C# Class Universe.Physics.OpenDynamicsEngine.ODECharacter

Inheritance: Universe.Framework.Physics.PhysicsActor
Exibir arquivo Open project: Virtual-Universe/Virtual-Universe Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Amotor System.IntPtr
Body System.IntPtr
MinimumGroundFlightOffset float
Shell System.IntPtr
m_isPhysical bool
m_localID uint
m_uuid UUID

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
CollisionEventsThisFrame Universe.Framework.Physics.CollisionEventUpdate
PID_D float
PID_P float
ShouldBeWalking bool
StartingUnderWater bool
WasUnderWater bool
_parent_ref ODESpecificAvatar
_parent_scene ODEPhysicsScene
_position System.Vector3
_target_force System.Vector3
_target_vel_force System.Vector3
_velocity System.Vector3
_wasZeroFlagFlying bool
_zeroFlag bool
flying bool
lastUnderwaterPush float
m_ZeroUpdateSent int
m_alwaysRun bool
m_colliderfilter int
m_collisionCategories CollisionCategories
m_forceAppliedBeforeFalling System.Vector3
m_isJumping bool
m_iscolliding bool
m_ispreJumping bool
m_kinematic bool
m_lastAngVelocity System.Vector3
m_lastForceApplied int
m_lastPosition System.Vector3
m_lastVelocity System.Vector3
m_mass float
m_preJumpCounter int
m_preJumpForce System.Vector3
m_rotationalVelocity System.Vector3
m_shouldBePhysical bool
m_speedModifier float
m_taintRotation Quaternion
realFlying bool

Public Methods

Method Description
AddCollisionEvent ( uint collidedWith, ContactPoint contact ) : void
AddForce ( System.Vector3 force, bool pushforce ) : void

Adds the force supplied to the Target Velocity The PID controller takes this target velocity and tries to make it a reality

Destroy ( ) : void

Cleanup the things we use in the scene.

ForceSetPosition ( System.Vector3 position ) : void
ForceSetVelocity ( System.Vector3 velocity ) : void
ODECharacter ( String avName, ODEPhysicsScene parent_scene, System.Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation, System.Vector3 size ) : System
RebuildAvatar ( ) : void
SendCollisions ( ) : bool
SubscribedEvents ( ) : bool
UpdatePositionAndVelocity ( float timestep ) : void

Updates the reported position and velocity. This essentially sends the data up to ScenePresence.

Method Details

AddCollisionEvent() public method

public AddCollisionEvent ( uint collidedWith, ContactPoint contact ) : void
collidedWith uint
contact Universe.Framework.Physics.ContactPoint
return void

AddForce() public method

Adds the force supplied to the Target Velocity The PID controller takes this target velocity and tries to make it a reality
public AddForce ( System.Vector3 force, bool pushforce ) : void
force System.Vector3
pushforce bool
return void

Destroy() public method

Cleanup the things we use in the scene.
public Destroy ( ) : void
return void

ForceSetPosition() public method

public ForceSetPosition ( System.Vector3 position ) : void
position System.Vector3
return void

ForceSetVelocity() public method

public ForceSetVelocity ( System.Vector3 velocity ) : void
velocity System.Vector3
return void

ODECharacter() public method

public ODECharacter ( String avName, ODEPhysicsScene parent_scene, System.Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation, System.Vector3 size ) : System
avName String
parent_scene ODEPhysicsScene
pos System.Vector3
rotation Quaternion
size System.Vector3
return System

RebuildAvatar() public method

public RebuildAvatar ( ) : void
return void

SendCollisions() public method

public SendCollisions ( ) : bool
return bool

SubscribedEvents() public method

public SubscribedEvents ( ) : bool
return bool

UpdatePositionAndVelocity() public method

Updates the reported position and velocity. This essentially sends the data up to ScenePresence.
public UpdatePositionAndVelocity ( float timestep ) : void
timestep float
return void

Property Details

Amotor public_oe property

public IntPtr,System Amotor
return System.IntPtr

Body public_oe property

public IntPtr,System Body
return System.IntPtr

CAPSULE_LENGTH public_oe property

public float CAPSULE_LENGTH
return float

CAPSULE_RADIUS public_oe property

public float CAPSULE_RADIUS
return float

CollisionEventsThisFrame protected_oe property

protected CollisionEventUpdate,Universe.Framework.Physics CollisionEventsThisFrame
return Universe.Framework.Physics.CollisionEventUpdate

MinimumGroundFlightOffset public_oe property

public float MinimumGroundFlightOffset
return float

PID_D protected_oe property

protected float PID_D
return float

PID_P protected_oe property

protected float PID_P
return float

Shell public_oe property

public IntPtr,System Shell
return System.IntPtr

ShouldBeWalking protected_oe property

protected bool ShouldBeWalking
return bool

StartingUnderWater protected_oe property

protected bool StartingUnderWater
return bool

WasUnderWater protected_oe property

protected bool WasUnderWater
return bool

_parent_ref protected_oe property

protected ODESpecificAvatar,Universe.Physics.OpenDynamicsEngine _parent_ref
return ODESpecificAvatar

_parent_scene protected_oe property

protected ODEPhysicsScene,Universe.Physics.OpenDynamicsEngine _parent_scene
return ODEPhysicsScene

_position protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System _position
return System.Vector3

_target_force protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System _target_force
return System.Vector3

_target_vel_force protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System _target_vel_force
return System.Vector3

_velocity protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System _velocity
return System.Vector3

_wasZeroFlagFlying protected_oe property

protected bool _wasZeroFlagFlying
return bool

_zeroFlag protected_oe property

protected bool _zeroFlag
return bool

flying protected_oe property

protected bool flying
return bool

lastUnderwaterPush protected_oe property

protected float lastUnderwaterPush
return float

m_ZeroUpdateSent protected_oe property

protected int m_ZeroUpdateSent
return int

m_alwaysRun protected_oe property

protected bool m_alwaysRun
return bool

m_colliderfilter protected_oe property

protected int m_colliderfilter
return int

m_collisionCategories protected_oe property

protected CollisionCategories m_collisionCategories
return CollisionCategories

m_forceAppliedBeforeFalling protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System m_forceAppliedBeforeFalling
return System.Vector3

m_isJumping protected_oe property

protected bool m_isJumping
return bool

m_isPhysical public_oe property

public bool m_isPhysical
return bool

m_iscolliding protected_oe property

protected bool m_iscolliding
return bool

m_ispreJumping protected_oe property

protected bool m_ispreJumping
return bool

m_kinematic protected_oe property

protected bool m_kinematic
return bool

m_lastAngVelocity protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System m_lastAngVelocity
return System.Vector3

m_lastForceApplied protected_oe property

protected int m_lastForceApplied
return int

m_lastPosition protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System m_lastPosition
return System.Vector3

m_lastVelocity protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System m_lastVelocity
return System.Vector3

m_localID public_oe property

public uint m_localID
return uint

m_mass protected_oe property

protected float m_mass
return float

m_preJumpCounter protected_oe property

protected int m_preJumpCounter
return int

m_preJumpForce protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System m_preJumpForce
return System.Vector3

m_rotationalVelocity protected_oe property

protected Vector3,System m_rotationalVelocity
return System.Vector3

m_shouldBePhysical protected_oe property

protected bool m_shouldBePhysical
return bool

m_speedModifier protected_oe property

protected float m_speedModifier
return float

m_taintRotation protected_oe property

protected Quaternion m_taintRotation
return Quaternion

m_uuid public_oe property

public UUID m_uuid
return UUID

realFlying protected_oe property

protected bool realFlying
return bool