Name |
Description |
AboutDialog |
This is the application's About dialog. |
AboutDialogUserSettings |
AddSelectedVerticesToGroupDialog |
AddSelectedVerticesToGroupDialogUserSettings |
AggregateGraphMetricsDialog |
Aggregates the overall metrics from a folder full of NodeXL workbooks into a new Excel workbook. |
AggregateGraphMetricsDialogUserSettings |
AlphaConverter |
Class that converts alpha values between those used in the Excel workbook and those used in the NodeXL graph. |
AlphaDialog |
Gets an alpha value from the user. |
AlphaDialogUserSettings |
AnalyzeEmailNetworkDialog |
Dialog that analyzes a user's email network and writes the results to the edge worksheet. |
AnalyzeEmailNetworkDialogUserSettings |
ApplicationUtil |
Contains utility methods dealing with the application as a whole. |
AttributesEditedEventArgs |
Provides event information for the and events. |
AutoFillColorColumnResults |
Stores one color column of the results of a call to . |
AutoFillColumnResults |
Stores one column of the results of a call to . |
AutoFillNumericRangeColumnResults |
Stores one numeric range column of the results of a call to . |
AutoFillResultsLegendControl |
Displays a graph legend containing the results of the autofill feature. |
AutoFillUserSettings |
AutoFillWorkbookDialog |
AutoFillWorkbookDialogUserSettings |
AutoFillWorkbookResults |
Stores the results of a call to . |
AutomateTasksDialog |
Edits a AutomateTasksUserSettings object and optionally runs the tasks specified in the object. |
AutomateTasksDialogUserSettings |
AutomateTasksUserSettings |
AutomatedGraphImageUserSettings |
AutomatedGraphImageUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a AutomatedGraphImageUserSettings object. |
AutomatedGraphImageUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
BrandesFastCentralityCalculator2 |
Calculates the betweenness and closeness centralities for each of the graph's vertices. |
CalculateGraphMetricsContext |
Provides access to objects needed for calculating graph metrics. |
CalculateGraphMetricsDialog |
CalculateGraphMetricsDialogUserSettings |
CellStyleNames |
Names of cell styles that get applied programatically. |
ChartNames |
Names of charts. |
ClusterCalculator2 |
Partitions a graph into clusters. |
ClusterUserSettings |
ClusterUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a ClusterUserSettings object. |
ClusterUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
ClusteringCoefficientCalculator2 |
Calculates the clustering coefficient for each of the graph's vertices. |
CollapsedGroupAttributeAdder |
Contains utility methods for adding collapsed group attributes to a graph. |
ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettings |
ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettings object. |
ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter |
Converts a ColorColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String. |
ColorConverter2 |
Class that converts a color between values used in the Excel workbook and values used in the NodeXL graph. |
ColumnComboBox |
Base class for ComboBoxes that let the user select a column from an Excel table. |
ColumnGroupManager |
Hides and shows groups of related columns. |
ColumnGroupUserSettings |
CommandDispatcher |
Centralizes the sending and receiving of event-based commands. |
CommonTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns that are present in multiple tables. |
ConnectedComponentCalculator2 |
Partitions a graph into strongly connected components. |
ConvertGraphMLToNodeXLWorkbookException |
ConvertNodeXLWorkbookDialog |
Copies a NodeXL workbook created on another machine and converts the copy to work on this machine. |
ConvertNodeXLWorkbookDialogUserSettings |
CreateSubgraphImagesDialog |
Dialog that creates a subgraph image for each of a graph's vertices. |
CreateSubgraphImagesDialogUserSettings |
DateTimeFilterParameters |
Stores parameters for a date/time dynamic filter. |
DuplicateEdgeMerger |
Merges duplicate edges in the edge worksheet. |
DynamicFilterColumnsChangedEventArgs |
Provides information for the event. |
DynamicFilterDateTimeRangeTrackBar |
Wraps a DateTimeRangeTrackBar for use in the . |
DynamicFilterDialog |
DynamicFilterDialogUserSettings |
DynamicFilterHandler |
Handle the DynamicFilterColumnsChanged event fired by the . |
