C# Class Smrf.NodeXL.ExcelTemplate.TwitterSearchNetworkStringUtil

Provides utility methods for working with strings while calculating the top items within a Twitter search network.
Inheritance: Object
ファイルを表示 Open project: 2014-sed-team3/term-project Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ConcatenateTopStrings ( Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts, Int32 maximumTopStrings ) : String
CountDelimitedStringsInEdgeColumn ( IEnumerable edges, String edgeColumnName ) : Int32>.Dictionary
CountString ( String stringToCount, Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts ) : void
GetTopGraphMetricValues ( Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts, Int32 maximumTopStrings, List &topStrings, List &topStringCounts ) : void
GetTopStrings ( Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts, Int32 maximumTopStrings ) : IEnumerable
TakeTopStringsAsArray ( IEnumerable strings, Int32 maximumTopStrings ) : String[]

Method Details

ConcatenateTopStrings() public static method

public static ConcatenateTopStrings ( Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts, Int32 maximumTopStrings ) : String
stringCounts Int32>.Dictionary
maximumTopStrings System.Int32
return String

CountDelimitedStringsInEdgeColumn() public static method

public static CountDelimitedStringsInEdgeColumn ( IEnumerable edges, String edgeColumnName ) : Int32>.Dictionary
edges IEnumerable
edgeColumnName String
return Int32>.Dictionary

CountString() public static method

public static CountString ( String stringToCount, Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts ) : void
stringToCount String
stringCounts Int32>.Dictionary
return void

GetTopGraphMetricValues() public static method

public static GetTopGraphMetricValues ( Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts, Int32 maximumTopStrings, List &topStrings, List &topStringCounts ) : void
stringCounts Int32>.Dictionary
maximumTopStrings System.Int32
topStrings List
topStringCounts List
return void

GetTopStrings() public static method

public static GetTopStrings ( Int32>.Dictionary stringCounts, Int32 maximumTopStrings ) : IEnumerable
stringCounts Int32>.Dictionary
maximumTopStrings System.Int32
return IEnumerable

TakeTopStringsAsArray() public static method

public static TakeTopStringsAsArray ( IEnumerable strings, Int32 maximumTopStrings ) : String[]
strings IEnumerable
maximumTopStrings System.Int32
return String[]