C# Class UIBtnChangePanel, marblemadness

Inheritance: UIButton
Exibir arquivo Open project: MtvnGames/marblemadness Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
changeType ChangeType,
panel string
panelManager UIPanelManager,

Public Methods

Method Description
Copy ( SpriteRoot, s ) : void
Copy ( SpriteRoot, s, ControlCopyFlags flags ) : void
Create ( string name, Vector3 pos ) : UIBtnChangePanel,

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.

Create ( string name, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation ) : UIBtnChangePanel,

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.

OnInput ( POINTER_INFO, &ptr ) : void

Method Details

Copy() public method

public Copy ( SpriteRoot, s ) : void
s SpriteRoot,
return void

Copy() public method

public Copy ( SpriteRoot, s, ControlCopyFlags flags ) : void
s SpriteRoot,
flags ControlCopyFlags
return void

Create() static public method

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.
static public Create ( string name, Vector3 pos ) : UIBtnChangePanel,
name string Name to give to the new GameObject.
pos Vector3 Position, in world space, where the new object should be created.
return UIBtnChangePanel,

Create() static public method

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.
static public Create ( string name, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation ) : UIBtnChangePanel,
name string Name to give to the new GameObject.
pos Vector3 Position, in world space, where the new object should be created.
rotation Quaternion Rotation of the object.
return UIBtnChangePanel,

OnInput() public method

public OnInput ( POINTER_INFO, &ptr ) : void
return void

Property Details

changeType public_oe property

public ChangeType, changeType
return ChangeType,

panel public_oe property

(Optional) The name of the panel to be brought in.
public string panel
return string

panelManager public_oe property

The panel manager that contains the panel(s) we will be bringing up/dismissing. This can be left to None/null if there is only one UIPanelManager object in the scene.
public UIPanelManager, panelManager
return UIPanelManager,