C# Class SharpMath.float4x4

ファイルを表示 Open project: Patapom/GodComplex Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
m ].float[
ms_Index int[]
ms_RotIndex int[]

Public Methods

Method Description
CoFactor ( int _dwRow, int _dwCol ) : float
ComputeRotationMatrix ( float3 _Source, float3 _Target ) : float4x4

Computes the rotation matrix to transform a source vector into a target vector (routine from Thomas Moller)

Determinant ( ) : float
FromEuler ( float3 _EulerAngles ) : void
GetEuler ( ) : float3
GetRotation ( ) : Matrix3x3
GetRow ( int _dwRowIndex ) : float4
GetRow0 ( ) : float4
GetRow1 ( ) : float4
GetRow2 ( ) : float4
GetRow3 ( ) : float4
GetScale ( ) : float3
GetTrans ( ) : Point4D
Invert ( ) : float4x4
IsIdentity ( ) : bool
MakeIdentity ( ) : float4x4
MakeLookAt ( float3 _Position, float3 _Target, float3 _Up ) : float4x4
MakePYR ( float _fPitch, float _fYaw, float _fRoll ) : float4x4
MakeProjectionPerspective ( float _FOVY, float _AspectRatio, float _Near, float _Far ) : float4x4
MakeRotX ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
MakeRotY ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
MakeRotZ ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
MakeZero ( ) : float4x4
Normalize ( ) : float4x4
OrthoNormalize ( ) : void
PYR ( float _fPitch, float _fYaw, float _fRoll ) : float4x4
Parse ( string _Source ) : float4x4
Parse4x3 ( string _Source ) : float4x4
ROT_X ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
ROT_Y ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
ROT_Z ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
Scale ( float3 _Scale ) : float4x4
Set ( Matrix3x3 _Source ) : void
Set ( float _Source ) : void
Set ( float4x4 _Source ) : void
SetRotation ( Matrix3x3 _Rot ) : void
SetRow ( int _dwRowIndex, float3 _Row, float _W ) : void
SetRow ( int _dwRowIndex, float4 _Row ) : void
SetRow0 ( float3 _Row ) : void
SetRow0 ( float4 _Row ) : void
SetRow1 ( float3 _Row ) : void
SetRow1 ( float4 _Row ) : void
SetRow2 ( float3 _Row ) : void
SetRow2 ( float4 _Row ) : void
SetScale ( float3 _Scale ) : void
SetTrans ( Point4D _Trans ) : void
SetTrans ( float3 _Trans ) : void
ToString ( ) : string
ToString4x3 ( ) : string
Trace ( ) : float
Transpose ( ) : float4x4
float4x4 ( ) : System
float4x4 ( Matrix3x3 _Source ) : System
float4x4 ( float _Source ) : System
float4x4 ( float4x4 _Source ) : System
operator ( ) : float4x4
this ( int _CoeffIndex ) : float
this ( int _i, int _j ) : float

Method Details

CoFactor() public method

public CoFactor ( int _dwRow, int _dwCol ) : float
_dwRow int
_dwCol int
return float

ComputeRotationMatrix() public static method

Computes the rotation matrix to transform a source vector into a target vector (routine from Thomas Moller)
public static ComputeRotationMatrix ( float3 _Source, float3 _Target ) : float4x4
_Source float3 The source vector
_Target float3 The target vector
return float4x4

Determinant() public method

public Determinant ( ) : float
return float

FromEuler() public method

public FromEuler ( float3 _EulerAngles ) : void
_EulerAngles float3
return void

GetEuler() public method

public GetEuler ( ) : float3
return float3

GetRotation() public method

public GetRotation ( ) : Matrix3x3
return Matrix3x3

GetRow() public method

public GetRow ( int _dwRowIndex ) : float4
_dwRowIndex int
return float4

GetRow0() public method

public GetRow0 ( ) : float4
return float4

GetRow1() public method

public GetRow1 ( ) : float4
return float4

GetRow2() public method

public GetRow2 ( ) : float4
return float4

GetRow3() public method

public GetRow3 ( ) : float4
return float4

GetScale() public method

public GetScale ( ) : float3
return float3

GetTrans() public method

public GetTrans ( ) : Point4D
return Point4D

Invert() public method

public Invert ( ) : float4x4
return float4x4

IsIdentity() public method

public IsIdentity ( ) : bool
return bool

MakeIdentity() public method

public MakeIdentity ( ) : float4x4
return float4x4

MakeLookAt() public method

public MakeLookAt ( float3 _Position, float3 _Target, float3 _Up ) : float4x4
_Position float3
_Target float3
_Up float3
return float4x4