DynamicFilterParameters |
Base class for storing dynamic filters parameters. |
DynamicFilterRangeTrackBar |
Wraps a RangeTrackBar for use in the . |
DynamicFilterSettings |
Provides access to settings for dynamic filtering. |
DynamicFilterSettings.SettingsForOneFilter |
Contains the settings for one dynamic filter. |
DynamicFilterSettingsTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the dynamic filter settings table. |
DynamicFilterUtil |
Utility methods for working with dynamic filters. |
DynamicFiltersLegendControl |
Displays a graph legend for the dynamic filters that have been applied to the graph. |
DynamicFiltersUserSettings |
EdgeAttributesDialog |
EdgeColumnComboBox |
Represents a ComboBox that lets the user select a column from the edge table. |
EdgeFilter |
Filters collections of edges. |
EdgeReciprocationCalculator2 |
Calculates whether the edges in a connected graph are reciprocated. |
EdgeTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the edge table. |
EdgeWidthConverter |
Class that converts an edge width between values used in the Excel workbook and values used in the NodeXL graph. |
EdgeWidthDialog |
Gets an edge width from the user. |
EdgeWidthDialogUserSettings |
EdgeWorksheetReader |
Class that knows how to read an Excel worksheet containing edge data. |
EditedEdgeAttributes |
Stores a list of edge attributes that were edited by . |
EditedVertexAttributes |
Stores a list of vertex attributes that were edited by . |
EigenvectorCentralityCalculator2 |
Calculates the eigenvector centrality for each of the graph's vertices. |
EmailAddressFormatException |
EmailExceptionHandler |
Handles exceptions caught when a graph is exported to email. |
EmailExporter |
Exports a graph to one or more email recipients. |
ErrorUtil |
Error utility methods. |
ExcelTemplateForm |
Base class for all forms in the Excel template. |
ExcelTemplateGroupInfo |
Contains information about one group of vertices. |
ExcelTemplateGroupUtil |
Utility methods for dealing with vertex groups in the ExcelTemplate project. |
ExportToEmailDialog |
ExportToEmailDialogUserSettings |
ExportToEmailUserSettings |
ExportToNodeXLGraphGalleryDialog |
Exports the graph to the NodeXL Graph Gallery. |
ExportToNodeXLGraphGalleryDialogUserSettings |
ExportToNodeXLGraphGalleryUserSettings |
ExportWorkbookException |
ExportedFilesControl |
ExportedFilesDescriptionControl |
Control for providing a title and description for files that will be exported. |
FontSizeConverter |
Class that converts font size values between those used in the Excel workbook and those used in the NodeXL graph. |
GeneralUserSettings |
GeneralUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a GeneralUserSettings object. |
GeneralUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
Globals |
GraphExporterUtil |
Utility methods for exporting a graph. |
GraphHistory |
Stores attributes that describe how a graph was created. |
GraphHistoryKeys |
Names of the keys stored in a GraphHistory object. |
GraphImageCompositor |
Composites a NodeXLControl and other elements into a UIElement. |
GraphImageUserSettings |
GraphImageUserSettingsBase |
Base class for several classes that store the user's settings for saving graph images. |
GraphImageUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a GraphImageUserSettings object. |
GraphImageUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
GraphImportTextWrapManager |
Manages text wrapping in a workbook before a graph is imported into the workbook. |
GraphImporter |
Imports edges and vertices from a graph to the edge and vertex worksheets. |
GraphLaidOutEventArgs |
Provides event information for the TaskPane.GraphLaidOut and ThisWorkbook.GraphLaidOut events. |
GraphMLFilesImporter |
Imports a set of GraphML files into a set of new NodeXL workbooks. |
GraphMLFilesImporter.ImportGraphMLFilesAsyncArgs |
Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously import GraphML files. |
GraphMLToNodeXLWorkbookConverter |
Saves a GraphML XML document to a new NodeXL workbook. |
GraphMetricCalculationManager |
Calculates one or more sets of graph metrics and returns the results as an array of GraphMetricColumn objects. |
GraphMetricCalculationManager.CalculateGraphMetricsAsyncArgs |
Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously calculate graph metrics. |
