C# Class Cinemachine.CameraState.CustomBlendable

Opaque structure represent extra blendable stuff and its weight. The base system ignores this data - it is intended for extension modules
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
m_Custom Object
m_Weight float

Public Methods

Method Description
CustomBlendable ( Object custom, float weight ) : UnityEngine

Constructor with specific values

Method Details

CustomBlendable() public method

Constructor with specific values
public CustomBlendable ( Object custom, float weight ) : UnityEngine
custom Object The custom stuff that the extension module will consider
weight float The weight of the custom stuff. Must be 0...1
return UnityEngine

Property Details

m_Custom public_oe property

The custom stuff that the extension module will consider
public Object m_Custom
return Object

m_Weight public_oe property

The weight of the custom stuff. Must be 0...1
public float m_Weight
return float