C# Class MenuEffects, GameProject

Effects for making menus and other game objects rotate continuously at a constant rate and wiggle in perspective as the mouse is moved.
Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
ファイルを表示 Open project: EECS390IndieTeam/GameProject

Public Properties

Property Type Description
degreesPerSecond float
enableRotate bool
enableWiggle bool
maxWiggleDegrees float
rotationVector Vector3

Public Methods

Method Description
Start ( ) : void


Update ( ) : void

Frame update.

Method Details

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Frame update.
public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

degreesPerSecond public_oe property

Rate at which rotation occurs.
public float degreesPerSecond
return float

enableRotate public_oe property

Enables continous rotate.
public bool enableRotate
return bool

enableWiggle public_oe property

Enables perspective wiggling.
public bool enableWiggle
return bool

maxWiggleDegrees public_oe property

Max travel for perspective wiggle.
public float maxWiggleDegrees
return float

rotationVector public_oe property

Vector for continous rotation direction.
public Vector3 rotationVector
return Vector3