C# Class uFrame.ECS.PlayerDataService

Inheritance: EcsSystem, IPlayerDataService
ファイルを表示 Open project: InvertGames/uFrame.ECS

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AutoLoad bool
Repository ComponentRepositoryBehaviour

Public Methods

Method Description
Load ( LoadPlayerData data ) : void
Loaded ( ) : void
Save ( SavePlayerData data ) : void
Setup ( ) : void

Method Details

Load() public method

public Load ( LoadPlayerData data ) : void
data LoadPlayerData
return void

Loaded() public method

public Loaded ( ) : void
return void

Save() public method

public Save ( SavePlayerData data ) : void
data SavePlayerData
return void

Setup() public method

public Setup ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

AutoLoad public_oe property

Should the data be loaded without the need to explicitly publishing the "Load" event. If AutoLoad is on, when a persistant component is loaded it will load the data.
public bool AutoLoad
return bool

Repository public_oe property

public ComponentRepositoryBehaviour Repository
return ComponentRepositoryBehaviour