C# (CSharp) BEPUutilities2 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AffineTransform A transformation composed of a linear transformation and a translation.
BoundingBox Provides XNA-like axis-aligned bounding box functionality.
BoundingSphere Provides XNA-like bounding sphere functionality.
ConvexHullHelper Processes vertex data into convex hulls.
MathChecker Contains conditional extensions to check for bad values in various structures.
MathHelper Contains helper math methods.
Matrix Provides SIMD-aware 4x4 matrix math.
Matrix3x3 3 row, 3 column matrix.
PermutationMapper Maps indices to permuted versions of the indices.
Plane Provides XNA-like plane functionality.
RayHit Contains ray hit data.
RigidTransform Transform composed of a rotation and translation.
Toolbox Helper class with many algorithms for intersection testing and 3D math.
Vector3x Extra functionality for the Vector3 struct.