GraphMetricColumn |
Base class for a family of classes that store an entire column of graph metric values. |
GraphMetricColumnOrdered |
Stores an entire column of graph metric values, where the values are mapped to the next worksheet row. |
GraphMetricColumnWithID |
Stores an entire column of graph metric values, where the values are mapped to worksheet rows by row IDs. |
GraphMetricDescriptions |
GraphMetricInformation |
Stores information about one graph metric. |
GraphMetricProgress |
Used by the IGraphMetricCalculator2 implementations to report progress to the main thread. |
GraphMetricUserSettings |
GraphMetricValue |
Base class for a family of classes that store one graph metric value for one worksheet row. |
GraphMetricValueOrdered |
Stores one graph metric value for one worksheet row, where the value is mapped to the next empty row. |
GraphMetricValueWithID |
Stores one graph metric value for one worksheet row, where the value is mapped to a row by a row ID. |
GraphMetricWriter |
Writes GraphMetricColumn objects to the workbook. |
GraphMetricWriter.WrittenTableInfo |
Contains information about a table that has been written to. |
GraphMetricsAggregator |
Aggregates the overall metrics from a folder full of NodeXL workbooks into a new Excel workbook. |
GraphMetricsAggregator.AggregateGraphMetricsAsyncArgs |
Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously aggregate overall metrics. |
GraphMetricsAggregator.OverallMetricsInfo |
Stores information about overall metrics for one workbook. |
GraphMetricsDialog |
Edits the user's graph metric settings and optionally calculates the graph metrics. |
GraphMetricsDialogUserSettings |
GraphRectangleEventArgs |
Provides event information for events that involve the graph rectangle and the NodeXLControl. |
GraphSummarizer |
Generates a summary of the graph. |
GraphSummaryDialog |
GraphSummaryDialogUserSettings |
GraphTooLargeException |
GraphZoomAndScaleUserSettings |
GroupByVertexAttributeDialog |
Allows the user to group the workbook's vertices using the values in a specified vertex column. |
GroupByVertexAttributeDialogUserSettings |
GroupColumnComboBox |
Represents a ComboBox that lets the user select a column from the group table. |
GroupEdgeInfo |
Stores information about the edges in a group. |
GroupEdgeSorter |
Sorts a graph's edges by the groups they are in. |
GroupEdgeTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the group-edge table. |
GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettings |
GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettings object. |
GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter |
Converts a GroupLabelColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String. |
GroupManager |
Manages vertex groups in a NodeXL workbook. |
GroupMetricCalculator2 |
Calculates overall metrics for each of the groups on the group worksheet. |
GroupTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the group table. |
GroupUserSettings |
GroupUserSettingsDialog |
GroupUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
GroupVertexTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the group-vertex table. |
GroupWorksheetReader |
Class that knows how to read Excel worksheets containing group data. |
GroupsCollapsedOrExpandedEventArgs |
Provides event information for the event. |
HeaderFooterControl |
Control for getting header and footer text. |
ImportDataUserSettings |
ImportDataUserSettingsDialog |
ImportDataUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
ImportFromGraphMLFilesDialog |
Imports a set of GraphML files into a set of new NodeXL workbooks. |
ImportFromGraphMLFilesDialogUserSettings |
ImportFromMatrixWorkbookDialog |
ImportFromMatrixWorkbookDialogUserSettings |
ImportFromWorkbookDialog |
Imports edge and vertex columns from another open workbook to an object. |
ImportFromWorkbookDialogUserSettings |
ImportWorkbookException |
IntergroupEdgeCalculator2 |
Given a collection of vertex groups, this class counts the number of edges between each pair of groups and the number of edges within each group. |
IntergroupEdgeCalculator2.GroupEdgeRows |
Contains the row data for the group-edge table. |
LabelUserSettings |
LabelUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a LabelUserSettings object. |
LabelUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
LabelUserSettingsTypeConverter |
Converts a LabelUserSettings object to and from a String. |
LayoutManagerForRibbonDropDown |
Helper class for managing graph layouts. |
LayoutUserSettings |
LayoutUserSettingsDialog |
LayoutUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
LegendControlBase |
Base class for several classes that display a graph legend. |
LegendControlBase.DrawingObjects |
Contains objects used to draw the control. |
MatrixWorkbookImporter |
Imports a graph from an open matrix workbook. |
MatrixWorkbookSamplesDialog |
Shows the user what a matrix workbook looks like. |
MatrixWorkbookSamplesDialogUserSettings |
MaximumLabelLengthControl |
MergeDuplicateEdgesUserSettings |
MergeDuplicateEdgesUserSettingsDialog |
MergeDuplicateEdgesUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
MotifCalculator2 |
Partitions a graph into motifs. |
MotifUserSettings |
MotifUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a MotifUserSettings object. |
MotifUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
NamedRangeNames |
Names of named ranges. |
NodeXLApplicationSettingsBase |
Base class for most NodeXL's user settings classes. |
NodeXLControlUtil |
Utility methods for working with the NodeXLControl. |
NodeXLGraphGalleryExceptionHandler |
Handles exceptions caught when a graph is exported to the NodeXL Graph Gallery. |
NodeXLGraphGalleryExporter |
Exports a graph to the NodeXL Graph Gallery. |
NodeXLWorkbookConversionException |
NodeXLWorkbookConverter |
Copies a NodeXL workbook created on another machine and converts the copy to work on this machine. |
NodeXLWorkbookUpdater |
Updates the worksheets, tables, and columns in an older NodeXL workbook. |
NodeXLWorkbookUtil |
Utility methods for working with the NodeXL workbook. |
NotificationDialog |
NotificationDialogUserSettings |
NotificationUserSettings |
NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettings |
NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettings object. |
NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter |
Converts a NumericComparisonColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String. |
NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettings |
NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettings object. |
NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettingsTypeConverter |
Converts a NumericRangeColumnAutoFillUserSettings object to and from a String. |
NumericValueConverterBase |
Base class for a family of classes that convert numeric values in the Excel workbook to and from numeric values in the NodeXL graph. |
OneDoubleGraphMetricCalculatorBase |
Calculates one graph metric of type Double for each of the graph's vertices. |
OpenGraphMLFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for opening a GraphML file. |
OpenPajekFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for opening a Pajek file. |
OpenUcinetFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for opening a UCINET file. |
OpenUcinetFileDialogUserSettings |
OpenWorkbookSettingsFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for opening a workbook settings file. |
OverallMetricCalculator2 |
Calculates the overall metrics for the graph. |
OverallMetricCalculator2.OverallMetricRows |
Contains the row data for the overall metrics table. |
OverallMetricsTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the overall graph metrics table. |
OverallReadabilityMetricsTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the overall readability metrics table. |
PageRankCalculator2 |
Calculates the PageRanks for each of the graph's vertices. |
PasswordUserSettings |
PerWorkbookSettings |
Provides access to settings that are stored on a per-workbook basis. |
PerWorkbookSettingsTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the per-workbook settings table. |
PlugInManager |
Provides access to plug-in classes. |
PlugInUserSettings |
ReadWorkbookContext |
Provides access to objects needed for converting an Excel workbook to a NodeXL graph. |
ReadabilityMetricCalculator2 |
Calculates readability metrics for the graph. |
ReadabilityMetricCalculator2.VertexInformation |
Stores calculated information about one vertex. |
ReadabilityMetricUserSettings |
ReadabilityMetricsDialog |
