이름 |
설명 |
AnimatedObjectParser |
BackgroundManager |
BackgroundManager.BackgroundHandle |
Represents a handle to an abstract background. |
BackgroundManager.BackgroundObject |
Represents a background object |
BackgroundManager.DynamicBackground |
Represents a dynamic background, made up of a series of static backgrounds |
BackgroundManager.StaticBackground |
Represents a static background, using the default viewing frustrum |
CPreciseTimer |
This class implements a high-precision, multi-platform timer |
Camera |
CommandLine |
Contains methods used to parse command-line arguments |
CrashHandler |
Provides functions for handling crashes, and producing an appropriate error log |
CsvB3dObjectParser |
CsvB3dObjectParser.Material |
CsvB3dObjectParser.MeshBuilder |
CsvRwRouteParser |
CsvRwRouteParser.AnimatedObjectSignalData |
Defines an animated signal object: The object is provided with the aspect number, and then should deal with the rest |
CsvRwRouteParser.Block |
CsvRwRouteParser.Brightness |
CsvRwRouteParser.Bve4SignalData |
CsvRwRouteParser.CompatibilitySignalData |
Defines a default Japanese signal (See the documentation) |
CsvRwRouteParser.Crack |
CsvRwRouteParser.Expression |
CsvRwRouteParser.Form |
CsvRwRouteParser.FreeObj |
CsvRwRouteParser.Limit |
CsvRwRouteParser.Marker |
CsvRwRouteParser.PointOfInterest |
CsvRwRouteParser.Pole |
CsvRwRouteParser.PositionedExpression |
CsvRwRouteParser.Rail |
CsvRwRouteParser.RailCycle |
CsvRwRouteParser.RouteData |
CsvRwRouteParser.Section |
CsvRwRouteParser.Signal |
CsvRwRouteParser.Sound |
CsvRwRouteParser.Stop |
CsvRwRouteParser.StructureData |
CsvRwRouteParser.Transponder |
CsvRwRouteParser.WallDike |
DynamicBackgroundParser |
DynamicLightParser |
ExtensionsCfgParser |
FileSystem |
Represents the program's organization of files and folders. |
FolderSelectDialog |
Present the Windows Vista-style open file dialog to select a folder. Fall back for older Windows Versions |
FolderSelectDialog.ShowDialogResult |
FolderSelectDialog.VistaDialog |
FolderSelectDialog.WindowWrapper |
Fonts |
Provides font support. |
Fonts.Character |
Fonts.OpenGlFont |
Represents a font. |
Fonts.OpenGlFontChar |
Represents a single character. |
Fonts.OpenGlFontTable |
Represents a table of 256 consecutive codepoints rendered into the same texture. |
FunctionScripts |
FunctionScripts.FunctionScript |
Game |
Game.BlackBoxEntry |
Game.BogusPretrainAI |
Game.BogusPretrainInstruction |
Game.Fog |
Defines a region of fog |
Game.GeneralAI |
An abstract class representing a general purpose AI |
Game.MenuCaption |
Game.MenuCommand |
Game.MenuEntry |
Game.MenuSubmenu |
Game.Message |
Game.PointOfInterest |
Game.RouteInformation |
Game.Score |
Game.ScoreLog |
Game.ScoreMessage |
Game.Section |
Game.SectionAspect |
Game.SimpleHumanDriverAI |
This class forms an AI representation of a simple human driver |
Game.Station |
Game.StationStop |
Host |
Represents the host application. |
Illustrations |
Illustrations.MapColors |
ImageExtensions |
Provides extension methods for working with images |
Interface |
Interface.CommandInfo |
Information on an in-game command |
Interface.Control |
Information on an in-game control |
Interface.EncodingValue |
Interface.HudElement |
Interface.HudImage |
Interface.HudVector |
Interface.HudVectorF |
Interface.InterfaceQuickReference |
Interface.InterfaceString |
Interface.KeyInfo |
Defines an available keyboard key |
Interface.Language |
