C# Class HourBoostr.Bot

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
mAccountSettings Config.AccountSettings
mBotState BotState
mHasConnectedOnce bool
mIsRunning bool
mPlayingBlocked bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Bot ( Config info ) : System

Main initializer for each account

Private Methods

Method Description
BackgroundWorkerOnDoWork ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs ) : void

Backgroundworker for callbacks

BackgroundWorkerOnRunWorkerCompleted ( object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs runWorkerCompletedEventArgs ) : void

Backgroundworker callback complete

Connect ( ) : void

Connect to Steam

LogOnSuccess ( ) : void

Fires when bot is fully logged on

OnConnected ( SteamClient callback ) : void

OnConnected Callback Fires when Client connects to Steam

OnDisconnected ( SteamClient callback ) : void

OnDisconnected Callback Fires when Client disconnects from Steam Will also fire when setting up an account to re-auth

OnFriendMsgCallback ( SteamFriends callback ) : void

Fires when the bot receives a steam chat message from someone on their friendlist

OnLoggedOn ( SteamUser callback ) : void

OnLoggedOn Callback Fires when User logs in successfully

OnLoginKey ( SteamUser callback ) : void

Retreive the login key for account

OnMachineAuth ( SteamUser callback ) : void

OnMachineAuth Callback Fires when User is authenticating the Steam account

OnPlayingSessionState ( ExtraHandler callback ) : void

Occures when a playing session state changes

OnWebAPIUserNonce ( SteamUser callback ) : void

Retrieves the web api nounce and authenticates the user

RestartGames ( object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void

This will simulate stopping playing games and restarting it after a random period This is called from a timer

SetGamesPlaying ( bool state ) : void

Set the game currently playing for cooler looks lel

Steam ( ) : System
UserWebLogOn ( ) : void

Authenticates user to community

VerifyCommunityConnection ( object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void

This will periodically

Method Details

Bot() public method

Main initializer for each account
public Bot ( Config info ) : System
info Config Account info
return System

Property Details

mAccountSettings public property

Information for this account
public Config.AccountSettings mAccountSettings
return Config.AccountSettings

mBotState public property

State of bot status
public BotState mBotState
return BotState

mHasConnectedOnce public property

If we have connected once successfully this will be true Good to know if we disconnect
public bool mHasConnectedOnce
return bool

mIsRunning public property

Represents if the bot is in running state
public bool mIsRunning
return bool

mPlayingBlocked public property

Playing games blocked status
public bool mPlayingBlocked
return bool