C# Класс QualisysRealTime.Unity.Skeleton.JointLocalization

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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
GetAnkleLeft void
GetAnklePos Vector3
GetAnkleRight void
GetFootBaseLeft void
GetFootBaseRight void
GetFootLeft void
GetFootRight void
GetHandLeft void
GetHandRight void
GetHead void
GetHeadTop void
GetHipJoint Vector3
GetIndexLeft void
GetIndexRight void
GetKneePos Vector3
GetLowerArmLeft void
GetLowerArmRight void
GetShoulderLeft void
GetShoulderRight void
GetThumbLeft void
GetThumbRight void
GetTrapLeft void
GetTrapRight void
GetUpperArmLeft void
GetUpperArmRight void
GetUpperarmJoint Vector3
GetWristLeft void
GetWristRight void
LowerLegLeft void
LowerLegRight void
MidSpine void
Neck void
Plevis void
SetJointsRecursive void
SetJointsRecursive void
SpineEnd void
SpineRoot void
UpperLegLeft void
UpperLegRight void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetJointLocation ( Vector3>.Dictionary markerData, BipedSkeleton &skeleton ) : void

Fills in the skeleton with the joint positions given the set of markers

JointLocalization ( MarkersNames markers ) : System

Setting up for joint localization

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GetAnkleLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetAnklePos ( bool isRightAnkle ) : Vector3
GetAnkleRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetFootBaseLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetFootBaseRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetFootLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetFootRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetHandLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetHandRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetHead ( Bone b ) : void
GetHeadTop ( Bone b ) : void
GetHipJoint ( bool isRightHip ) : Vector3
GetIndexLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetIndexRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetKneePos ( bool isRightKnee ) : Vector3
GetLowerArmLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetLowerArmRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetShoulderLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetShoulderRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetThumbLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetThumbRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetTrapLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetTrapRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetUpperArmLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetUpperArmRight ( Bone b ) : void
GetUpperarmJoint ( bool isRightShoulder ) : Vector3
GetWristLeft ( Bone b ) : void
GetWristRight ( Bone b ) : void
LowerLegLeft ( Bone b ) : void
LowerLegRight ( Bone b ) : void
MidSpine ( Bone b ) : void
Neck ( Bone b ) : void
Plevis ( Bone b ) : void
SetJointsRecursive ( ICollection boneList, int &index ) : void

Helper function

SetJointsRecursive ( TreeNode currBone, int &index ) : void

Recursive function to set the new bone position and rotation

SpineEnd ( Bone b ) : void
SpineRoot ( Bone b ) : void
UpperLegLeft ( Bone b ) : void
UpperLegRight ( Bone b ) : void

Описание методов

GetJointLocation() публичный Метод

Fills in the skeleton with the joint positions given the set of markers
public GetJointLocation ( Vector3>.Dictionary markerData, BipedSkeleton &skeleton ) : void
markerData Vector3>.Dictionary The dictionary contaiing the markers and their position
skeleton BipedSkeleton The skeleton to be filled in
Результат void

JointLocalization() публичный Метод

Setting up for joint localization
public JointLocalization ( MarkersNames markers ) : System
markers MarkersNames The aliases of the marker names
Результат System