ReadabilityMetricsDialogUserSettings |
ReciprocatedVertexPairRatioCalculator2 |
Calculates the clustering coefficient for each of the graph's vertices. |
RegisterUserDialog |
Allows the user to register for email updates. |
RegisterUserDialogUserSettings |
RequestEdgeCommandEnableEventArgs |
Provides event information for the event. |
RequestVertexCommandEnableEventArgs |
Provides event information for the event. |
Ribbon |
Represents the template's ribbon tab. |
RunCollapseOrExpandGroupsCommandEventArgs |
Provides information needed when groups need to be collapsed or expanded. |
RunCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for a command that needs to be run. |
RunEdgeCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for an edge command that needs to be run. |
RunEditableCommandEventArgs |
Base class for classes that provide information for a command that needs to be run after the user optionally edits user settings for the command. |
RunGroupByClusterCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for a "group by cluster" command that needs to be run. |
RunGroupCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for a group command that needs to be run. |
RunMergeDuplicateEdgesCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for a "merge duplicate edges" command that needs to be run. |
RunNoParamCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for a command that needs to be run, where the command does not require any parameters. |
RunSetVisualAttributeCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for the command that needs to be run when the user sets a visual attribute in the Ribbon. |
RunVertexCommandEventArgs |
Provides information for a vertex command that needs to be run. |
SaveGraphFileDialog |
Abstract base class for dialogs that save a graph to a file. |
SaveGraphImageFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for saving an image of a graph to a file. |
SaveGraphImageFileDialog.GraphImageInfo |
Stores information about the graph image that needs to be saved. |
SaveGraphMLFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for saving a graph to a GraphML file. |
SavePajekFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for saving a graph to a Pajek text file. |
SaveUcinetFileDialog |
Represents a dialog box for saving a graph to a UCINET full matrix DL file. |
SaveWorkbookSettingsFileDialog |
Save's the workbook settings to an external file. |
SelectSubgraphsDialog |
SelectSubgraphsDialogUserSettings |
SelectionCoordinator |
Coordinates the edge and vertex selection between the workbook and the TaskPane. |
Sheet1 |
Represents the edge worksheet. |
Sheet2 |
Sheet3 |
Sheet4 |
Represents the miscellaneous worksheet. |
Sheet5 |
Sheet6 |
Represents the group-vertex worksheet. |
Sheet7 |
Sheets1And2Helper |
Helper class used by Sheet1 and Sheet2. |
StandardSettingsFileLockedException |
SubgraphImageCreator |
Creates images of a subgraph for each of a graph's vertices and saves the images to disk. |
SubgraphImageCreator.CreateSubgraphImagesAsyncArgs |
Contains the arguments needed to asynchronously create subgraph images. |
SubgraphLevelsControl |
UserControl that contains a ComboBox for selecting the number of adjacent vertex levels to include in a subgraph, along with a PictureBox that shows a sample subgraph for the selected level. |
SubgraphLinkLabel |
Represents a LinkLabel that, when clicked, explains what a subgraph is. |
TableColumnAdder |
Adds columns to an Excel table (ListObject), and finds the columns that were added. |
TableColumnMapper |
Object that maps the numbers in one table column to values in another column. |
TableImagePopulator |
Object that populates an image column in an Excel table (ListObject) with images that have been stored in a temporary folder. |
TableNames |
Provides the names of the Excel tables (ListObjects) used by the template. |
TableStyleNames |
Names of table styles that get applied programatically. |
TaskAutomator |
Runs multiple tasks on one workbook or a folder full of workbooks. |
TaskPane |
User control that implements the NodeXL custom task pane. |
TemporaryImages |
Keeps track of temporary images that have been created in a temporary folder. |
ThisRibbonCollection |
ThisWorkbook |
TopItemsCalculatorBase2 |
