이름 |
설명 |
AlphaAction |
Sets the alpha for an actor's color (or a specified color), from the current alpha to the new alpha. |
ColorAction |
Sets the actor's color (or a specified color), from the current to the new color. |
DelegateAction |
Base class for an action that wraps another action. |
ImmediateAction |
MoveByAction |
Moves an actor to a relative position. |
MoveToAction |
Moves an actor from its current position to a specific position. |
ParallelAction |
Executes a number of actions at the same time. |
RelativeTemporalAction |
Base class for actions that transition over time using the percent complete since the last frame. |
RemoveActorAction |
Removes an actor from the stage. |
RotateByAction |
Sets the actor's rotation from its current value to a relative value. |
RotateToAction |
Sets the actor's rotation from its current value to a specific value. |
ScaleByAction |
Scales an actor's scale to a relative size. |
ScaleToAction |
Sets the actor's scale from its current value to a specific value. |
SequenceAction |
Executes a number of actions one at a time. |
SizeByAction |
Moves an actor from its current size to a relative size. |
SizeToAction |
Moves an actor from its current size to a specific size. |
TemporalAction |
Base class for actions that transition over time using the percent complete. |