C# Class HourBoostr.Bot

Mostra file Open project: Ezzpify/HourBoostr Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
mAccountSettings Config.AccountSettings
mBotState BotState
mHasConnectedOnce bool
mIsRunning bool
mPlayingBlocked bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Bot ( Config info ) : System

Main initializer for each account

Private Methods

Method Description
BackgroundWorkerOnDoWork ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs ) : void

Backgroundworker for callbacks

BackgroundWorkerOnRunWorkerCompleted ( object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs runWorkerCompletedEventArgs ) : void

Backgroundworker callback complete

Connect ( ) : void

Connect to Steam

LogOnSuccess ( ) : void

Fires when bot is fully logged on

OnConnected ( SteamClient callback ) : void

OnConnected Callback Fires when Client connects to Steam

OnDisconnected ( SteamClient callback ) : void

OnDisconnected Callback Fires when Client disconnects from Steam Will also fire when setting up an account to re-auth

OnFriendMsgCallback ( SteamFriends callback ) : void

Fires when the bot receives a steam chat message from someone on their friendlist

OnLoggedOn ( SteamUser callback ) : void

OnLoggedOn Callback Fires when User logs in successfully

OnLoginKey ( SteamUser callback ) : void

Retreive the login key for account

OnMachineAuth ( SteamUser callback ) : void

OnMachineAuth Callback Fires when User is authenticating the Steam account

OnPlayingSessionState ( ExtraHandler callback ) : void

Occures when a playing session state changes

OnWebAPIUserNonce ( SteamUser callback ) : void

Retrieves the web api nounce and authenticates the user

RestartGames ( object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void

This will simulate stopping playing games and restarting it after a random period This is called from a timer

SetGamesPlaying ( bool state ) : void

Set the game currently playing for cooler looks lel

Steam ( ) : System
UserWebLogOn ( ) : void

Authenticates user to community

VerifyCommunityConnection ( object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void

This will periodically

Method Details

Bot() public method

Main initializer for each account
public Bot ( Config info ) : System
info Config Account info
return System

Property Details

mAccountSettings public_oe property

Information for this account
public Config.AccountSettings mAccountSettings
return Config.AccountSettings

mBotState public_oe property

State of bot status
public BotState mBotState
return BotState

mHasConnectedOnce public_oe property

If we have connected once successfully this will be true Good to know if we disconnect
public bool mHasConnectedOnce
return bool

mIsRunning public_oe property

Represents if the bot is in running state
public bool mIsRunning
return bool

mPlayingBlocked public_oe property

Playing games blocked status
public bool mPlayingBlocked
return bool