C# (CSharp) Danmaku_no_Kyojin.BulletEngine Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
Bullet This is the bullet class that outside assemblies will interact with. Just inherit from this class and override the abstract functions!
BulletMLAccel This task adds acceleration to a bullet.
BulletMLAction An action task, this dude contains a list of tasks that are repeated
BulletMLChangeDirection This task changes the direction a little bit every frame
BulletMLChangeSpeed This task changes the speed a little bit every frame.
BulletMLEquation This is an equation used in BulletML nodes. This is an eays way to set up the grammar for all our equations.
BulletMLFire A task to shoot a bullet
BulletMLNode This is a single node from a BulletML document.
BulletMLSetDirection This task sets the direction of a bullet
BulletMLSetSpeed This action sets the velocity of a bullet
BulletMLTask This is a task..each task is the action from a single xml node, for one bullet. basically each bullet makes a tree of these to match its pattern
BulletMLVanish This task removes a bullet from the game.
BulletMLWait This task pauses for a specified amount of time before resuming
BulletPattern This is a complete document that describes a bullet pattern.
FireData This is a template for creating new bullets. These things are stored in a bullet object, and used to shoot more bullets. It seems like every task in a bullet has a corresponding firedata object They are initialized to 0 and set by the task when that task is run.
GameManager This thing manages a few gameplay variables that used by the bulletml lib
Mover 弾や敵オブジェクト(自身が弾源になる場合も、弾源から呼び出される場合もあります)
MoverManager オブジェクトを一括管理する