C# Class UnityEngine.AssetBundleManifest

Manifest for all the AssetBundles in the build.

Inheritance: UnityEngine.Object
ファイルを表示 Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAssetBundleHash ( string assetBundleName ) : Hash128

Get the hash for the given AssetBundle.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetAllAssetBundles ( ) : string[]
GetAllAssetBundlesWithVariant ( ) : string[]
GetAllDependencies ( string assetBundleName ) : string[]
GetDirectDependencies ( string assetBundleName ) : string[]
INTERNAL_CALL_GetAssetBundleHash ( AssetBundleManifest self, string assetBundleName, Hash128 &value ) : void

Method Details

GetAssetBundleHash() public method

Get the hash for the given AssetBundle.

public GetAssetBundleHash ( string assetBundleName ) : Hash128
assetBundleName string Name of the asset bundle.
return Hash128