C# 클래스 OpenBve.RouteInfoOverlay

Displays an in-game overlay with information about the route, including a map and gradient profile
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: leezer3/OpenBVE

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
IsActive ( ) : bool

Returns whether the Route Information display is currently showing on screen

Show ( ) : void

Displays the current state into the simulation window.

비공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
ProcessCommand ( Interface command ) : bool

Processes commands.

setState ( state newState ) : void

Sets the state, intializing any required resource.

메소드 상세

IsActive() 공개 메소드

Returns whether the Route Information display is currently showing on screen
public IsActive ( ) : bool
리턴 bool

Show() 공개 메소드

Displays the current state into the simulation window.
public Show ( ) : void
리턴 void