C# (CSharp) Axiom.Core Пространство имен


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AxiomException Summary description for AxiomException.
AxisAlignedBoxRegionSceneQuery Specializes the SceneQuery class for querying items within an AxisAlignedBox.
Billboard A billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame.
BillboardSet A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the camera) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other.
Camera A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered.
Camera.CameraEventArgs Event arguments for render target updates.
DefaultAxisAlignedBoxRegionSceneQuery Default implementation of a AxisAlignedBoxRegionSceneQuery.
DefaultIntersectionSceneQuery Default implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery.
DefaultPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery Default implementation of a PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery.
DefaultRaySceneQuery Default implementation of RaySceneQuery.
DefaultSphereRegionSceneQuery Default implementation of a SphereRegionSceneQuery.
Entity Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh.
Entity.EntityShadowRenderable Nested class to allow entity shadows.
EntityMaterialLodChangedEvent Struct containing information about a material lod change event for entities.
EntityMeshLodChangedEvent Struct containing information about a mesh lod change event for entities.
FrameEventArgs Used to supply info to the FrameStarted and FrameEnded events.
Frustum A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a visible area or a projection area. Can be used for a number of applications.
InstancedGeometry Pre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as instanced geometry in a scene Shader instancing allows to save both memory and draw calls. While StaticGeometry stores 500 times the same object in a batch to display 500 objects, this shader instancing implementation stores only 80 times the object, and then re-uses the vertex data with different shader parameter. Although you save memory, you make more draw call. However, you still make less draw calls than if you were rendering each object independently. Plus, you can move the batched objects independently of one another which you cannot do with StaticGeometry.
InstancedGeometry.GeometryBucket A GeometryBucket is a the lowest level bucket where geometry with the same vertex & index format is stored. It also acts as the renderable.
InstancedGeometry.LODBucket A LODBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same LOD. LOD refers to Mesh LOD here. Material LOD can change separately at the next bucket down from this.
InstancedGeometry.OptimisedSubMeshGeometry Struct holding geometry optimised per SubMesh / lod level, ready for copying to instances.
IntersectionSceneQuery Separate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another.
IntersectionSceneQueryResult Holds the results of an intersection scene query (pair values).
Light Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene.
Log Log class for writing debug/log data to files.
MeshManager Handles the management of mesh resources.
MeshManager.MeshBuildParams Saved parameters used to (re)build a manual mesh built by this class
MeshSerializerArgs Used to supply info to the ProcessMaterialName and ProcessSkeletonName events.
MeterManager The MeterManager creates and hands out TimingMeter instances. Those instances are looked up by meter "title", a string name for the meter. Meter instances also have a string "category", so you can turn metering on and off by category. All public methods of MeterManager are static, so the user doesn't have to worry about managing the instance of MeterManager. The workflow is that the user program creates several meters by calling the static MakeMeter method, passing the title and category of the meter. That method looks up the meter by title, creating it if it doesn't already exists, and returns the meter. Thereafter, the user invokes the TimingMeter.Enter() and TimingMeter.Exit() methods, each of which causes the MeterManager to add a record to a collection of entries and exits. The record has the identity of the meter; whether it's an entry or exit, and the time in processor ticks, captured using the assembler primitive RDTSC. At any point, the program can call the method MeterManager.Report, which produces a report based on the trace.
MovableObjectLodChangedEvent Struct containing information about a lod change event for movable objects.
Node Class representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph.
ObjectCreator Used by configuration classes to store assembly/class names and instantiate objects from them.
PatchMesh Patch specialization of Mesh.
PatchSurface A surface which is defined by curves of some kind to form a patch, e.g. a Bezier patch.
PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery Specializes the SceneQuery class for querying items within PlaneBoundedVolumes.
PlatformManager Class which manages the platform settings required to run.
PluginException Summary description for PluginException.
PluginManager Summary description for PluginManager.
PrefabFactory A factory class that can create various mesh prefabs.
ProgressiveMesh Class for handling multiple levels of detail for a Mesh
ProgressiveMesh.PMFaceVertex A vertex as used by a face. This records the index of the actual vertex which is used by the face, and a pointer to the common vertex used for surface evaluation.
ProgressiveMesh.PMTriangle A triangle in the progressive mesh, holds extra info like face normal.
ProgressiveMesh.PMVertex A vertex in the progressive mesh, holds info like collapse cost etc. This vertex can actually represent several vertices in the final model, because vertices along texture seams etc will have been duplicated. In order to properly evaluate the surface properties, a single common vertex is used for these duplicates, and the faces hold the detail of the duplicated vertices.
RaySceneQuery Specializes the SceneQuery class for querying for objects along a ray.
RaySceneQueryResultEntry This struct allows a single comparison of result data no matter what the type.
RegionSceneQuery Abstract class defining a query which returns single results from within a region.
ResourceManager Defines a generic resource handler.
Root The Engine class is the main container of all the subsystems. This includes the RenderSystem, various ResourceManagers, etc.
SceneManager Manages the organization and rendering of a 'scene' i.e. a collection of objects and potentially world geometry.
SceneManager.ShadowCasterSceneQueryListener Nested class to use as a callback for shadow caster scene query.
SceneManagerFactory Class which will create instances of a given SceneManager.
SceneManagerMetaData Structure containing information about a scene manager.
SceneNode Represents a node in a scene graph.
SceneQuery A class for performing queries on a scene.
SceneQuery.WorldFragment Represents part of the world geometry that is a result of a SceneQuery.
SceneQueryResult Holds the results of a single scene query.
SphereRegionSceneQuery Specializes the SceneQuery class for querying items within a sphere.
StaticGeometry Pre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as static geometry in a scene.
StaticGeometry.LODBucket A LODBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same LOD.
StaticGeometry.MaterialBucket A MaterialBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same Material (and implicitly the same LOD).
StaticGeometry.OptimisedSubMeshGeometry Struct holding geometry optimised per SubMesh / LOD level, ready for copying to instances.
StaticGeometry.QueuedGeometry Structure recording a queued geometry for low level builds
StaticGeometry.QueuedSubMesh Structure recording a queued submesh for the build
StaticGeometry.Region The details of a topological region which is the highest level of partitioning for this class.
StaticGeometry.SubMeshLodGeometryLink Saved link between SubMesh at a LOD and vertex/index data May point to original or optimised geometry
SubEntity Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity.
SubMesh Defines a part of a complete 3D mesh.
TextureManager Class for loading & managing textures.
Timer Encapsulates the functionality of the platform's highest resolution timer available.
ViewPoint Structure for holding a position & orientation pair.
WireBoundingBox Summary description for WireBoundingBox.