이름 |
설명 |
AcceptStatement |
AllowAllAssemblyVersionsDeserializationBinder |
Used for serialization of frontier nodes |
Application |
Application.BlockMethod |
Application.BooleanReturnValueProperty |
Application.ChoiceHelper |
Application.Class |
Application.ClassExtras |
Application.ClassMethod |
Application.ClassMethod.LocalVars |
Application.ClassMethod.OthersULE |
Application.ComplexArray |
Application.ComplexChan |
Application.ComplexSet |
Application.Enum |
Application.EnumArray |
Application.EnumChan |
Application.EnumSet |
Application.GlobalVars |
Application.InstanceMethodExtras |
Application.InterfaceExtras |
Application.InterfaceMethod |
Application.InterfaceMethod.InputVars |
Application.InterfaceMethod.OutputVars |
Application.Range |
Application.ScopeMethod |
Application.SimpleArray |
Application.SimpleChan |
Application.SimpleSet |
Application.StaticMethodExtras |
Application.Struct |
Application.StructArray |
Application.StructChan |
Application.StructSet |
Application.ThisField |
AssertStatement |
AssumeStatement |
AsyncMethodCall |
AtomicBlock |
AttributedStatement |
BBOptimizer |
BBSplitter |
BasicBlock |
Chan |
Checker |
Walk IR checking for semantic errors and repairing it so that subsequent walks need not do error checking |
ChooseState |
Compiler |
CreateProcessEvent |
This event is generated when a Zing process is created. State.GetEvents |
Declarer |
Walks the statement list of a Block, entering any declarations into the associated scope. Does not recurse. This visitor is instantiated and called by Looker. |
Decompiler |
DronacharyaConfiguration |
Stores the configuration information for dronacharya |
Duplicator |
ErrorHandler |
EventPattern |
EventStatement |
ExecutionState |
ExpressionTemplates |
FrontierNode |
FrontierSet |
This class implements the frontier set used to store frontier states after each iteration. |
GenerateMotionPlanFor |
Stores the scenario for which we have to generate a motion plan |
HeapTraverser |
HeapTraverser.HeapElementPrinter |
HeapTraverser.HeapElementPrinter.EdgePrinter |
HeapTraverser.HeapElementPrinter.NodePrinter |
HeapTraverser.ReferenceTraverser |
InvokePluginStatement |
InvokeSchedulerStatement |
JiGlobal |
JoinPattern |
JoinPatternList |
JoinStatement |
JoinStatementList |
Keyword |
Looker |
Walks an IR, mutuating it by replacing identifier nodes with the members/locals they resolve to |
NativeZOM |
Normalizer |
Walks an IR, replacing it with the C#-style IR for the code we wish to generate for Zing. |
Partitioner |
Process |
Process.PredicateContextIndexer |
Process.ProcessULE |
Process.StackULE |
Process.UndoPop |
Process.UndoPush |
Process.UndoResetLastFunctionCompleted |
Process.UndoUpdate |
ProgramCounter |
ProgramCounterTuple |
PropertyTemplates |
Range |
ReceiveEvent |
This event is generated when a process consumes a message. State.GetEvents |
ReceivePattern |
Replacer |
This class aids in code generation by making substitutions in a given tree. It will be extended as needed to deal with additional types of substitution. See the static methods on the class for a description of what is supported. |
Resolver |
Walks an IR, mutuating it by replacing identifier nodes with the members/locals they resolve to |
Restorer |
Patches the type nodes in an IR tree to refer to the given target module. |
Scanner |
Scoper |
Walks a CompilationUnit and creates a scope for each namespace and each type. The scopes are attached to the corresponding instances via the ScopeFor hash table. |
Select |
SelfExpression |
SendEvent |
This event is generated when a "send" statement is executed. |
SendStatement |
Set |
Splicer |
StateData |
StatementTemplates |
Templates |
TerminalState |
TerminateProcessEvent |
This event is generated when a process terminates normally. State.GetEvents |
TimeoutPattern |
TraceEvent |
This event is generated when a "trace" statement is executed. State.GetEvents |
TraceStatement |
TraversalInfo |
TypeSystem |
Utils |
Via |
ViaChoose |
ViaExecute |
WaitPattern |
With |
WithList |
WorkspaceInfo |
Stores the workspace information |
YieldStatement |
ZArray |
ZMethod |
ZReplacer |
ZTemplateParser |
Summary description for ZTemplateParser. |
ZTry |
ZingAssertionFailureException |
ZingAssumeFailureException |
ZingAttributeBaseAttribute |
ZingCodeProvider |
ZingCompilerOptions |
ZingDecompiler |
ZingDivideByZeroException |
ZingDronacharya |
Zing interaction with dronacharya |
ZingDronacharya.MotionPlan |
ZingErrorNode |
ZingEvent |
This is the abstract class from which all Zing events are derived. State.GetEvents |
ZingException |
ZingExplorer |
The ZingExplorer Class: Performs the state space exploration using different search algorithms based on the ZingerConfiguration. |
ZingExplorerDelayBoundedSampling |
The explorer will perform uniform random walk over the delay bounded executions. |
ZingExplorerExhaustiveSearch |
ZingExplorerLivenessSampling |
ZingExplorerNDFSLiveness |
ZingExplorerNaiveRandomWalk |
This class performs naive random walk |
ZingExplorerStateLessSearch |
ZingIndexOutOfRangeException |
ZingInfiniteLoopException |
ZingInvalidBlockingSelectException |
ZingInvalidChooseException |
ZingInvalidEndStateException |
ZingMethod |
ZingMethod.ZingMethodULE |
ZingNullReferenceException |
ZingOverflowException |
ZingPreemptionBounding |
This class stores the necessary information in traversalInfo for performing preemption bounding. |
ZingUnexpectedFailureException |
ZingUnhandledExceptionException |
Zinger |
Main entry point for Zinger. |
ZingerAcceptingCycleFound |
ZingerBoundedSearch |
Stores the configuration for zinger bounded search |
ZingerBounds |
ZingerCommandLine |
Zing Commandline Parsing and Setting up Zing Configuration |
ZingerConfiguration |
Zinger Configuration |
ZingerDFSStackOverFlow |
ZingerDelayingScheduler |
ZingerExternalPlugin |
Zing External Plugin |
ZingerExternalScheduler |
Zing External Scheduler |
ZingerInvokeMotionPlanning |
ZingerMaceLiveness |
Maceliveness configuration |
ZingerPluginInterface |
ZingerPluginState |
ZingerSchedulerState |
ZingerStateTable |
The global state used during state full search to store all the visited states. |
ZingerStats |
ZingerUtilities |