C# Класс ActiveAnimation, TheUnseen

Наследование: MonoBehaviour
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
current ActiveAnimation,
onFinished List

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
Play void
Start void
Update void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Play ( Animation anim, Direction, playDirection ) : ActiveAnimation,

Play the specified animation.

Play ( Animation anim, string clipName, Direction, playDirection ) : ActiveAnimation,

Play the specified animation.

Play ( Animation anim, string clipName, Direction, playDirection, EnableCondition enableBeforePlay, DisableCondition disableCondition ) : ActiveAnimation,

Play the specified animation on the specified object.

Play ( Animator anim, string clipName, Direction, playDirection, EnableCondition enableBeforePlay, DisableCondition disableCondition ) : ActiveAnimation,

Play the specified animation on the specified object.

Reset ( ) : void

Manually reset the active animation to the beginning.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Play ( string clipName, Direction, playDirection ) : void

Play the specified animation.

Start ( ) : void

Event receiver is only kept for backwards compatibility purposes. It's removed on start if new functionality is used.

Update ( ) : void

Notify the target when the animation finishes playing.

Описание методов

Play() статический публичный Метод

Play the specified animation.
static public Play ( Animation anim, Direction, playDirection ) : ActiveAnimation,
anim Animation
playDirection Direction,
Результат ActiveAnimation,

Play() статический публичный Метод

Play the specified animation.
static public Play ( Animation anim, string clipName, Direction, playDirection ) : ActiveAnimation,
anim Animation
clipName string
playDirection Direction,
Результат ActiveAnimation,

Play() статический публичный Метод

Play the specified animation on the specified object.
static public Play ( Animation anim, string clipName, Direction, playDirection, EnableCondition enableBeforePlay, DisableCondition disableCondition ) : ActiveAnimation,
anim Animation
clipName string
playDirection Direction,
enableBeforePlay EnableCondition
disableCondition DisableCondition
Результат ActiveAnimation,

Play() статический публичный Метод

Play the specified animation on the specified object.
static public Play ( Animator anim, string clipName, Direction, playDirection, EnableCondition enableBeforePlay, DisableCondition disableCondition ) : ActiveAnimation,
anim Animator
clipName string
playDirection Direction,
enableBeforePlay EnableCondition
disableCondition DisableCondition
Результат ActiveAnimation,

Reset() публичный Метод

Manually reset the active animation to the beginning.
public Reset ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

current статическое публичное свойство

Active animation that resulted in the event notification.
static public ActiveAnimation, current
Результат ActiveAnimation,

onFinished публичное свойство

Event delegates called when the animation finishes.
public List onFinished
Результат List