Base class for several graph metric calculators that calculate the top items in the graph. |
TopItemsCalculatorBase2.ItemInformation |
Stores calculated information about one item. |
TopMetricsReaderBase |
Base class for classes that read top metrics from a worksheet in a NodeXL workbook. |
TopNByMetricCalculator2 |
Calculates top-N-by metrics for the graph. |
TopNByMetricUserSettings |
Stores the user settings for calculating one set of top-N-by metrics. |
TopNByMetricUserSettingsDialog |
Edits one TopNByMetricUserSettings object. |
TopNByMetricUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
TopNByMetricUserSettingsListDialog |
TopNByMetricUserSettingsListDialogUserSettings |
TopNByMetricsReader |
Class that knows how to read the top-N-by metrics from a NodeXL workbook. |
TwitterSearchNetworkStringUtil |
Provides utility methods for working with strings while calculating the top items within a Twitter search network. |
TwitterSearchNetworkTopItemsCalculator2 |
Calculates the top items within a Twitter search network. |
TwitterSearchNetworkTopItemsReader |
Class that knows how to read the the "top items in the tweets within a Twitter search network" from a NodeXL workbook. |
TwitterSearchNetworkVertexMetricUtil |
Provides utility methods for calculating vertex metrics within a Twitter search network. |
TwitterSearchNetworkWordMetricUtil |
Provides utility methods for calculating word metrics within a Twitter search network. |
UserSettingsTypeConverterBase |
Base class for several user-settings-related type converters that can convert an object to and from a string. |
VertexAndRowID |
Stores a vertex along with its row ID from the vertex worksheet. |
VertexAttributesDialog |
VertexColumnComboBox |
Represents a ComboBox that lets the user select a column from the vertex table. |
VertexDegreeCalculator2 |
Calculates the in-degree, out-degree, and degree for each of the graph's vertices. |
VertexGridSnapperUserSettings |
VertexGridSnapperUserSettingsDialog |
VertexGridSnapperUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
VertexLabelPositionComboBox |
Represents a ComboBox that lists the options for vertex label positions. |
VertexLocationConverter |
Class that converts a vertex location between coordinates used in the Excel workbook and coordinates used in the NodeXL graph. |
VertexRadiusConverter |
Class that converts a vertex radius between values used in the Excel workbook and values used in the NodeXL graph. |
VertexRadiusDialog |
Gets a vertex radius from the user. |
VertexRadiusDialogUserSettings |
VertexTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the vertex table. |
VertexWorksheetPopulator |
Populates the vertex worksheet with the name of each unique vertex in the edge worksheet. |
VertexWorksheetReader |
Class that knows how to read an Excel worksheet containing vertex data. |
VerticesMovedEventArgs2 |
Provides event information for the TaskPane.VerticesMoved and ThisWorkbook.VerticesMoved events. |
WordMetricCalculator2 |
Counts words and word pairs in a specified column. |
WordMetricUserSettings |
WordMetricUserSettingsDialog |
Edits a WordMetricUserSettings object. |
WordMetricUserSettingsDialogUserSettings |
WordMetricUserSettingsTypeConverter |
Converts a WordMetricUserSettings object to and from a String. |
WordPairTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the word pair count table. |
WordTableColumnNames |
Provides the names of the columns in the word count table. |
WorkbookAutoFiller |
Automatically fills one or more edge and vertex attribute columns by mapping values from user-specified source columns. |
WorkbookExporter |
Exports a workbook's contents to another workbook. |
WorkbookFormatException |
WorkbookImporter |
Imports an edge list from an open workbook into an IGraph object. |
WorkbookImporterBase |
Base class for classes that import a graph from another open workbook. |
WorkbookReader |
Contains methods for creating a NodeXL graph from the contents of an Excel workbook. |
WorksheetContextMenuManager |
Adds custom menu items to the Excel context menus that appear when one of several tables is clicked in the workbook. |
WorksheetNames |
Provides the names of the Excel worksheets used by the template. |
WorksheetReaderBase |
Base class for classes that know how to read an Excel worksheet containing graph data. |