Interface.Message |
Interface.Options |
Internet |
Provides methods for accessing the internet. |
Joysticks |
Provides functions for dealing with joysticks. |
Joysticks.Joystick |
Represents a joystick. |
Loading |
Ls3DGrpParser |
Ls3DGrpParser.GruppenObject |
Ls3DObjectParser |
Parses a Loksim3D xml format object |
Ls3DObjectParser.Material |
Ls3DObjectParser.MeshBuilder |
MainLoop |
MainLoop.ControlRepeat |
Defines a repeating control |
ManagedContent |
ManagedContent.Database |
Represents a database of available packages. |
ManagedContent.Dependency |
Represents a reference to another package by name and version. |
ManagedContent.KeyValuePair |
Represents a key-value pair. |
ManagedContent.Package |
Represents a package. |
ManagedContent.Source |
Represents a source where a package can be downloaded from. |
ManagedContent.Version |
Represents the specific version of a package. |
Menu |
Implements the in-game menu system; manages addition and removal of individual menus. |
Menu.MenuCaption |
Menu.MenuCommand |
Menu.MenuEntry |
Menu.SingleMenu |
NetPlugin |
Represents a .NET assembly plugin. |
NetPlugin.SoundHandleEx |
ObjectManager |
ObjectManager.AnimatedObject |
ObjectManager.AnimatedObjectCollection |
ObjectManager.AnimatedObjectState |
ObjectManager.AnimatedWorldObject |
ObjectManager.Damping |
ObjectManager.StaticObject |
ObjectViewer |
OpenBVEGame |
Options |
Panel2CfgParser |
PanelCfgParser |
PluginManager |
PluginManager.CurrentPlugin |
PluginManager.Plugin |
Represents an abstract plugin. |
Plugins |
Represents plugins loaded by the program. |
Plugins.Plugin |
Represents a plugin. |
Program |
Renderer |
Renderer.BoundingBox |
Renderer.Lamp |
Renderer.LampCollection |
Renderer.LightDefinition |
Renderer.Object |
Renderer.ObjectFace |
Renderer.ObjectGroup |
Renderer.ObjectList |
Renderer.ObjectListReference |
RouteInfoOverlay |
Displays an in-game overlay with information about the route, including a map and gradient profile |
RouteViewer |
Screen |
Scripting.Signal |
Provides scripting access to signals |
Scripting.Simulation |
Provides scripting access to in simulation variables |
Scripting.Train |
Provides scripting access to trains internal variables |
SoundCfgParser |
SoundManager |
SoundManager.OpenAlIndex |
SoundManager.SoundBuffer |
SoundManager.SoundSource |
Sounds |
Sounds.PathOrigin |
Represents a file or directory where the sound can be loaded from. |
Sounds.RawOrigin |
Represents sound raw data. |
Sounds.SoundBuffer |
Represents a sound buffer. |
Sounds.SoundOrigin |
Represents the origin where the sound can be loaded from. |
Sounds.SoundSource |
Represents a sound source. |
TextEncoding |
TextEncoding.EncodingValue |
Represents a text encoding |
TextureManager |
TextureManager.Texture |
Textures |
Textures.BitmapOrigin |
Represents a System.Drawing.Bitmap where the texture can be loaded from. |
Textures.OpenGlTexture |
Represents an OpenGL texture. |
Textures.PathOrigin |
Represents a file or directory where the texture can be loaded from. |
Textures.RawOrigin |
Represents texture raw data. |
Textures.Texture |
Textures.TextureOrigin |
Represents the origin where the texture can be loaded from. |
Timetable |
Timetable.Station |
Timetable.Table |
Timetable.Time |
Timetable.Track |
TrackManager |
TrackManager.BackgroundChangeEvent |
TrackManager.BrightnessChangeEvent |
TrackManager.FogChangeEvent |
TrackManager.GeneralEvent |
