C# Класс KUInterface, KinectSDK-Unity3D_Interface_Plugin

class for accessing Kinect methods
Наследование: MonoBehaviour
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
displayDepthImage bool
displayJointInformation bool
displayTextureImage bool
scaleFactor int
twoPlayer bool
useDepth bool
useRGB bool

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetCameraAngle ( ) : float

returns current Kinect camera angle from horizontal

GetDepthData ( ) : short[][]

gets depth data from Kinect depth camera

depth[x=0][y=0] corresponds to top-left corner of image

GetJointPos ( KinectWrapper, joint ) : Vector3

one-player overload of joint position get function

GetJointPos ( int player, KinectWrapper, joint ) : Vector3

main joint position get function

GetTextureImage ( ) : Texture2D

gets color texture image from Kinect RGB camera

SetCameraAngle ( int angle ) : bool

sets Kinect camera angle

do not change angle more than once every 30 sec

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
DisplayPlayerData ( int player, int place ) : void
OnApplicationQuit ( ) : void
OnGUI ( ) : void
Start ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
UpdateDepth ( ) : void
UpdateTextureImage ( ) : void

Описание методов

GetCameraAngle() публичный Метод

returns current Kinect camera angle from horizontal
public GetCameraAngle ( ) : float
Результат float

GetDepthData() публичный Метод

gets depth data from Kinect depth camera
depth[x=0][y=0] corresponds to top-left corner of image
public GetDepthData ( ) : short[][]
Результат short[][]

GetJointPos() публичный Метод

one-player overload of joint position get function
public GetJointPos ( KinectWrapper, joint ) : Vector3
joint KinectWrapper, KinectWrapper.Joints enum
Результат Vector3

GetJointPos() публичный Метод

main joint position get function
public GetJointPos ( int player, KinectWrapper, joint ) : Vector3
player int player number (1,2)
joint KinectWrapper, KinectWrapper.Joints enum
Результат Vector3

GetTextureImage() публичный Метод

gets color texture image from Kinect RGB camera
public GetTextureImage ( ) : Texture2D
Результат UnityEngine.Texture2D

SetCameraAngle() публичный Метод

sets Kinect camera angle
do not change angle more than once every 30 sec
public SetCameraAngle ( int angle ) : bool
angle int range: -27 -> 27
Результат bool

Описание свойств

displayDepthImage публичное свойство

displays depth image on screen
public bool displayDepthImage
Результат bool

displayJointInformation публичное свойство

displays joint position data on screen
public bool displayJointInformation
Результат bool

displayTextureImage публичное свойство

displays RGB texture image on screen
public bool displayTextureImage
Результат bool

scaleFactor публичное свойство

scales all joint positions by given amount. Do not set to zero.
public int scaleFactor
Результат int

twoPlayer публичное свойство

set to true to track two skeletons
public bool twoPlayer
Результат bool

useDepth публичное свойство

set to false to optimize performance if depth camera is not being used
public bool useDepth
Результат bool

useRGB публичное свойство

set to false to optimize performance if RGB camera is not being used
public bool useRGB
Результат bool