C# (CSharp) Smrf.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AboutDialog This is the application's About dialog.
AggregateGraphMetricsDialog Aggregates the overall metrics from a folder full of NodeXL workbooks into a new Excel workbook.
AlphaConverter Class that converts alpha values between those used in the Excel workbook and those used in the NodeXL graph.
AlphaDialog Gets an alpha value from the user.
AnalyzeEmailNetworkDialog Dialog that analyzes a user's email network and writes the results to the edge worksheet.
ApplicationUtil Contains utility methods dealing with the application as a whole.
AttributesEditedEventArgs Provides event information for the and events.
AutoFillColorColumnResults Stores one color column of the results of a call to .
AutoFillColumnResults Stores one column of the results of a call to .
AutoFillNumericRangeColumnResults Stores one numeric range column of the results of a call to .
AutoFillResultsLegendControl Displays a graph legend containing the results of the autofill feature.
AutoFillWorkbookResults Stores the results of a call to .
AutomateTasksDialog Edits a AutomateTasksUserSettings object and optionally runs the tasks specified in the object.
AutomatedGraphImageUserSettingsDialog Edits a AutomatedGraphImageUserSettings object.
BrandesFastCentralityCalculator2 Calculates the betweenness and closeness centralities for each of the graph's vertices.
CalculateGraphMetricsContext Provides access to objects needed for calculating graph metrics.
CellStyleNames Names of cell styles that get applied programatically.
ChartNames Names of charts.
ClusterCalculator2 Partitions a graph into clusters.
ClusterUserSettingsDialog Edits a ClusterUserSettings object.
ClusteringCoefficientCalculator2 Calculates the clustering coefficient for each of the graph's vertices.
CollapsedGroupAttributeAdder Contains utility methods for adding collapsed group attributes to a graph.
ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog Edits a ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettings object.
ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter Converts a ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String.
ColorConverter2 Class that converts a color between values used in the Excel workbook and values used in the NodeXL graph.
ColumnComboBox Base class for ComboBoxes that let the user select a column from an Excel table.
ColumnGroupManager Hides and shows groups of related columns.
CommandDispatcher Centralizes the sending and receiving of event-based commands.
CommonTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns that are present in multiple tables.
ConnectedComponentCalculator2 Partitions a graph into strongly connected components.
ConvertNodeXLWorkbookDialog Copies a NodeXL workbook created on another machine and converts the copy to work on this machine.
CreateSubgraphImagesDialog Dialog that creates a subgraph image for each of a graph's vertices.
DateTimeFilterParameters Stores parameters for a date/time dynamic filter.
DuplicateEdgeMerger Merges duplicate edges in the edge worksheet.
DynamicFilterColumnsChangedEventArgs Provides information for the event.
DynamicFilterDateTimeRangeTrackBar Wraps a DateTimeRangeTrackBar for use in the .
DynamicFilterHandler Handle the DynamicFilterColumnsChanged event fired by the .
DynamicFilterParameters Base class for storing dynamic filters parameters.
DynamicFilterRangeTrackBar Wraps a RangeTrackBar for use in the .
DynamicFilterSettings Provides access to settings for dynamic filtering.
DynamicFilterSettings.SettingsForOneFilter Contains the settings for one dynamic filter.
DynamicFilterSettingsTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the dynamic filter settings table.
DynamicFilterUtil Utility methods for working with dynamic filters.
DynamicFiltersLegendControl Displays a graph legend for the dynamic filters that have been applied to the graph.
EdgeColumnComboBox Represents a ComboBox that lets the user select a column from the edge table.
EdgeFilter Filters collections of edges.
EdgeReciprocationCalculator2 Calculates whether the edges in a connected graph are reciprocated.
EdgeTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the edge table.
EdgeWidthConverter Class that converts an edge width between values used in the Excel workbook and values used in the NodeXL graph.
EdgeWidthDialog Gets an edge width from the user.
EdgeWorksheetReader Class that knows how to read an Excel worksheet containing edge data.
EditedEdgeAttributes Stores a list of edge attributes that were edited by .
EditedVertexAttributes Stores a list of vertex attributes that were edited by .
EigenvectorCentralityCalculator2 Calculates the eigenvector centrality for each of the graph's vertices.
EmailExceptionHandler Handles exceptions caught when a graph is exported to email.
EmailExporter Exports a graph to one or more email recipients.
ErrorUtil Error utility methods.
ExcelTemplateForm Base class for all forms in the Excel template.
ExcelTemplateGroupInfo Contains information about one group of vertices.
ExcelTemplateGroupUtil Utility methods for dealing with vertex groups in the ExcelTemplate project.
