C# Class EasyVoiceClipCreator, RoverGame

Exibir arquivo Open project: Stumpstump/RoverGame Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
lastCreatedAssetFileNames List

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateFiles ( EasyVoiceSettings, settings ) : bool
CreateFilesPreCheck ( EasyVoiceSettings, settings ) : CreateFilesCheckResult
GenerateFullFileName ( int lineIndex, string &assetFileName, string &fullFileName ) : void

This will generate the Unity asset path and full system file path for the given line/clip/filename

IssuePreventsFileMaking ( LineIssue issues ) : bool

Method Details

CreateFiles() public static method

public static CreateFiles ( EasyVoiceSettings, settings ) : bool
settings EasyVoiceSettings,
return bool

CreateFilesPreCheck() public static method

public static CreateFilesPreCheck ( EasyVoiceSettings, settings ) : CreateFilesCheckResult
settings EasyVoiceSettings,
return CreateFilesCheckResult

GenerateFullFileName() public static method

This will generate the Unity asset path and full system file path for the given line/clip/filename
public static GenerateFullFileName ( int lineIndex, string &assetFileName, string &fullFileName ) : void
lineIndex int
assetFileName string
fullFileName string
return void

IssuePreventsFileMaking() public static method

public static IssuePreventsFileMaking ( LineIssue issues ) : bool
issues LineIssue
return bool

Property Details

lastCreatedAssetFileNames public_oe static_oe property

The assets that we created during last asset generation. The EasyVoiceAudioClipImporter will need this to know which files were created by EV, so custom import settings can be applied as needed.
public static List lastCreatedAssetFileNames
return List