C# (CSharp) flxSharp.flxSharp 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
FlxBasic This is a useful "generic" Flixel object. Both FlxObject and FlxGroup extend this class, as do the plugins. Has no size, position or graphical data.
FlxCamera The camera class is used to display the game's visuals in the Flash player. By default one camera is created automatically, that is the same size as the Flash player. You can add more cameras or even replace the main camera using utilities in FlxG.
FlxEmitter FlxEmitter is a lightweight particle emitter. It can be used for one-time explosions or for continuous fx like rain and fire. FlxEmitter is not optimized or anything; all it does is launch FlxParticle objects out at set intervals by setting their positions and velocities accordingly. It is easy to use and relatively efficient, relying on FlxGroup's RECYCLE POWERS.
FlxG This is a global helper class full of useful functions for audio, input, basic info, and the camera system among other things. Utilities for maths and color and things can be found in FlxU. FlxG is specifically for Flixel-specific properties.
FlxObject This is the base class for most of the display objects (FlxSprite, FlxText, etc). It includes some basic attributes about game objects, including retro-style flickering, basic state information, sizes, scrolling, and basic physics and motion.
FlxParticle This is a simple particle class that extends the default behavior of FlxSprite to have slightly more specialized behavior common to many game scenarios. You can override and extend this class just like you would FlxSprite. While FlxEmitter used to work with just any old sprite, it now requires a FlxParticle based class.
FlxPath This is a simple path data container. Basically a list of points that a FlxObject can follow. Also has code for drawing debug visuals. FlxTilemap.findPath() returns a path object, but you can also just make your own, using the add() functions below or by creating your own array of points.
FlxPoint Stores a 2D floating point coordinate.
FlxRect Stores a rectangle.
FlxSound This is the universal flixel sound object, used for streaming, music, and sound effects. For all the pan stuff http://allcomputers.us/windows_phone/xna-game-studio-4_0---playing-sound-effects-(part-1)---using-soundeffect-for-audio-playback.aspx TODO: Implement overloaded functionality for Sound (mp3 files) all over the place...
FlxState This is the basic game "state" object - e.g. in a simple game you might have a menu state and a play state. It is for all intents and purpose a fancy FlxGroup. And really, it's not even that fancy.
FlxU General purpose helper functions.