ExportToNodeXLGraphGalleryDialog Exports the graph to the NodeXL Graph Gallery.
ExportedFilesDescriptionControl Control for providing a title and description for files that will be exported.
FontSizeConverter Class that converts font size values between those used in the Excel workbook and those used in the NodeXL graph.
GeneralUserSettingsDialog Edits a GeneralUserSettings object.
GraphExporterUtil Utility methods for exporting a graph.
GraphHistory Stores attributes that describe how a graph was created.
GraphHistoryKeys Names of the keys stored in a GraphHistory object.
GraphImageCompositor Composites a NodeXLControl and other elements into a UIElement.
GraphImageUserSettingsBase Base class for several classes that store the user's settings for saving graph images.
GraphImageUserSettingsDialog Edits a GraphImageUserSettings object.
GraphImportTextWrapManager Manages text wrapping in a workbook before a graph is imported into the workbook.
GraphImporter Imports edges and vertices from a graph to the edge and vertex worksheets.
GraphLaidOutEventArgs Provides event information for the TaskPane.GraphLaidOut and ThisWorkbook.GraphLaidOut events.
GraphMLFilesImporter Imports a set of GraphML files into a set of new NodeXL workbooks.
GraphMLFilesImporter.ImportGraphMLFilesAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously import GraphML files.
GraphMLToNodeXLWorkbookConverter Saves a GraphML XML document to a new NodeXL workbook.
GraphMetricCalculationManager Calculates one or more sets of graph metrics and returns the results as an array of GraphMetricColumn objects.
GraphMetricCalculationManager.CalculateGraphMetricsAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously calculate graph metrics.
GraphMetricColumn Base class for a family of classes that store an entire column of graph metric values.
GraphMetricColumnOrdered Stores an entire column of graph metric values, where the values are mapped to the next worksheet row.
GraphMetricColumnWithID Stores an entire column of graph metric values, where the values are mapped to worksheet rows by row IDs.
GraphMetricInformation Stores information about one graph metric.
GraphMetricProgress Used by the IGraphMetricCalculator2 implementations to report progress to the main thread.
GraphMetricValue Base class for a family of classes that store one graph metric value for one worksheet row.
GraphMetricValueOrdered Stores one graph metric value for one worksheet row, where the value is mapped to the next empty row.
GraphMetricValueWithID Stores one graph metric value for one worksheet row, where the value is mapped to a row by a row ID.
GraphMetricWriter Writes GraphMetricColumn objects to the workbook.
GraphMetricWriter.WrittenTableInfo Contains information about a table that has been written to.
GraphMetricsAggregator Aggregates the overall metrics from a folder full of NodeXL workbooks into a new Excel workbook.
GraphMetricsAggregator.AggregateGraphMetricsAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously aggregate overall metrics.
GraphMetricsAggregator.OverallMetricsInfo Stores information about overall metrics for one workbook.
GraphMetricsDialog Edits the user's graph metric settings and optionally calculates the graph metrics.
GraphRectangleEventArgs Provides event information for events that involve the graph rectangle and the NodeXLControl.
GraphSummarizer Generates a summary of the graph.
GroupByVertexAttributeDialog Allows the user to group the workbook's vertices using the values in a specified vertex column.
GroupColumnComboBox Represents a ComboBox that lets the user select a column from the group table.
GroupEdgeInfo Stores information about the edges in a group.
GroupEdgeSorter Sorts a graph's edges by the groups they are in.
GroupEdgeTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the group-edge table.
GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog Edits a GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettings object.
GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter Converts a GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String.
GroupManager Manages vertex groups in a NodeXL workbook.
GroupMetricCalculator2 Calculates overall metrics for each of the groups on the group worksheet.
GroupTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the group table.
GroupVertexTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the group-vertex table.
GroupWorksheetReader Class that knows how to read Excel worksheets containing group data.
GroupsCollapsedOrExpandedEventArgs Provides event information for the event.
HeaderFooterControl Control for getting header and footer text.
ImportFromGraphMLFilesDialog Imports a set of GraphML files into a set of new NodeXL workbooks.
ImportFromWorkbookDialog Imports edge and vertex columns from another open workbook to an object.
IntergroupEdgeCalculator2 Given a collection of vertex groups, this class counts the number of edges between each pair of groups and the number of edges within each group.
IntergroupEdgeCalculator2.GroupEdgeRows Contains the row data for the group-edge table.
LabelUserSettingsDialog Edits a LabelUserSettings object.
LabelUserSettingsTypeConverter Converts a LabelUserSettings object to and from a String.
LayoutManagerForRibbonDropDown Helper class for managing graph layouts.
LegendControlBase Base class for several classes that display a graph legend.