TrackManager.LimitChangeEvent |
TrackManager.MarkerEndEvent |
TrackManager.MarkerStartEvent |
TrackManager.RailSoundsChangeEvent |
TrackManager.SectionChangeEvent |
TrackManager.SoundEvent |
TrackManager.SpecialTransponderTypes |
TrackManager.StationEndEvent |
TrackManager.StationPassAlarmEvent |
TrackManager.StationStartEvent |
TrackManager.Track |
TrackManager.TrackElement |
TrackManager.TrackEndEvent |
TrackManager.TrackFollower |
TrackManager.TransponderEvent |
TrainDatParser |
TrainManager |
TrainManager.AccelerationCurve |
TrainManager.AirBrakeHandle |
TrainManager.Atc |
TrainManager.Ats |
TrainManager.Axle |
TrainManager.Bogie |
TrainManager.BrakeHandle |
Represents a brake handle |
TrainManager.Car |
TrainManager.CarAirBrake |
TrainManager.CarBrightness |
TrainManager.CarConstSpeed |
TrainManager.CarHoldBrake |
TrainManager.CarReAdhesionDevice |
TrainManager.CarSection |
TrainManager.CarSound |
TrainManager.CarSounds |
TrainManager.CarSpecs |
TrainManager.Coupler |
TrainManager.Door |
A train door |
TrainManager.Eb |
TrainManager.EmergencyHandle |
TrainManager.HandleChange |
TrainManager.HoldBrakeHandle |
Represents a hold-brake handle |
TrainManager.Horn |
TrainManager.MotorSound |
TrainManager.MotorSoundTable |
TrainManager.MotorSoundTableEntry |
TrainManager.PowerHandle |
TrainManager.ReverserHandle |
Represnts a reverser handle |
TrainManager.Train |
The root class for a train within the simulation |
TrainManager.TrainAirBrake |
TrainManager.TrainPassengers |
The passenger loading of a train at any given point in time |
TrainManager.TrainPendingTransponder |
TrainManager.TrainSafety |
TrainManager.TrainSecurity |
TrainManager.TrainSpecs |
WaveParser |
WaveParser.FormatData |
Represents format-specific data. |
WaveParser.MicrosoftAdPcmData |
Represents Microsoft-ADPCM-specific data. |
WaveParser.MicrosoftAdPcmData.ChannelData |
WaveParser.WaveData |
Represents wave data. |
WaveParser.WaveFormat |
Represents the format of wave data. |
Win32Plugin |
Represents a legacy Win32 plugin. |
Win32Plugin.ConstSpeedInstructions |
Win32Plugin.SoundInstructions |
Win32Plugin.Win32BeaconData |
Win32Plugin.Win32Handles |
Win32Plugin.Win32VehicleSpec |
Win32Plugin.Win32VehicleState |
World |
World.Background |
World.CameraAlignment |
World.ColorRGB |
Represents an RGB color with 8-bit precision per channel. |
World.ColorRGBA |
Represents an RGBA color with 8-bit precision per channel. |
World.DriverBody |
World.Mesh |
Represents a mesh consisting of a series of vertices, faces and material properties. |
World.MeshFace |
Represents a face consisting of vertices and material attributes. |
World.MeshFaceVertex |
Represents a reference to a vertex and the normal to be used for that vertex. |
World.MeshMaterial |
Represents material properties. |
World.Transformation |
World.Vector2D |
Represents a 2D vector of System.Double coordinates. |
World.Vector2Df |
Represents a 2D vector of System.Single coordinates. |
World.Vector3D |
Represents a 3D vector of System.Double coordinates. |
World.Vector3Df |
Represents a 3D vector of System.Single coordinates. |
World.Vertex |
Represents a vertex consisting of 3D coordinates and 2D texture coordinates. |
XMLParser |
XObjectParser |
XObjectParser.BinaryCache |
XObjectParser.Material |
XObjectParser.Structure |
XObjectParser.Template |
formAbout |
formBugReport |
formImage |
formMain |
formMain.MainDialogResult |
formMessages |
formOptions |