C# Класс Danmaku_no_Kyojin.BulletEngine.BulletMLChangeSpeed

This task changes the speed a little bit every frame.
Наследование: BulletMLTask
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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BulletMLChangeSpeed ( BulletMLNode node, BulletMLTask owner ) : System.Diagnostics

Initializes a new instance of the BulletMLLib.BulletMLTask class.

Run ( Bullet bullet ) : ERunStatus

Run this task and all subtasks against a bullet This is called once a frame during runtime.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
Init ( ) : void

Init this task and all its sub tasks. This method should be called AFTER the nodes are parsed, but BEFORE run is called.

Описание методов

BulletMLChangeSpeed() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the BulletMLLib.BulletMLTask class.
public BulletMLChangeSpeed ( BulletMLNode node, BulletMLTask owner ) : System.Diagnostics
node BulletMLNode Node.
owner BulletMLTask Owner.
Результат System.Diagnostics

Init() защищенный Метод

Init this task and all its sub tasks. This method should be called AFTER the nodes are parsed, but BEFORE run is called.
protected Init ( ) : void
Результат void

Run() публичный Метод

Run this task and all subtasks against a bullet This is called once a frame during runtime.
public Run ( Bullet bullet ) : ERunStatus
bullet Bullet The bullet to update this task against.
Результат ERunStatus