LegendControlBase.DrawingObjects Contains objects used to draw the control.
MatrixWorkbookImporter Imports a graph from an open matrix workbook.
MatrixWorkbookSamplesDialog Shows the user what a matrix workbook looks like.
MotifCalculator2 Partitions a graph into motifs.
MotifUserSettingsDialog Edits a MotifUserSettings object.
NamedRangeNames Names of named ranges.
NodeXLApplicationSettingsBase Base class for most NodeXL's user settings classes.
NodeXLControlUtil Utility methods for working with the NodeXLControl.
NodeXLGraphGalleryExceptionHandler Handles exceptions caught when a graph is exported to the NodeXL Graph Gallery.
NodeXLGraphGalleryExporter Exports a graph to the NodeXL Graph Gallery.
NodeXLWorkbookConverter Copies a NodeXL workbook created on another machine and converts the copy to work on this machine.
NodeXLWorkbookUpdater Updates the worksheets, tables, and columns in an older NodeXL workbook.
NodeXLWorkbookUtil Utility methods for working with the NodeXL workbook.
NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog Edits a NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettings object.
NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter Converts a NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String.
NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog Edits a NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettings object.
NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter Converts a NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String.
NumericValueConverterBase Base class for a family of classes that convert numeric values in the Excel workbook to and from numeric values in the NodeXL graph.
OneDoubleGraphMetricCalculatorBase Calculates one graph metric of type Double for each of the graph's vertices.
OpenGraphMLFileDialog Represents a dialog box for opening a GraphML file.
OpenPajekFileDialog Represents a dialog box for opening a Pajek file.
OpenUcinetFileDialog Represents a dialog box for opening a UCINET file.
OpenWorkbookSettingsFileDialog Represents a dialog box for opening a workbook settings file.
OverallMetricCalculator2 Calculates the overall metrics for the graph.
OverallMetricCalculator2.OverallMetricRows Contains the row data for the overall metrics table.
OverallMetricsTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the overall graph metrics table.
OverallReadabilityMetricsTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the overall readability metrics table.
PageRankCalculator2 Calculates the PageRanks for each of the graph's vertices.
PerWorkbookSettings Provides access to settings that are stored on a per-workbook basis.
PerWorkbookSettingsTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the per-workbook settings table.
PlugInManager Provides access to plug-in classes.
ReadWorkbookContext Provides access to objects needed for converting an Excel workbook to a NodeXL graph.
ReadabilityMetricCalculator2 Calculates readability metrics for the graph.
ReadabilityMetricCalculator2.VertexInformation Stores calculated information about one vertex.
ReciprocatedVertexPairRatioCalculator2 Calculates the clustering coefficient for each of the graph's vertices.
RegisterUserDialog Allows the user to register for email updates.
RequestEdgeCommandEnableEventArgs Provides event information for the event.
RequestVertexCommandEnableEventArgs Provides event information for the event.
Ribbon Represents the template's ribbon tab.
RunCollapseOrExpandGroupsCommandEventArgs Provides information needed when groups need to be collapsed or expanded.
RunCommandEventArgs Provides information for a command that needs to be run.
RunEdgeCommandEventArgs Provides information for an edge command that needs to be run.
RunEditableCommandEventArgs Base class for classes that provide information for a command that needs to be run after the user optionally edits user settings for the command.
RunGroupByClusterCommandEventArgs Provides information for a "group by cluster" command that needs to be run.
RunGroupCommandEventArgs Provides information for a group command that needs to be run.
RunMergeDuplicateEdgesCommandEventArgs Provides information for a "merge duplicate edges" command that needs to be run.
RunNoParamCommandEventArgs Provides information for a command that needs to be run, where the command does not require any parameters.
RunSetVisualAttributeCommandEventArgs Provides information for the command that needs to be run when the user sets a visual attribute in the Ribbon.
RunVertexCommandEventArgs Provides information for a vertex command that needs to be run.
SaveGraphFileDialog Abstract base class for dialogs that save a graph to a file.
SaveGraphImageFileDialog Represents a dialog box for saving an image of a graph to a file.
SaveGraphImageFileDialog.GraphImageInfo Stores information about the graph image that needs to be saved.
SaveGraphMLFileDialog Represents a dialog box for saving a graph to a GraphML file.
SavePajekFileDialog Represents a dialog box for saving a graph to a Pajek text file.
SaveUcinetFileDialog Represents a dialog box for saving a graph to a UCINET full matrix DL file.
SaveWorkbookSettingsFileDialog Save's the workbook settings to an external file.
SelectionCoordinator Coordinates the edge and vertex selection between the workbook and the TaskPane.
Sheet1 Represents the edge worksheet.
