C# Class CompleteMovement_01, TWI_Repo

This is the Ship's base class, not named to the best conventions. Allows for the movement of the ship based on Kien's initial design. Also works in conjunction with "BodyFlow.cs" to make use of the worlds blood flow for forced movement of the ship through the body. Also contains the variables for which the game will recognize the ships stats: Cabin Pressure and Oxygen. Will be used with energy as well.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Exibir arquivo Open project: justcollins/TWI_Repo

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DOWN KeyCode,
LEFT KeyCode,
RIGHT KeyCode,
UP KeyCode,
cabinPressure int
maxThrustValue float
minThrustValue float
oxyTimer float
shipRB UnityEngine.Rigidbody
thrust float

Public Methods

Method Description
CheckUpDownVelocity ( ) : void
FixedUpdate ( ) : void
MotorVelocityContorl ( ) : void
Start ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
getBloodForce ( ) : float
getCabinPressure ( ) : int
getOxygenLevel ( ) : int
getSectionInt ( ) : int
setBloodForce ( float newBlood ) : void
setCabinPressure ( int newPressure ) : void
setOxygenLevel ( int newOxy ) : void
setSectionInt ( int newSect ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
KeyValue ( KeyCode, A, KeyCode, B, float Value, float yValue, float _float, float SmoothTime ) : float

Method Details

CheckUpDownVelocity() public method

public CheckUpDownVelocity ( ) : void
return void

FixedUpdate() public method

public FixedUpdate ( ) : void
return void

MotorVelocityContorl() public method

public MotorVelocityContorl ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

public Update ( ) : void
return void

getBloodForce() public method

public getBloodForce ( ) : float
return float

getCabinPressure() public method

public getCabinPressure ( ) : int
return int

getOxygenLevel() public method

public getOxygenLevel ( ) : int
return int

getSectionInt() public method

public getSectionInt ( ) : int
return int

setBloodForce() public method

public setBloodForce ( float newBlood ) : void
newBlood float
return void

setCabinPressure() public method

public setCabinPressure ( int newPressure ) : void
newPressure int
return void

setOxygenLevel() public method

public setOxygenLevel ( int newOxy ) : void
newOxy int
return void

setSectionInt() public method

public setSectionInt ( int newSect ) : void
newSect int
return void

Property Details

DOWN public_oe property

public KeyCode, DOWN
return KeyCode,

ENGINE_ON public_oe property

public KeyCode, ENGINE_ON
return KeyCode,

LEFT public_oe property

public KeyCode, LEFT
return KeyCode,

RIGHT public_oe property

public KeyCode, RIGHT
return KeyCode,

UP public_oe property

public KeyCode, UP
return KeyCode,

cabinPressure public_oe property

public int cabinPressure
return int

maxThrustValue public_oe property

public float maxThrustValue
return float

minThrustValue public_oe property

public float minThrustValue
return float

oxyTimer public_oe property

public float oxyTimer
return float

shipRB public_oe property

public Rigidbody,UnityEngine shipRB
return UnityEngine.Rigidbody

thrust public_oe property

public float thrust
return float