C# Class XPlane.Core.EntityComposer

Inheritance: IUpdateable, IDrawable
Mostra file Open project: ThuCommix/Sharpex2D

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreateEnemyIfRequired void
CreateExplosion void
CreateGameMessage void
CreateProjectile void
CreateScoreIndicator void
DrawDamageIndicators void
DrawEnemies void
DrawExplosions void
DrawGameMessage void
DrawProjectiles void
HandlePlayerInput void
UpdateCollisions void
UpdateDamageIndicators void
UpdateEnemies void
UpdateExplosion void
UpdateGameMessage void
UpdateProjectiles void

Public Methods

Method Description
Draw ( SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime ) : void

Draws the EntityComposer.

EntityComposer ( ) : System.Collections.Generic

Initializes a new EntityComposer class.

Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the EntityComposer.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateEnemyIfRequired ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Creates a new Enemy if required.

CreateExplosion ( Vector2 position ) : void

Creates a new explosion.

CreateGameMessage ( string message ) : void

Creates a new game message.

CreateProjectile ( ) : void

Creates a new projectile.

CreateScoreIndicator ( Vector2 position, int score, Color color ) : void

Creates a new DamageIndicator.

DrawDamageIndicators ( SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime ) : void

Draws the damage indicators.

DrawEnemies ( SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime ) : void

Draws the enemies.

DrawExplosions ( SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime ) : void

Draws the projectiles.

DrawGameMessage ( SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the game message.

DrawProjectiles ( SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime ) : void

Draws the projectiles.

HandlePlayerInput ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Handles the player input.

UpdateCollisions ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the collisions.

UpdateDamageIndicators ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the damage indicators.

UpdateEnemies ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the enemies.

UpdateExplosion ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the explosions.

UpdateGameMessage ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the game message.

UpdateProjectiles ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Updates the projectiles.

Method Details

Draw() public method

Draws the EntityComposer.
public Draw ( SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime gameTime ) : void
spriteBatch Sharpex2D.Rendering.SpriteBatch The spriteBatch.
gameTime Sharpex2D.GameTime The GameTime.
return void

EntityComposer() public method

Initializes a new EntityComposer class.
public EntityComposer ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
return System.Collections.Generic

Update() public method

Updates the EntityComposer.
public Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Sharpex2D.GameTime The GameTime.
return void