Name |
Description |
ByteColor |
ByteColorAlpha |
ColoChunk |
Colo (short for Color) contains indexes into the Pale section. Color specifies which color to use for the different times of day. |
DZSChunkHeader |
DZSFormat |
DZSHeader |
DefaultChunk |
For anything not supported yet! |
EnvRChunk |
The EnvR (short for Environment) chunk contains indexes of different color pallets to use in different weather situations. |
HalfRotation |
InvalidRoomNumber |
MainForm |
PaleChunk |
The Pale (short for Palette) chunk contains the actual RGB colors for different types of lighting. |
PlyrChunk |
The Plyr (Player) chunk defines spawn points for Link. |
SclsChunk |
The SCLS Chunk defines information about exits on a map. It is pointed to by the maps collision data (which supplies the actual positions) |
VirtChunk |
The Virt (short for uh.. Virtual? I dunno) chunk contains color data for the skybox. Indexed by a Pale chunk. |
ZeldaArc |