime

r public static property

the row index of the active room
public static int r
return int

random public property

public Random,System random
return System.Random

roomStatus public property

distinguishes between normal rooms, rooms with terminals, unfound terminals, and boss fights, etc.
public int[,] roomStatus
return ].int[

screen public property

public SolitudeScreen screen
return SolitudeScreen

term public property

public Terminal,Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Items term
return Project290.Games.Solitude.SolitudeObjects.Items.Terminal