MakePYR() public method

public MakePYR ( float _fPitch, float _fYaw, float _fRoll ) : float4x4
_fPitch float
_fYaw float
_fRoll float
return float4x4

MakeProjectionPerspective() public method

public MakeProjectionPerspective ( float _FOVY, float _AspectRatio, float _Near, float _Far ) : float4x4
_FOVY float
_AspectRatio float
_Near float
_Far float
return float4x4

MakeRotX() public method

public MakeRotX ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
_fAngle float
return float4x4

MakeRotY() public method

public MakeRotY ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
_fAngle float
return float4x4

MakeRotZ() public method

public MakeRotZ ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
_fAngle float
return float4x4

MakeZero() public method

public MakeZero ( ) : float4x4
return float4x4

Normalize() public method

public Normalize ( ) : float4x4
return float4x4

OrthoNormalize() public method

public OrthoNormalize ( ) : void
return void

PYR() public static method

public static PYR ( float _fPitch, float _fYaw, float _fRoll ) : float4x4
_fPitch float
_fYaw float
_fRoll float
return float4x4

Parse() public static method

public static Parse ( string _Source ) : float4x4
_Source string
return float4x4

Parse4x3() public static method

public static Parse4x3 ( string _Source ) : float4x4
_Source string
return float4x4

ROT_X() public static method

public static ROT_X ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
_fAngle float
return float4x4

ROT_Y() public static method

public static ROT_Y ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
_fAngle float
return float4x4

ROT_Z() public static method

public static ROT_Z ( float _fAngle ) : float4x4
_fAngle float
return float4x4

Scale() public method

public Scale ( float3 _Scale ) : float4x4
_Scale float3
return float4x4

Set() public method

public Set ( Matrix3x3 _Source ) : void
_Source Matrix3x3
return void

Set() public method

public Set ( float _Source ) : void
_Source float
return void

Set() public method

public Set ( float4x4 _Source ) : void
_Source float4x4
return void

SetRotation() public method

public SetRotation ( Matrix3x3 _Rot ) : void
_Rot Matrix3x3
return void

SetRow() public method

public SetRow ( int _dwRowIndex, float3 _Row, float _W ) : void
_dwRowIndex int
_Row float3
_W float
return void

SetRow() public method

public SetRow ( int _dwRowIndex, float4 _Row ) : void
_dwRowIndex int
_Row float4
return void

SetRow0() public method

public SetRow0 ( float3 _Row ) : void
_Row float3
return void

SetRow0() public method

public SetRow0 ( float4 _Row ) : void
_Row float4
return void

SetRow1() public method

public SetRow1 ( float3 _Row ) : void
_Row float3
return void

SetRow1() public method

public SetRow1 ( float4 _Row ) : void
_Row float4
return void

SetRow2() public method

public SetRow2 ( float3 _Row ) : void
_Row float3
return void

SetRow2() public method

public SetRow2 ( float4 _Row ) : void
_Row float4
return void

SetScale() public method

public SetScale ( float3 _Scale ) : void
_Scale float3
return void

SetTrans() public method

public SetTrans ( Point4D _Trans ) : void
_Trans Point4D
return void

SetTrans() public method

public SetTrans ( float3 _Trans ) : void
_Trans float3
return void

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

ToString4x3() public method

public ToString4x3 ( ) : string
return string

Trace() public method

public Trace ( ) : float
return float

Transpose() public method

public Transpose ( ) : float4x4
return float4x4

float4x4() public method

public float4x4 ( ) : System
return System

float4x4() public method

public float4x4 ( Matrix3x3 _Source ) : System
_Source Matrix3x3
return System

float4x4() public method

public float4x4 ( float _Source ) : System
_Source float
return System

float4x4() public method

public float4x4 ( float4x4 _Source ) : System
_Source float4x4
return System

operator() public static method

public static operator ( ) : float4x4
return float4x4

this() public method

public this ( int _CoeffIndex ) : float
_CoeffIndex int
return float

this() public method

public this ( int _i, int _j ) : float
_i int
_j int
return float

Property Details

m public_oe property

public float[,] m
return ].float[

ms_Index public_oe static_oe property

public static int[] ms_Index
return int[]

ms_RotIndex public_oe static_oe property

public static int[] ms_RotIndex
return int[]