Sheet4 Represents the miscellaneous worksheet.
Sheet6 Represents the group-vertex worksheet.
Sheets1And2Helper Helper class used by Sheet1 and Sheet2.
SubgraphImageCreator Creates images of a subgraph for each of a graph's vertices and saves the images to disk.
SubgraphImageCreator.CreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously create subgraph images.
SubgraphLevelsControl UserControl that contains a ComboBox for selecting the number of adjacent vertex levels to include in a subgraph, along with a PictureBox that shows a sample subgraph for the selected level.
SubgraphLinkLabel Represents a LinkLabel that, when clicked, explains what a subgraph is.
TableColumnAdder Adds columns to an Excel table (ListObject), and finds the columns that were added.
TableColumnMapper Object that maps the numbers in one table column to values in another column.
TableImagePopulator Object that populates an image column in an Excel table (ListObject) with images that have been stored in a temporary folder.
TableNames Provides the names of the Excel tables (ListObjects) used by the template.
TableStyleNames Names of table styles that get applied programatically.
TaskAutomator Runs multiple tasks on one workbook or a folder full of workbooks.
TaskPane User control that implements the NodeXL custom task pane.
TemporaryImages Keeps track of temporary images that have been created in a temporary folder.
TopItemsCalculatorBase2 Base class for several graph metric calculators that calculate the top items in the graph.
TopItemsCalculatorBase2.ItemInformation Stores calculated information about one item.
TopMetricsReaderBase Base class for classes that read top metrics from a worksheet in a NodeXL workbook.
TopNByMetricCalculator2 Calculates top-N-by metrics for the graph.
TopNByMetricUserSettings Stores the user settings for calculating one set of top-N-by metrics.
TopNByMetricUserSettingsDialog Edits one TopNByMetricUserSettings object.
TopNByMetricsReader Class that knows how to read the top-N-by metrics from a NodeXL workbook.
TwitterSearchNetworkStringUtil Provides utility methods for working with strings while calculating the top items within a Twitter search network.
TwitterSearchNetworkTopItemsCalculator2 Calculates the top items within a Twitter search network.
TwitterSearchNetworkTopItemsReader Class that knows how to read the the "top items in the tweets within a Twitter search network" from a NodeXL workbook.
TwitterSearchNetworkVertexMetricUtil Provides utility methods for calculating vertex metrics within a Twitter search network.
TwitterSearchNetworkWordMetricUtil Provides utility methods for calculating word metrics within a Twitter search network.
UserSettingsTypeConverterBase Base class for several user-settings-related type converters that can convert an object to and from a string.
VertexAndRowID Stores a vertex along with its row ID from the vertex worksheet.
VertexColumnComboBox Represents a ComboBox that lets the user select a column from the vertex table.
VertexDegreeCalculator2 Calculates the in-degree, out-degree, and degree for each of the graph's vertices.
VertexLabelPositionComboBox Represents a ComboBox that lists the options for vertex label positions.
VertexLocationConverter Class that converts a vertex location between coordinates used in the Excel workbook and coordinates used in the NodeXL graph.
VertexRadiusConverter Class that converts a vertex radius between values used in the Excel workbook and values used in the NodeXL graph.
VertexRadiusDialog Gets a vertex radius from the user.
VertexTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the vertex table.
VertexWorksheetPopulator Populates the vertex worksheet with the name of each unique vertex in the edge worksheet.
VertexWorksheetReader Class that knows how to read an Excel worksheet containing vertex data.
VerticesMovedEventArgs2 Provides event information for the TaskPane.VerticesMoved and ThisWorkbook.VerticesMoved events.
WordMetricCalculator2 Counts words and word pairs in a specified column.
WordMetricUserSettingsDialog Edits a WordMetricUserSettings object.
WordMetricUserSettingsTypeConverter Converts a WordMetricUserSettings object to and from a String.
WordPairTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the word pair count table.
WordTableColumnNames Provides the names of the columns in the word count table.
WorkbookAutoFiller Automatically fills one or more edge and vertex attribute columns by mapping values from user-specified source columns.
WorkbookExporter Exports a workbook's contents to another workbook.
WorkbookImporter Imports an edge list from an open workbook into an IGraph object.
WorkbookImporterBase Base class for classes that import a graph from another open workbook.
WorkbookReader Contains methods for creating a NodeXL graph from the contents of an Excel workbook.
WorksheetContextMenuManager Adds custom menu items to the Excel context menus that appear when one of several tables is clicked in the workbook.
WorksheetNames Provides the names of the Excel worksheets used by the template.
WorksheetReaderBase Base class for classes that know how to read an Excel worksheet containing graph data.