C# (CSharp) CanvasCommon 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CanvasSegment Contains information about a genomic interval. Has functions for computing copy numbers and their likelihoods.
ClusterModel Stores information about clustering of CanvasSegment objects
CopyNumberOracle This class represents a set of known copy number calls ("truth set"), useful for training models.
DensityClusteringModel This class implements Density Clustering algorithm introduced in Rodriguez, Alex, and Alessandro Laio. "Clustering by fast search and find of density peaks." Science 344.6191 (2014): 1492-1496. The principle class members are Centroids (Delta in paper) and Rho that are defined as follows: fiven distance matric d[i,j] and distanceThreshold, for each data point i compure Rho(i) = total number of data points within distanceThreshold Centroids(i) = distance of the closes data point of higher density (min(d[i,j] for all j:=Rho(j)>Rho(i)))
ModelPoint Represents a model point in (MAF, Coverage) space
SegmentInfo Represents a point in (MAF, Coverage) space to be clustered:
SegmentPloidy a SegmentPloidy represents a potential copy number state of a genomic interval. It has a copy number and a major chromosome count.