C# Класс Project_Starfighter.GameScreen

This is a game component that implements IUpdateable.
Наследование: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.DrawableGameComponent
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
game Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
spriteBatch Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Draw ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

GameScreen ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch ) : System

Constructor for the Game Screen

Hide ( ) : void

Initialize ( ) : void

Allows the game component to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. This is where it can query for any required services and load content.

Show ( ) : void

Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Allows the game component to update itself.

Описание методов

Draw() публичный Метод

public Draw ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
Результат void

GameScreen() публичный Метод

Constructor for the Game Screen
public GameScreen ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch ) : System
game Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
spriteBatch Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch
Результат System

Hide() публичный Метод

public Hide ( ) : void
Результат void

Initialize() публичный Метод

Allows the game component to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. This is where it can query for any required services and load content.
public Initialize ( ) : void
Результат void

Show() публичный Метод

public Show ( ) : void
Результат void

Update() публичный Метод

Allows the game component to update itself.
public Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime Provides a snapshot of timing values.
Результат void

Описание свойств

game защищенное свойство

protected Game,Microsoft.Xna.Framework game
Результат Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game

spriteBatch защищенное свойство

protected SpriteBatch,Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics spriteBatch
Результат Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch