C# Class DarkEmu_GameServer.obj

Exibir arquivo Open project: CarlosX/DarkEmu Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Agro List<_agro>
Attack System.Threading.Timer
AttackHandle Thread
AttackSpeed double
Busy bool
DeBuff _debuff
EffectTimer System.Threading.Timer[]
HP int
ID int
Ids DarkEmu_GameServer.Global.ID
Move sbyte
Spawn List
SpeedWalk float
Target object
UniqueID int
aRound bool[]
area short
guard bool[]
rnd System.Random
rotation System.Int32
spawnOran byte
x double
xSec byte

Public Methods

Method Description
AddAgroDmg ( int playerid, int dmg ) : void
AttackCallBack ( object e ) : void
AttackHim ( int AttackType ) : void
AttackMain ( ) : void
AttackStop ( ) : void
AutoRunCallBack ( object e ) : void
CalcSharedPartyExpSp ( int paramexp, party pt, Systems targetplayer, long &outexp ) : void
ChangeState ( byte type, byte type2 ) : void
CheckAgro ( ) : void
CheckEveryOne ( ) : void
CheckEveryOne ( object e ) : void
CheckUnique ( ) : void
CheckUnique ( Systems s ) : void
DeBuffGetFreeSlot ( ) : byte
DeSpawnMe ( ) : void
DeleteTarget ( ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void
FollowHim ( Systems sys ) : void
GetAgroClass ( int id ) : _agro
GetBlueRandom ( ) : List
GetElixir ( byte level ) : List
GetItemType ( int id ) : byte
GetLevelItem ( byte level ) : List
GetLevelItemSOX ( byte level ) : List
GetMaterials ( byte level ) : List
GetPotions ( byte level ) : List
GetRangePlayers ( int dist ) : List
GetTarget ( ) : object
GotoPlayer ( character Player, double distance ) : void
Mob_Effect_CallBack ( object e ) : void
ObjeSleepCallBack ( object e ) : void
RandomMonster ( int sID, byte randomTYPE ) : void
Regen ( int time ) : void
Send ( byte buff ) : void
SetExperience ( ) : void
SetPartyMemberExp ( Systems ch, long expamount, short stat, long sp ) : void
SetSp ( Systems sys, long sp ) : void
Sleep ( int time ) : void
SpawnMe ( ) : void
Spawned ( int id ) : bool
StartAgressiveTimer ( int time ) : void

Check the distance between the mob and player every time

StartAttackTimer_old ( int Time ) : void
StartDeadTimer ( int time ) : void
StartEffectTimer ( int time, byte e_index ) : void
StartGanimet ( int time ) : void
StartMovement ( int perTime ) : void
StartObjeSleep ( int time ) : void
StartRunTimer ( int time ) : void
StopAgressiveTimer ( ) : void
StopAttackTimer ( ) : void
StopAutoRunTimer ( ) : void
StopEffectTimer ( byte e_index ) : void
StopMovement ( ) : void
deadcallback ( object e ) : void
ganicallback ( object e ) : void
obj ( ) : System
reSpawn ( ) : void
sleepcallback ( object e ) : void
walkcallback ( object e ) : void

Method Details

AddAgroDmg() public method

public AddAgroDmg ( int playerid, int dmg ) : void
playerid int
dmg int
return void

AttackCallBack() public method

public AttackCallBack ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

AttackHim() public method

public AttackHim ( int AttackType ) : void
AttackType int
return void

AttackMain() public method

public AttackMain ( ) : void
return void

AttackStop() public method

public AttackStop ( ) : void
return void

AutoRunCallBack() public method

public AutoRunCallBack ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

CalcSharedPartyExpSp() public method

public CalcSharedPartyExpSp ( int paramexp, party pt, Systems targetplayer, long &outexp ) : void
paramexp int
pt party
targetplayer Systems
outexp long
return void

ChangeState() public method

public ChangeState ( byte type, byte type2 ) : void
type byte
type2 byte
return void

CheckAgro() public method

public CheckAgro ( ) : void
return void

CheckEveryOne() public method

public CheckEveryOne ( ) : void
return void

CheckEveryOne() public method

public CheckEveryOne ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

CheckUnique() public method

public CheckUnique ( ) : void
return void

CheckUnique() public method

public CheckUnique ( Systems s ) : void
s Systems
return void

DeBuffGetFreeSlot() public method

public DeBuffGetFreeSlot ( ) : byte
return byte

DeSpawnMe() public method

public DeSpawnMe ( ) : void
return void

DeleteTarget() public method

public DeleteTarget ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

FollowHim() public method

public FollowHim ( Systems sys ) : void
sys Systems
return void

GetAgroClass() public method

public GetAgroClass ( int id ) : _agro
id int
return _agro

GetBlueRandom() public method

public GetBlueRandom ( ) : List
return List

GetElixir() public method

public GetElixir ( byte level ) : List
level byte
return List

GetItemType() public static method

public static GetItemType ( int id ) : byte
id int
return byte

GetLevelItem() public method

public GetLevelItem ( byte level ) : List
level byte
return List

GetLevelItemSOX() public method

public GetLevelItemSOX ( byte level ) : List
level byte
return List

GetMaterials() public method

public GetMaterials ( byte level ) : List
level byte
return List

GetPotions() public method

public GetPotions ( byte level ) : List
level byte
return List

GetRangePlayers() public method

public GetRangePlayers ( int dist ) : List
dist int
return List

GetTarget() public method

public GetTarget ( ) : object
return object

GotoPlayer() public method

public GotoPlayer ( character Player, double distance ) : void
Player character
distance double
return void

Mob_Effect_CallBack() public method

public Mob_Effect_CallBack ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

ObjeSleepCallBack() public method

public ObjeSleepCallBack ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

RandomMonster() public method

public RandomMonster ( int sID, byte randomTYPE ) : void
sID int
randomTYPE byte
return void

Regen() public method

public Regen ( int time ) : void
time int
return void

Send() public method

public Send ( byte buff ) : void
buff byte
return void

SetExperience() public method

public SetExperience ( ) : void
return void

SetPartyMemberExp() public static method

public static SetPartyMemberExp ( Systems ch, long expamount, short stat, long sp ) : void
ch Systems
expamount long
stat short
sp long
return void

SetSp() public static method

public static SetSp ( Systems sys, long sp ) : void
sys Systems
sp long
return void

Sleep() public method

public Sleep ( int time ) : void
time int
return void

SpawnMe() public method

public SpawnMe ( ) : void
return void

Spawned() public method

public Spawned ( int id ) : bool
id int
return bool

StartAgressiveTimer() public method

Check the distance between the mob and player every time
public StartAgressiveTimer ( int time ) : void
time int /// The time in milliseconds. /// A ///
return void

StartAttackTimer_old() public method

public StartAttackTimer_old ( int Time ) : void
Time int
return void

StartDeadTimer() public method

public StartDeadTimer ( int time ) : void
time int
return void

StartEffectTimer() public method

public StartEffectTimer ( int time, byte e_index ) : void
time int
e_index byte
return void

StartGanimet() public method

public StartGanimet ( int time ) : void
time int
return void

StartMovement() public method

public StartMovement ( int perTime ) : void
perTime int
return void

StartObjeSleep() public method

public StartObjeSleep ( int time ) : void
time int
return void

StartRunTimer() public method

public StartRunTimer ( int time ) : void
time int
return void

StopAgressiveTimer() public method

public StopAgressiveTimer ( ) : void
return void

StopAttackTimer() public method

public StopAttackTimer ( ) : void
return void

StopAutoRunTimer() public method

public StopAutoRunTimer ( ) : void
return void

StopEffectTimer() public method

public StopEffectTimer ( byte e_index ) : void
e_index byte
return void

StopMovement() public method

public StopMovement ( ) : void
return void

deadcallback() public method

public deadcallback ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

ganicallback() public method

public ganicallback ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

obj() public method

public obj ( ) : System
return System

reSpawn() public method

public reSpawn ( ) : void
return void

sleepcallback() public method

public sleepcallback ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

walkcallback() public method

public walkcallback ( object e ) : void
e object
return void

Property Details

Agro public_oe property

public List<_agro> Agro
return List<_agro>

Attack public_oe property

public Timer,System.Threading Attack
return System.Threading.Timer

AttackHandle public_oe property

public Thread AttackHandle
return Thread

AttackSpeed public_oe property

public double AttackSpeed
return double

Busy public_oe property

public bool Busy
return bool

DeBuff public_oe property

public _debuff DeBuff
return _debuff

EffectTimer public_oe property

public Timer[],System.Threading EffectTimer
return System.Threading.Timer[]

HP public_oe property

public int HP
return int

ID public_oe property

public int ID
return int

Ids public_oe property

public ID,DarkEmu_GameServer.Global Ids
return DarkEmu_GameServer.Global.ID

Move public_oe property

public sbyte Move
return sbyte

Spawn public_oe property

public List Spawn
return List

SpeedWalk public_oe property

public float SpeedWalk
return float

Target public_oe property

public object Target
return object

UniqueID public_oe property

public int UniqueID
return int

aRound public_oe property

public bool[] aRound
return bool[]

area public_oe property

public short area
return short

guard public_oe property

public bool[] guard
return bool[]

rnd public_oe property

public Random,System rnd
return System.Random

rotation public_oe property

public Int32,System rotation
return System.Int32

spawnOran public_oe property

public byte spawnOran
return byte

x public_oe property

public double x
return double

xSec public_oe property

public byte xSec
return byte