C# Class SWFProcessing.SWFModeller.Modelling.Timeline

Timeline objects are simply objects that have frames in them.
Mostra file Open project: WeeWorld/Swiffotron Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
FrameList List
LayerList List

Public Methods

Method Description
CharacterProc ( CharacterProcessor cp ) : void
FontProc ( FontProcessor fd ) : void
GetFrame ( int idx ) : Frame

Gets a frame. If the frame doesn't exist, the timeline will be extended to make it exist.

GetFreeLayer ( Layer position ) : Layer
GetLayer ( int depth ) : Layer
GetLayerIndex ( Layer layer ) : int
Instantiate ( int frameNum, Sprite sprite, Layer layering, Matrix position, string instanceName, string qClassName ) : void
RemoveInstance ( string name ) : bool

Method Details

CharacterProc() public method

public CharacterProc ( CharacterProcessor cp ) : void
cp CharacterProcessor
return void

FontProc() public method

public FontProc ( FontProcessor fd ) : void
fd FontProcessor
return void

GetFrame() public method

Gets a frame. If the frame doesn't exist, the timeline will be extended to make it exist.
public GetFrame ( int idx ) : Frame
idx int 1-based frame index.
return Frame

GetFreeLayer() public method

public GetFreeLayer ( Layer position ) : Layer
position Layer
return Layer

GetLayer() public method

public GetLayer ( int depth ) : Layer
depth int
return Layer

GetLayerIndex() public method

public GetLayerIndex ( Layer layer ) : int
layer Layer
return int

Instantiate() public method

public Instantiate ( int frameNum, Sprite sprite, Layer layering, Matrix position, string instanceName, string qClassName ) : void
frameNum int
sprite SWFProcessing.SWFModeller.Characters.Sprite
layering Layer
position SWFProcessing.ModellingUtils.Geom.Matrix
instanceName string
qClassName string
return void

RemoveInstance() public method

public RemoveInstance ( string name ) : bool
name string
return bool

Property Details

FrameList protected_oe property

protected List FrameList
return List

LayerList protected_oe property

protected List LayerList
return List